As I embark on a time of New Beginnings for me in this life, and late in this life, I would like, for the record, to summarize my take on things, in particular and in general, so far; the overall objective being to get to the Truth of things - all things, great and small. Thus - and in only somewhat random order (i.e., as based on recent inputs to my awareness):
* We need to stop with this vaccines (big) business. A wakeup call: If Big Pharma wasn’t making big bucks with them, we wouldn’t have them, plain and simple. We need to concentrate on building the human immune system to ‘childhood diseases’ and such - on ‘prevention over cure’ - and on natural treatments for those kinds of assaults on the human body, because the vaccines are causing terrible side effects on people, which are not being acknowledged; of if they succeed in being so, those effects are denied by TPTB, and censored from view by another arm of said PTB.(1) Which brings up another such subject:
* The censoring of material by the MSM that runs counter to the agenda of our Erstwhile Masters to establish the sort of totalitarian state in the United States that currently exists in Communist China - and is being strengthened by U.S. corporations, even. But to get back to my opening subject area:
* Western Medicine - i.e., drug-oriented medicine - in general needs to go. All those drugs come with horrendous side effects - and do not even fulfill the philosophy of the so-called Father of Modern Medicine, Hippocrates, who noted, for posterity: ‘First, Do No Harm,’ as well as the admonition to ‘Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food’. An attitude that ‘came a cropper’ when John D. Rockefeller, in furthering the use of the product that has become Big Oil, hit on the idea of bankrolling the nation’s leading medical schools, in order to seduce them into using petroleum-based products as their nostrums. And we have been suffering from this misbegotten approach to ‘health’ ever since.
Speaking of which brings up the (sore) subject of
* Fluoridation. In sum: If forms of fluoride were not the toxic side effects of such as the aluminum and artificial fertilizer industries - and had not been a toxic side effect of the secret Manhattan Project during WWII in the development of the atomic bomb, which toxic s.e. was poisoning nearby cattle grazing in their fields and causing the government to come up with some way to meter it into the environment unobserved - we would never have heard of it.
Which brings up a sore subject in general; to wit:
* The doing of things for making a profit out of it, rather than directly for a social benefit from its contribution to that ‘cause’.(2)
Which is getting us closer to the nub of the matter. To wit:
* The need for ‘education’ to emphasize that life is part of a larger whole, not an end in itself only, with no Purpose to it beyond just in and for itself only; that there is Plan in and Purpose to ‘the universe,’ involving our spiritual evolution, as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.
And thus, merely a secular education is insufficient as an education. As some terribly atrocious things going on in the world in this day and age testify to. Things that have their roots in the active denial of our spiritual roots.
I could go on. But In sum:
We - our souls - are are on a Journey that can be described as on ‘a spiral stairway to the heavens’ - up a mountain; and on various places on our personal paths up that ‘mountain’ at any given point in third dimensional time, before we leave Time itself behind, and enter the higher ‘atmospheres,’ dimensions, frequencies, having achieved the degrees of consciousness to resonate to and with them.
And ‘degrees’ as well in the sense of educational graduation. A major one of which we are facing at this time in Time. For, The Process that we have been in for a very long time on this lovely planet - this gift from our Creator Source - is reaching its natural conclusion. In a global Synthesis; with the secular and outright satanic New World Order proposed for the world by those who want Power Over Others - or POO for short - being the reverse image of The Real Thing. The entire world to become One. In the spirit of The One.
Which Spirit is guiding us
(1) Besides side effects like allergies and outright anaphylactic shock and autoimmune diseases, and SIDS/SUID (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome/Sudden Unexplained Infant Death, they cause both outright brain damage - ka vaccinal encephalitis - and what can be called ‘subclinical encephalitis,’ for what is in fact called Minimal Brain Damage conditions (MBD), like ADD and ADHD and Learning Disorders (LD), and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) and PDD-NOS, an acronym for PDD-Not Otherwise Specified. And the list of adverse conditions caused by the vaccines as their terrible litany of side effects goes on, too numerous to detail here.
(2) I have described this ‘process’ in these pages thusly:
To do things, not out of a hope for making a profit out of it - via the interest-bearing/fiat money system, with its attendant fractional-reserve banking system - but to share goods and services with one another - and giving of our best in the process - out of a higher motive than the somewhat demeaning one of ‘making a profit’:
Out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.
Out of, in a word: