Thursday, 27 December 2018


‘Why aren’t you supporting President Trump’s version of a trade agreement, just with Mexico and Canada?’

‘Because as a ’free trade’ agreement - and that sounds really nice, doesn’t it; a really nice-sounding thing, with the word ‘free’ in there and all.  Much like the also so-called Patriot Act - it is still a cover for the elimination of the sovereignty of the United States nation-state, in putting a transnational body - with unelected overseers in charge of its structures - in a position of power and authority over the U.S. Constitution and Congress.   And it’s not just regarding the trading of products, but it’s about labor issues, including numbers of workers allowed to cross over borders; environmental issues, and even ‘gender’ issues, involving what is called ‘Identity politics’ - and including energy grid sovereignty, with the U.S. bound up in a North American system, not a system with three individual nation-state components to it.  All in all, it’s just the same old North American Union albatross, to be wrapped around the country’s neck.  The easier to strangle us with, my dears.’

‘But President Trump is for it.  It can’t be as serious a threat to our sovereignty as you are making it out to be.’

‘Hey - don’t take my word for it.  Read it for yourself.  Or find an insightful article on it.  Or an interview online about it.’


‘What you don’t seem to understand is that this is part of a very long-term project, with its roots going way way back, and involving both world wars, and actually extending even back to Babylonian days.’

‘…Aren’t you being a little…’

‘Hyperbolic?  Paranoid??  As I say: Don’t take my word for it, all.  Do some homework in the matter.  And I guarantee you, that you will come across notions like usury, and words like ‘goyim’ and the Tavistock Institute, and - ’

‘’’Goyim’?  As in, ‘the Jews’?…’

‘In that case.  But as in any group of individuals that has the idea, and the mentality, of the Other, and of being separate from and superior to ‘the Other’.  In the case of the Jews, it takes the form of thinking of non-Jews as cattle, and no better than.  And what do you do with cattle.  You corral them.  And use them.  And cull them, when you are through with them.    

‘But the characters behind such as the Tavistock Institute - a body that pioneered the subject of mind control.  Well; not ‘pioneered’ so much, as brought it to a high scientific level - those characters also thought of, and think of, the rest of us as ‘the Other’.  To be manipulated, to their use.  Through such devices as the largely monopolized mainstream media - also known as the Mockingbird Media, for the CIA's infestation of it - and such ‘social media’ tools as Facebook, and ‘entertainment’ in general as ‘entrainment,’ and so forth.  And that’s ’entrainment’.  As in hypnotism.’

‘…Aren’t you being a little… - oh, I already asked that, didn’t I.’

‘And the answer is the same:

‘Do.  Your.  Homework.   

‘And stop letting our erstwhile Masters lead you around, like a bull with a ring in your nose.

‘Or for an even better - more accurate - imagery:

‘A gelded bull.

‘Hardly, currently, an example of your potential.’

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