Sunday, 23 December 2018

The Stairway To The Heavens

I was recalling today an episode regarding what was then, as I recall, the EEC. This was in the late ’70s.  An American by birth, I was living at the time in the north of Scotland, in a spiritual community, and I remember hearing about a challenge to some nations in Europe with respect to a policy of theirs of ‘No Sunday Selling’.  Nominally Christian nations, they wished to honor their tradition of a/the Day of Rest, and were being ‘asked’ to give it up, in deference to the new Union that they were being asked to join.

Being carefully cajoled into joining.(1)

I forget, or never knew, what the outcome of that particular challenge for them was (not being directly affected by it); but it reminded me also of a somewhat similar challenge that my own home country faced, many years later, when, as a member of something called the WTO, the U.S. objected to a trade policy regarding a fishing practice called something like ‘No dolphin netting’ - the U.S. objecting to huge fishing netting employed by some countries that caught up dolphins as well.
I don’t recall what the outcome of that ‘confrontation’ was.  Even it didn’t have anything to do with me, directly.  I was engaged in other pursuits at the time.  I presumed that our - ‘our’; although engaged in spiritual pursuits, I still felt a connection with, and affection for, my home country - position on the matter would prevail.  After all, the U.S. has/is a huge market.  Nations would love to have access to our market, on favorable terms for them.  Not to lose out, for having trade policies that we frowned on.

Time has passed, and I have come to understand what is going on, regarding all this sort of thing, with the machinations of the New World Order crowd at work.  And now, even Pres. Trump seems to have been caught up in that net, with ‘his’ new, supposedly improved NAFTA agreement, in the form of the USMCA agreement with Canada and Mexico.  

Okay.  A smaller such ‘union’.  But the next step?  With more nations involved??  And the possibility of national domestic policies of the U.S. - in labor, environmental, and ‘gender’/'social justice' issues - being overruled by a majority vote???…     

Surrendering aspects of our sovereignty - under our national rule of law, our Constitution; and personally, as facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of our Creator - to a trade organization is a couple of Fabianesque(2) steps away from surrendering our national sovereignty wholesale (and us with it) to the globalists’s New World Order; as the EU grew inexorably out of something called the European Economic Community (and something before that, as the first step).  The next step for the U.S. from this USMCA deal would be to be roped into something similar to the North American Union planned for it by the globalists some years back (under another Republican, George W.  Not to be confused with a British king named George), moving it from simply a trade pact to something more substantive politically; in the long-planned-for creation of regional governments on the way to full-fledged globalism.  Run by the Satanists behind the operation.(3)

But - guess what.  They have been doing the Creator’s work and will, all unbeknownst to them, and their lustful mindset, whereby they want power.  Naked power.  Power Over Others.  (POO for short.)       
For, this planet will become One, alright.  Just One reflecting the One:  

Our Creator Source.  The All That Is.  In a - the - move towards Unity.  Reflective of the overall Goal.  In a creation with meaning, beyond just in and for itself only.  (As the Satanists believe, and intend; in their egoistic state of separation from their Source.)  With steps on a spiral stairway to the heavens, leading back to Unity.  After our sojourn in the classrooms of the Creation.

As to that; a thought for the day:

I find it amusing to see
What-all people get up to
To while their time away
In what could be called
    the equivalent of

With the United States 
   to lead the way
Into the New - into
The future on this planet.
To be dragged into it.

The United States to be the flagship of the fleet of nation-states sailing into the New World.  The New Day.  The New Age.  The Golden Age.  For standing for essential liberty.  Of ’spiritual beings having a human experience’.

NOT of serfs to the almighty State.  Wholly dependent on the state, for their life.  


Ruling over them like cattle.  To be herded, and culled, at will.

The little wills of men… 

Come on, People of planet Earth.  We have a work to do.  

A marvelous work and a wonder.  

To turn this precious orb back into the Eden of its roots.

And to move on from there.  Up

the ladder.  Rung.

By precious rung.


(1) ‘Come on; it will be good for us economically.  Besides, it will cut down on the threat of possible war between us.  No more war.  Great, eh??’
   Admirable idea.  Oh - and incidentally: How is that flooding of your countries by 'refugees' - cultural unassimilatables and outright 5th Columnists - over borderless borders working out for ya, Europe???
   Thanks to subversives in the UN.  And in your own governments; and other institutions.   Like your MSM. 

(2) As in the Fabian Society’s strategy of slowly-slowly, moving a country into socialism - more essentially: statism - one step at a cautious, and incrementally solidifying, time.

(3) Think the likes of harvesting organs from live rebels, before dispatching them.  And of pedophilia and pederasty.  Operating under the ‘policy’ of ‘Do What Thou Wilt’.  Lie, cheat, steal.  Kill.  Whatever It Takes, to achieve your ends.  For, the end justifies the means.  Any and all means.  There being no absolutes, everything being relative.  What is right is whatever advances my agenda, and what is wrong is whatever impedes it…         
   As I say: 

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