December 21st. The winter solstice. The true origin of the idea of the birth of the Son at this time. Read: Rebirth of the Sun, in an annual pageant going back, back into the mists of time.
So where did Christianity come from, then? Considerable evidence points primarily to the fertile imagination (and playing on many themes in the legends of godmen extant at the time, imbued with characteristics, like a virgin birth, that we know as astrotheology) of a Jewish general-cum-governor-cum-historian named Josephus, who, seeing the writing on the wall regarding the Jewish revolt against Roman imperial authority during the beginning of what has become known as the Current Era, insinuated (and inveigled) himself, and a number of his fellow Jewish priestly-lineage friends and their families, into the household of a Roman general by the name of Vespasian, on the strength of telling him that he, Josephus, would help him become the next emperor. How? Well, therein lies an amazing story. As recounted by such consummate researchers into the matter as D.M. Murdock (aka Acharya S),(1) Ralph Ellis,(2) Flavio Barbiero,(3) and, in the crowning piece of such scholarly research, Joseph Atwill, in his magnum opus, ‘Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’.
Josephus-become-Saul-become-Paul. The latter of whose self-reported life story (for which there is no independent confirmation) ‘curiously’ paralleled that of the historical former person’s, down to both of them having been involved in a shipwreck on their way to Rome, and being in Rome at the very same historical time. Imagine that. As we have been encouraged to do, for some two thousand years…
‘Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.’ Obey authority. Stop constantly rebelling against the Roman yoke, you recalcitrant Jews, because of your belief in a militaristic Messiah, who will come and lead you in prevailing against the likes of the might of Rome. That’s a false belief; because see?: ”My kingdom is not of this world’. Expect your spiritual ’payment’ in the next one.
And thus did Josephus (very possibly in collaboration with others of the Flavian imperial household) invent a new religion. Taken out to the Hellenistic world in general, in order to fasten the Roman emperor’s imprint on the world in general. Sweet.
And palatable long enough.
P.S. Speaking of this time of year reminds me of calendars. I used to get a whole slew of them every year, back when I was more flush with some savings and could afford to make contributions to a number of worthy causes. (Before on the one hand my savings started dwindling a bit dangerously, and on the other hand, my landlord has raised my rent a couple of times; the last one putting me out of commission in my ‘worthy cause’ donations persona completely.) It has been quite a parade through my mail box over these years in my retirement phase: Big cats and little; dogs, horses; donkeys even. American nature scenes and historic sites and military themes…I took to keeping just the Ronald Reagan at his Ranch or the Judicial Watch’s one, of quotes from the Founders, and donating the rest of them to the Main Library in town, for display purposes (many of which pictures they have used, I have seen).
The last one for this year, it feels like, I took to the Main Library just the other day. It was of Native American Indian kids from a school in South Dakota all dolled up in ersatz Pow-wow gear; somewhat reminiscent of their heritage, but obviously adapted to ‘the times’. Kitschy; but touching.(4)
It somehow has put me to mind of the classic era of calendars; of Norman Rockwell, and the Vargas Girls, and the likes of Marilyn Monroe. Which then reminded me of a classic in its own right. It was up in the front office of an auto body repair shop, back in the days when I drove a delivery truck of Auto Paint and Supplies to such shops, in Hollywood and The Valley. And I make a point of saying that it was in the front office, because in the repair shop itself, the guys would have had their own girlie calendars posted at their work benches. But in the office, the boss had put up a riff on the theme: a calendar of an old biddy with drooping dugs and sagging skin, in various deadpan poses.
Sic transit gloria.
And of course, it - and that whole era - would never be allowed by the PC crowd of this day. ‘Offensive,’ and ‘sexist,’ and so forth.
The times they are a’changing.
Always do.
But some things never change.
P.P.S. I was recently moved to wondering why they don’t teach cursive handwriting in our schools anymore, and went online to see what is said about the matter. I see there a number of rationales about the matter (including the fact that I went online - i.e., electronically - to check the matter out). But the bottom line is: Why have your own unique signature, when you can just be assigned a number. Or be recognized by an iris or facial-recognition scan.
Think about it.
(1) ‘The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold;’ ‘Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ;’ ‘Christ Ib Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection;’ ’Sons of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled’.
(2) ‘King Jesus: From Egypt (Kem) to Camelot;’ ‘Jesus, King Of Edessa’.
(3) ‘The Secret Society of Moses: The Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiracy Spanning Three Millennia’.
(4) And the Jesuits of this day are not exploiting such kids sexually (that I know of), are doing a fine job of giving them an education - to be able to compete in the world of today - but also teaching them their own languages, and appreciation of their culture. Kitschy pow-wow costumes notwithstanding.
And what about all this pederasty and pedophilia going on in cur day and age, eh. That’s the sort of thing we get for living as though there were no God - as we are doing, largely, at present - rather than as though there were.
And don’t talk to me about ‘religions’. They are hopelessly compromised. As noted, partially, herein.
But to continue.
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