Sunday, 16 December 2018

On Smelling Rats, And Other Pursuits

The current issue of The New American biweekly magazine has an excellent article in it on Federalism, specifically as to the founding of this nation, and how a fundamental change in its construction has taken place, step by incremental step.  Intentionally.

I have said, somewhere, that I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it turned out that I had been one of the major Founding Fathers of this country, so ardent is my passion for it, and what ail it stands for - at its best.  It stands, among other most admirable attributes, for ‘essential liberty,’ as our being what someone else has described as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.  Yes, that can lead to excess.  (After all, we are not ‘angels,’ as the man known, and well so, for being ‘the Father of the Constitution,’ James Madison, observed, and so needing checks and balances in our practice of using power.  Or at least, are not yet angels.  Or at least, not totally fledged yet.)  But under the rule of law - in this case, this country’s Constitution (“and the laws of the United States, which shall be made in pursuance thereof”  - my emphasis) - it can all be managed in a reasonable way, and still honor the spiritual concept of free will.  

But what if someone doesn’t believe in such ‘spiritual’ concepts as free will, and wants to dominate people, have Power Over Others (POO for short) simply for its own sake??  Ah, well.  The story of life, eh?

In any event: Herewith a summary of the article, and the steps towards where we are today, and what we are on the verge of (in something that would be unrecognizable to the Founders; except in its We-warned-you state of being):     

* A major step (after the incremental steps of the establishing of a Central Bank) towards centralization of power: the Civil War.
   “After the Union victory, secession was no longer considered a viable threat to check growing federal power.”(1) 

* The post-Civil War 14th Amendment.
   Which “had the noble goal of providing civil-rights protections for the millions of former slaves, but some of its provisions — at least the way they are now interpreted  [my emphasis] — certainly increased the power of the federal government at the expense of the states, both Northern and Southern”.(2) 
* The 16th Amendment, ratified (albeit somewhat questionably) in 1913, establishing a federal income tax.
   “Without the income tax, the modern welfare state of the U.S. government…would simply not be possible.”(3)

* The passage of the 17th Amendment.(4)  A subtle, but necessary, step in the process.
   “Another amendment, passed on the heels of the 16th Amendment, likewise shifted the balance between the states and their federal government.  The 17th Amendment…provided that U.S. senators should be ‘elected by the people’ of each state, rather than by their respective state legislatures, as outlined in the U.S. Constitution.  The Founding Fathers, as a critical part of their plan to craft a federal system of government, provided that each state would have an equal number of senators, chosen by their respective state legislatures for six-year terms.  This would give the state governments control of one-half of the legislative branch of the federal government.  If a senator failed to stand up for the rights of his state, the state’s legislators could vote him out when he came up for reelection.  Unfortunately, with the 17th Amendment, senators have become largely glorified House members and don’t protect the prerogatives of the states…”        

All of which - and crucially including the enlargement of the executive branch of the federal government, and the consequent rule over us by unelected bureaucrats; a la the former USSR - has paved the way for the next, and penultimate, step in the - intended - process:

* Globalism.  First, economically, via various trade agreements, and their strings attached.  And then, the full Monty: A global government.  
   A New World Order.  To be, in the hands of the perpetraitors, a totalitarian Order, way of being.  With everybody being equal, and some more equal than others:
   the managers of the enterprise.  What in the former USSR were members of the Communist Party.  And what in today’s Red China could perhaps more properly be called Technocrats.  Presiding over a similarly totalitarian state.  Operating from the concept of Power Over Others; power from the top down.   
   Rather than from Power With, and from Within.  As the aforementioned ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.
   The Dark side version of a global enterprise - the culmination of the longstanding moves towards the total centralization of power - exemplified by, and you-will-excuse-the-expression ‘personified’ by, Red China’s concept of a ‘Social Credit’ system, whereby, if the state’s property, in the form of individuals en masse - individuals considered solely in the aggregate - don’t individually toe their Masters’ line, they can be deprived of life, liberty, and the pursuit of whatever ‘happiness’ the state deems necessary for them.  Grants them.  Their rights - in that case; and considered, rather, privileges - coming from said state.  To which they owe total allegiance.  For being mere subjects of the state.  Not sovereigns in their own right.  

And with the whole Process thereby now coming to a head.  For, you see, we humans need a considerable number of checks and balances while we are still operating under the auspices of our human nature.  But when we come to the point of beginning to operate under the auspices of our divine nature - as the angels that we are, essentially

and of right ought to be - 

the sky’s no longer the limit.


(1) Although secession is being considered today as a way to bring down the U.S. and ring in the New.  World Order, that is.  And especially, in that regard, here in my front-lines home state of California, with highly-hatched plans for what is known as CalExit.  But to continue.

(2)  I have dealt with this particular subject before in these pages.  But a footnote here, on a personal note:
   When, in my post-formal education state of being and in pursuit of Truth in all its colors, I got to wondering how the Bill of Rights - and especially regarding both the 9th and the 10th Amendments - got turned on its head, and instead of applying to the federal government from the States, began to be applied from the federal government to the States; and not seeing any such unequivocal and wholesale reverse grant of power in the 14th Amendment itself (which definitely, and even in the words of its authors, did, and does, not say, or mean: ‘The rights and powers formerly residing in and retained by the States or the people shall now reside in the federal government’); I visited UCLA and, unobtrusively slipping into the UCLA Law School Library (of the student age anyway; who’s to know??), began my investigative search in its stacks.  And what I found/was able to uncover at the time was that, even as late as the late ‘30s, the Supreme Court - having been spared an obvious overturn at that time when FDR’s attempt at court-packing failed - was still deciding such matters in a largely ’federal’ way; but then I got to what I felt was a/the smoking gun, in a ‘free speech’ decision regarding the American flag, in around 1941. (By it the U.S. Supreme Court overruled a state law regarding the flag’s symbolic destruction by burning.  But the First Amendment is an abrogation against Congress/the federal government - ?  What’s going on here??)  I, of course, not being a lawyer, or trainee in that arcane pursuit, didn’t know anything, at that time, about such shyster-lawyer and -judge cockamamie ideas as ‘the Incorporation Doctrine’.  But I knew a rat when I smelt one.

(3) And as setting up the Cloward-Piven Strategy, of bankrupting the country, in order to make it over into a collectivist state, as part of our erstwhile masters’ long-standing plans for a New World Order, controlled by them.
   (Who are ‘they,’ behind this Fabianesque - i.e., step-by cautious step, gradualist - centralization of power and people control??
   Researchers like the late Prof. Carroll Quigley - not so incidentally, Bill Clinton’s mentor at Georgetown university - have the story.  Think the likes of international bankers/industrialists, certain bloodline families, what are called Rothschild Zionists, the higher ranks of the Jesuits and some secret societies, certain EBEs…    
   But to continue here.)

(4) Which actually was not properly ratified.  But not to worry.  The whole enterprise - and I mean, the whole enterprise - is about to come tumbling down, in the setting up of a, the, proper New World Order.  This, here, being a history lesson.
   With the emphasis on the ’lesson’ part of the edification process.  God moving in mysterious ways, and all.
   But to continue.


N.B. From ‘Gordon Duff and NEO [New Eastern Outlook] - Mueller Dropping Russia Probe, Says Trump Working for Israel and Saudis’ - Gordon Duff  - December 16
(A murky web of deceit and corruption, involving the Saudis, Trump & assorted associates, bought-off Republican pols, some Russian/Israeli gangsters, and Mossad/Israel.  Duff being both an anti-Israeli stater and a political opponent of Trump; but who knows…)

Stan - December 16/17 

What a tangled web………

…all, best-laid plans.

[Wouldn’t load.  My computer gremlin(s) still at work.]

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