Pres. Trump, for all his good intentions and grandiose rhetoric, would appear to be fatally compromised.(1) If true, he will not be able to lead us into the New Age, will have to face justice.
Along with Bill and Hill, and the rest of their New World Order crowd who have committed crimes; and have been in the business (for a long, long time) of attempting either to take over or to take down this country, and merge it (or its pieces) into their totalitarian global government. Where dissidents to that Dark-side New Order of Things would be dealt with severely, including having their organs harvested, before the rest of the body is discarded. I mean, speaking of ‘useless eaters’ and all…
But move on we will; on a different trajectory from the one planned for us by said NWO crowd, who, in point of actual fact, have been doing work for our Creator Source - not their intended Master; the larger picture involving a Process of working-out, of lessons, as unto an elementary school classroom, and education.
Incidentally, one of the leading lights to help guide our way by into the New - the authentic New - will be Steve Beckow, of Golden Age of Gaia. Although I don’t believe everything that he does,(2) he is, judging by his output on that site over the years, a man of utter integrity; and has been well prepared to help with a slew of humanitarian projects to kick in now with the flood of monies to hit poor ol’ Planet Earth, in an outpouring of Prosperity designed to take us into that authentic New Day.
And while I’m on the general subject of the difference between beliefs and facts: a word about what has become a major issue of our day; and then I’m through for this particular ‘outing’ (with that meant in more ways than one).
It’s okay to have beliefs, as long as they don’t impact harmfully on others. But it’s better to ‘have’ - live by - facts, and Truth. Example. You may believe that homosexuality is a ‘sin,’ but there are (at a minimum)(3) environmental causes of the condition. Rectify the causes, and you rectify the effects of the causes.
’Sex’ is an established, scientific - more precisely, genetic - fact; ‘gender’ - what is called ‘gender identity’ - is malleable, and dependent on a number of environmental circumstances. I have gone into all this in these pages before; here, I just want to say one thing regarding this subject:
To Christians I would say/ask: Are you more committed to your belief or to the truth? If you are more committed to your belief than to the facts/truth, then ‘Houston, we have a problem’ (in and for liftoff). If you are more committed to the truth than to your belief, then we don’t have any basic problem. For, we are - this ‘ship’ is - proceeding under the auspices of Truth.
With individuals. Or without them. Their choice; their call. And the same for those of other belief systems. Like atheism.
This planet’s elementary school grade is over. It’s graduation time.
One of many. But all in due course.
‘In due course.’
On this course.
Not the Dark-side one, that we have been on, for long enough, now. It’s time, that is, for
the real thing. Which is filled with Light.
And more, and more, Light.
Including on all the facets of
The Process.
(1) a) It involves in fundamental part (with ramifications from it) his past relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, and the latter’s Orgy Island, of sexual activity by ‘big names’ with underaged females. And speaking (especially, though not exclusively) of alpha males, and what they sometimes get up to:
b) Don’t give me the cynical, self-serving malarkey about how The Donald is such a crude, terrible person, based largely on something that he, as a private citizen, said in private, in some boys’ talk banter, with a buddy, who ended up not being such a buddy after all, by leaking it to the press. How wretched is that. (Would YOU like things that you have said in private to a friend to be leaked to the public?? Point made - I hope.)
That episode is on a par with that disgusting business about how the MSM latched on to a false story to beat candidate Trump over the head with regarding how he presumably ‘mocked’ a disabled reporter, when he did no such thing. (Got it yet, Meryl???) But hey - never let a little thing like the truth of a matter get between you and a chance to denigrate your opponent, eh, boyos?? And when the truth outs, simply bury that little factoid, in keeping your eyes peeled for more opportunities to spin the truth of a matter to your benefit???…
As I say: Wretched stuff.
As Pres. Trump says: Fake news.
As for the charge; if true, and in general:
‘Consensual sex’ isn’t sufficient enough of an excuse for a person to be let off the hook. An Age of Consent is a legitimate policy for a society to have. In any event, the bottom line is: Children have a right to their childhood.
As for all the pedophiles and pederasts out there, who treat children like commodities; I say to them:
Hands off. You’ll have to pay for it anyway, in your next go ‘round, bite at the apple of 3D life.
Which won’t be where the rest of us are going. From the Change coming through. For those who are ready, to advance to the next level. As the apprentice gods that we are.
That we all are.
And in good timing, will all become.
Or be annihilated.
Your choice.
(2) For one particularly pertinent example: his belief, based on a number of the channeled sources that he ‘swears by,’ that Obama was/is ‘a high spiritual being’. That could only be true if he had chosen to take a leading part on the Dark side of the Drama that we have been involved in, in order to help bring the whole Play to an/its end. Obama, first and foremost of all, was not eligible for the office of POTUS (as I have dealt with in these pages many a time); and secondly, he did, while in that extremely powerful and commanding position, all that he could get away with in attempting to bring down the country, via such measures as bringing both the Russians and the Red Chinese into the country to observe how our national power grid system works (in order to make the take-down job easier for them), slashing the military budget and removing patriot military leaders and replacing them with, er, more flexible ones, facilitating the flooding of the country with both welfare-claiming potential Democrat voters (both illegal aliens and other immigrants, including fake ‘refugees’) and Fifth Column terrorists; etc. etc. etc.
As for believing in channeled material in the first place:
Yes, discernment is necessary in such matters. But then, that’s a good skill to develop.
Which is part and parcel of what the whole experience, of ‘life,’ is all about.
P.S. A parting ‘shot’ regarding Obama:
I have very recently come across the information that the New York Times - that former bastion of the world of journalism - sunk so low as to play, in an Editorial, the race card against some legitimate criticism of Obama during his (illegal) administration. Outrageous. The NY Times should change its motto to read: ‘All the news that’s print to fit.’
(3) I.e., leaving aside the potential role of past lives in the matter for the moment
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