Friday, 28 December 2018

On Getting'er Done

I see (on the good ol’ Alt Media Internet) where a young German girl who was being hassled and finally actually assaulted by a bunch of Muslim girls on her way to school went to her school principal to complain about and report on the matter.  The response?  The suggestion was made to her that she wear a hijab. 

Let me totally clarify this story.  She was on her way to school in her native country and hometown.  Not in a majority Muslim country.


And speaking of Germany, I also note that German kindergarteners are being trained by their teachers to snitch on their parents if they make, quote, “right-wing” remarks at home about ‘the Muslims’…

Say all you want about ‘chickens coming home to roost’ regarding good little Nazi children ratting on their parents in 1930s Germany.  The Germans need to vote out of power Fra Merkel and her nation-destroying NWO ideological ilk just as soon as possible.  All of this sort of thing has to go, has gone far enough

And I also see that same nation-wrecking NWO crowd at work here, in part by the flooding of our country with illegal aliens and phony ’asylum seekers’ including MS13 gang members and drug- and gun-runners and human sex traffickers and outright 5th Columnist terrorists, against the excellent attempts by Pres. Trump to do his explicit national-security job.  

Come on, America.  Get the same ideological ilk out of power in our country, and let’s

get’er DONE.


By supporting, in various ways reflective of your personal ability and role, Pres. Trump in his declaration of Martial Law - on various legitimate bases - and in consequence:

* suspending a return of Congress;

* dismissing Obama’s judicial appointees on the various judicial benches, up to and including the U.S. Supreme Court;(1)

* ditto (plus replacing) all the executive-branch appointments made under Obama's illegal terms in office (for it to be as though he had never been there; for, he was never there legally);

* arresting all those listed under the currently sealed indictments, and holding them for trial;

* sending all illegal aliens in the country back to their home countries, starting with all those IAs who have committed additional crimes whilst in this country;(2) 

* arresting all the local and state authorities who have been and are currently responsible for the patently unlawful phenomenon of ’sanctuary cities and states’; and   

* setting new elections for ‘a time certain,’ after all the nation’s electoral processes have been certifiably cleaned up.  For there to be

And on and on, in this vein.(3)

It’s housecleaning time, ladies and gents.

Ready.  Or not.


(1) for his having been in the office of POTUS illegally, for not having been eligible for it in the first place.  For not being a “natural born” citizen; as defined by American Common Law, aka Natural Law.   
    (See: E. de Vattel’s ‘The Law of Notions’.  Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.  A reference source that the constitutional Framers were fully familiar with.  And if they personally weren’t, Benjamin Franklin, their respected elder mentor, and not so incidentally sitting right there amongst them as a delegate himself to those self-same proceedings, could advise them on the subject, for its being known for him to have had three copies of that nation-building tome, and thinking so highly of it as to donate one of his copies to the library of the Continental Congress.
   No wonder that our erstwhile masters have been so assiduously keeping our youth from knowing the history of their country.  It has been crucial to their takeover of it.)

(2) Children born here of IAs to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
      But N.B. NO MORE ‘ANCHOR BABIES’.  That is a canard of a category.  No such thing exists legally; only in the ideological minds of shyster lawyers and judges; the latter of whom have been adjudicating not by proper interpretation of the Constitution, but by the seat of their pants or skirts - that is to say, by their personal socio-political proclivities.  A stop to which sort of nonsense is needing to be put NOW.
   Such arbitrary law is the very definition of tyranny.

(3) Including the end to the keeping under wraps of such life-supportive technology as free energy devices, and replicators, and space travel, and teleportation, and what are known as ’med beds’ - and so forth.
   The whole ball of matter.  From energy.  Via the tweaking thereof.


P.S.  I have just come across a quote by Fra Merkel regarding all this:
   “Nation-states must today be prepared to give up their sovereignty.”  What?!  Undeterred, she (reportedly) went on: “Sovereign nation-states must not listen to their citizens when it comes to questions of immigration, borders or even sovereignty.”
   This could be a matter of something having been lost in the translation.  If not:
   Bye-bye, Angela.

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