Thursday, 31 October 2019

On My Understanding Of Things

As I embark on a time of New Beginnings for me in this life, and late in this life, I would like, for the record, to summarize my take on things, in particular and in general, so far; the overall objective being to get to the Truth of things - all things, great and small.   Thus - and in only somewhat random order (i.e., as based on recent inputs to my awareness):

* We need to stop with this vaccines (big) business.  A wakeup call: If Big Pharma wasn’t making big bucks with them, we wouldn’t have them, plain and simple.  We need to concentrate on building the human immune system to ‘childhood diseases’ and such -  on ‘prevention over cure’ - and on natural treatments for those kinds of assaults on the human body, because the vaccines are causing terrible side effects on people, which are not being acknowledged; of if they succeed in being so, those effects are denied by TPTB, and censored from view by another arm of said PTB.(1)  Which brings up another such subject:

* The censoring of material by the MSM that runs counter to the agenda of our Erstwhile Masters to establish the sort of totalitarian state in the United States that currently exists in Communist China - and is being strengthened by U.S. corporations, even.  But to get back to my opening subject area:

* Western Medicine - i.e., drug-oriented medicine - in general needs to go.  All those drugs come with horrendous side effects - and do not even fulfill the philosophy of the so-called Father of Modern Medicine, Hippocrates, who noted, for posterity: ‘First, Do No Harm,’ as well as the admonition to ‘Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food’.  An attitude that ‘came a cropper’ when John D. Rockefeller, in furthering the use of the product that has become Big Oil, hit on the idea of bankrolling the nation’s leading medical schools, in order to seduce them into using petroleum-based products as their nostrums.  And we have been suffering from this misbegotten approach to ‘health’ ever since.
     Speaking of which brings up the (sore) subject of

* Fluoridation.  In sum: If forms of fluoride were not the toxic side effects of such as the aluminum and artificial fertilizer industries - and had not been a toxic side effect of the secret Manhattan Project during WWII in the development of the atomic bomb, which toxic s.e. was poisoning nearby cattle grazing in their fields and causing the government to come up with some way to meter it into the environment unobserved - we would never have heard of it.
     Which brings up a sore subject in general; to wit:

* The doing of things for making a profit out of it, rather than directly for a social benefit from its contribution to that ‘cause’.(2)
     Which is getting us closer to the nub of the matter.  To wit:

* The need for ‘education’ to emphasize that life is part of a larger whole, not an end in itself only, with no Purpose to it beyond just in and for itself only; that there is Plan in and Purpose to ‘the universe,’ involving our spiritual evolution, as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.  
     And thus, merely a secular education is insufficient as an education.  As some terribly atrocious things going on in the world in this day and age testify to.  Things that have their roots in the active denial of our spiritual roots.

I could go on.  But In sum:

We - our souls - are are on a Journey that can be described as on ‘a spiral stairway to the heavens’ - up a mountain; and on various places on our personal paths up that ‘mountain’ at any given point in third dimensional time, before we leave Time itself behind, and enter the higher ‘atmospheres,’ dimensions, frequencies, having achieved the degrees of consciousness to resonate to and with them.
And ‘degrees’ as well in the sense of educational graduation.  A major one of which we are facing at this time in Time.  For, The Process that we have been in for a very long time on this lovely planet - this gift from our Creator Source - is reaching its natural conclusion.  In a global Synthesis; with the secular and outright satanic New World Order proposed for the world by those who want Power Over Others  - or POO for short - being the reverse image of The Real Thing.  The entire world to become One.  In the spirit of The One.

Which Spirit is guiding us 




(1) Besides side effects like allergies and outright anaphylactic shock and autoimmune diseases, and SIDS/SUID (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome/Sudden Unexplained Infant Death, they cause both outright brain damage - ka vaccinal encephalitis - and what can be called ‘subclinical encephalitis,’ for what is in fact called Minimal Brain Damage conditions (MBD), like ADD and ADHD and Learning Disorders (LD), and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) and PDD-NOS, an acronym for PDD-Not Otherwise Specified.  And the list of adverse conditions caused by the vaccines as their terrible litany of side effects goes on, too numerous to detail here.  

(2) I have described this ‘process’ in these pages thusly:
   To do things, not out of a hope for making a profit out of it - via the interest-bearing/fiat money system, with its attendant fractional-reserve banking system - but to share goods and services with one another - and giving of our best in the process - out of a higher motive than the somewhat demeaning one of ‘making a profit’: 
   Out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.  
   Out of, in a word:

Thursday, 24 October 2019

:Looking Forward To New Beginnings

I am moving out of state, from (Southern) California to Utah, over this weekend.  Too much has 'caught up with me' here, including the high cost of living, but as well the socialistic, totalitarian New World Order antics of this state's majority legislature.  California needs a total overhaul, including a deep clean - a total clean - of its voter registration rolls.  This state is jam-packed with illegal aliens, who have been seduced onto the voter rolls, and are helping to create a seditious environment.

I fear for my home state.  I fear for the United States.  But on the far side of the turbulent waters that we in this country seem to be destined to experience, there is a New World, and for us all.

I am told by a friend that the New Moon this coming Monday 'stands' for New Beginnings.  That is certainly true for me, now.  And I can only hope for this country, and the world.   With a new global monetary system heralding a major Change.

For the better.

I will be offline for a while, until I can 'get my bearings' in my new environment.  May all go well for us all in the changes afoot for all of humanity on Planet Earth.  With a little patience, we will see the light -

and Light -

of a New Day.  On the other side of quite a classroom exercise.

For apprentice gods.

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

It Bears Repeating

from ‘GOP be warned: Impeachment will set off Democrat push to reverse Trump’s SCOTUS appointments, tax cuts and regulatory reforms’ - Mike Adams, orig. - October 23
(“Removing Trump will be just the beginning of a coordinated effort to erase the entire Trump presidency and reverse all his actions, including the confirmation of two U.S. Supreme Court justices…”)

Subject: What’s Sauce For The Goose…

Stan Stanfield - October 23

These measures are the very sorts of things that should already have taken place with the ousting of the Usurper, Barack H Obama, from the Oval Office, for not having been eligible for the office in the first place.  Why not?  Because he is not a 'natural born' citizen, which, according to the definition of the term at the time that it was codified in the Constitution as an eligibility requirement for that federal office - and that particular federal office ONLY, indicating its special nature in the eyes of the constitutional Framers - is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof.  The quote is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations'.  cont'd     

Stan Stanfield - cont’d 

And that eligibility requirement for that particular federal office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.  And so, if the rule of law had still been followed in this country, BHO would have been arrested - on charges of fraud, perjury, and treason - brought to trial - in an American Common Law court, not one of these fake Admiralty/Maritime Law courts, with the golden-tasseled American flags in attendance; part of the duplicity that has been going on in the country for LONG ENOUGH - and found guilty as charged.  And that way, all of the legislation that he signed into law, and all of the E.O.'s and P.D.'s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made - including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts -

Stan Stanfield -  cont’d

go with him.  Into the trash bin.  For it to be as though he had never been in that office.  For, he was never there legally.
How did he get away with his brazen crime?  Because the officials of the Republican Party were in on the heist.  It turns out that between 2003 and '08 alone, both major political parties tried a total of 8 times between them to get a constitutional amendment starting through Congress on this issue - proposals all of which had this particular issue as their common denominator - and they failed each time even to get their proposals out of committee, such was the sensitivity around this issue.  So, what did they do?  It's obvious what they did: They colluded, in an attempt to sneak it by the American public. cont'd   

Stan Stanfield - cont’d

Thus, we have not been operating under the rule of law in this country at the very least since that oversight - on the part of the American public, who have been asleep at the switch, of their country from a federal constitutional republic to a banana republic ruled by whoever could get away with their chicanery and deceit.  It is a long and sordid story, and was crowned by that particular brazen act - and now, because the rot has not been caught, it threatens to turn the country into a boxing ring, between patriots on the one hand and the New World [Order] crowd on the other, complete with their Red China-like Social Credit scheme, whereby patriots are censored from the social media sites, and the Bolsheviks make their move to run the place.  NOT.

…And the NWO crowd are now publishing to the likes of Antifa zombies the names and locations of Trump supporters making contributions to his re-election campaign.  And the CPS crowd are engaging in child sex trafficking that qualifies them for the deepest Circle of Hell.  And the same sorts of signs go on, and on, and on.  As I say:
   And further:
   Outright Satanists.

And on that note:

from ’Solving the CPS/Child-Sex-Trafficking Problem’ - Dave Hodges - October 23
(Hodges has been uncovering very dark stuff going on in his own County in Arizona and elsewhere.  And doing something about it.  As far as he can.)

Subject: A Good Man

Stan Stanfield - October 23

You are a good man, Dave.  Please keep following up on this subject.  The darkest pits of hell must be uncovered, for Americans to understand fully what has been going on in their country, that they have turned a blind eye to, in assuming that their political representatives were looking out for them and the country, and simply getting on with their own lives.  But this country was founded on the principle of being self-governing.  All hands on deck.  A hard lesson, we have learned.  Hopefully.

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Let Me Count The Ways

Perhaps the most pernicious thing that the NWO crowd have been doing - aside from setting up a toxic environment for the assassination of Pres. Trump and/or members of his family. Welcome to the beginnings of a one-party state in this country - is their destruction of the basic American principle of free speech.  The Social Media's demonetizing of conservative groups was bad enough.  But now I see that they are going full bore into their attempted revolution in this country by using the SPLC's advices as their guide to determine 'hate groups'.

Excuse me?  They  - and we are talking here about the likes of Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Twitter - do know that the SPLC is a hard Left outfit, right?  So, they must know that the SPLC will most likely  label any person or group to its right as a 'hate speech' source, right?  So, what's wrong with this picture??

I could, of course, go on, about the attempted takeover of the United States of America by our modern-day Bolsheviks.  But let me cut to the bottom line of this whole scenario.

Our entire culture is under attack.  By Dark forces working with the concept of Ordo ab Chao - Order Out of Chaos.  Of Crisis = Opportunity.  They are going for the entire planet now, with the U.S.A. the main stumbling block to  their best-laid plans, and using Red China and its Social Credit scheme as their template for their imagined New World Order - the total state.  Which would put Planet Earth into the status of a kingdom of Lucifer - of rebellion against the Plan of Life.

That is to say, the reverse image of The Real Thing.

Let us love our enemies, for bringing about this real


That is to say: The conditions for the advent thereof.  For, it can't get any worse than this current spectacle, of the likes of the elimination of basic human freedoms, and child sacrifice to lust, and so forth and so on.  The Dark cloud hovering over Humanity as we speak.

Well.  It can get worse than that.

We could actually fall under the confines of that cloud.  And be stuck in 3D for the foreseeable future.

After all, we have been given free will.

To make just such decisions.

Me.  I'm about leaving elementary school behind.  And graduating further towards the higher grades.

And I invite you -

I urge yoo -

to join me.

On that Path.


Sunday, 20 October 2019

On Cutting The Ties

…And Other Factors Of Life

In my last blog I quoted Saul Alinsky, who apparently thought that this ‘kingdom’ belonged to Lucifer.  I would like to clarify that matter.  And to do so, to use elements of the current socio-political process at work in this country, and the world as a whole.  So: To the exercise.  And in doing so, let me open with a question.  To wit:

Do I believe in ‘equality’?  It depends.

Take ‘equality between the sexes’.  Marxists - and the NWO crowd as a whole; which also consists of those of a corporate-government-complex bent of mind, aka fascists - want to undercut and do away with the family unit, and have parents considered simply as ‘custodians’ for their kids, because they want the children to be considered as the property of the state, which they want to/will control; to have the children, in effect, then, the wards of the state.  Hence so many initiatives going on these days, regarding such as ‘Women’s Lib,’ and mandatory vaccinations, and abortions arranged through the state without parental permission, and CPS agents taking away children from parents whom the state considers ‘unfit,’ such as being conservatives, and Christians, and gun owners, and the like - parents largely who are suspected of not toeing the statist line.

Whereas the United States of America was founded on the principle of the sovereignty of the individual, as a child of God; that the government is the servant of The People, not the master, and needs to be ‘bound down from mischief with the chains of the Constitution,’ to paraphrase one of the Founding Fathers of the American federal constitutional republic, Thomas Jefferson.  So, in our day, we are headed for a major confrontation, between these two socio-political entities, attitudes: total state control on the one hand, and total liberty of the individual, including as a parent, on the other.  Which one is to prevail?

It’s a bit more complex than that.  Consider the historical Process to be one of theses and anti-theses interacting and coming to syntheses which, because the process is not complete - has not reached a global level - become the ‘thesis’ of another go ‘round of the action-reaction process.  Until we get to where we are today: with the planet as a whole now involved in the equation.  The ultimate Synthesis to incorporate elements of both/all sides of the educational equation.

Take the role of parents.  They are responsible for the upbringing of their children, but within guidelines set by ‘the state,’ the latter of which can be set at various spots along the spectrum of power and responsibility, depending on the authoritarian attitude of the particular state.  But wait - there is another factor at work here, in this specific matter.  A factor which incorporates the larger ‘picture’ of life: that Life is not the be-all and end-all of existence, is part of a larger Whole.  And that larger Whole includes the natural fact of reincarnation and its attendant Law of Karma, operating outside of the parameters of the classroom of Life itself.  Whereas and whereby parents can be considered ‘merely’ as custodians of their children.  For, a parent in this go ‘round of life in the classroom of Life my well have been a child of at least one of its current-life parents in their last incarnation.  And so on and so forth.

It is all a learning experience.  That’s why it is best to consider ‘Life’ not just as a hologram, an ’illusion,’ a figment of a Grand Imagination.  But as a classroom.

And one for apprentice gods at that.  All of us being facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of our Creator Source, and thus ‘chips off the old block’.  Destined for the same sort of outcome as

our true Parent.

So: Consider all that is going on in the classroom - in the Process; which is more both-and rather than either-or - as s Process, resulting in a Synthesis.  And all will be well.  Stay stuck on a particular position within the Process, and experience defeat.  At the hands of

the Light.  Working its way out to



of its parts.

Saturday, 19 October 2019

Rules For Radicals

How To Create A Socialist State
            By Saul Alinsky

I see that Hillary is being considered more and more by the Left to throw her witch hat into the ring of Democrat Party candidates to take on Pres. Trump, as they are all faltering in the polls against him.  An important word about Hillary:

During the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton’s work in overturning the US Constitution’s standard for impeaching a President—to include denying a President the ability to defend themselves--was obfuscated by competing claims over if she had been fired by the Watergate Committee—with Jerry Zeifman, General Counsel to the Watergate Committee during the Watergate hearings, in his book Hillary's Pursuit of Power, and during multiple interviews, accusing her of being a “liar”, “unethical” and “conspiring to violate the Constitution” during the impeachment inquiry into Watergate, and was the reason he fired her—but was a claim countered by the Clinton supporting liberal media who said this wasn’t true.

“As in all cases where the truth between competing claims have to be decided, they are put through what is known as a Process of Investigation—which is a progression of activities or steps moving from evidence gathering tasks, to information analysis, to theory development and validation, to forming a reasonable ground to believe—and as it pertains to if, or if not, Hillary Rodham-Clinton was fired for being a “liar”, “unethical” and “conspiring to violate the Constitution”, can only use past and present evidence existing at the time she was fired—thus ruling out anything that happened afterwards, even if it appears to be relevant. 

“The evidence proving beyond the highest standard of reasonable doubt that Hillary Rodham-Clinton did, in fact, “conspire to violate the Constitution” can be seen in her creation of the “Constitutional Grounds for Presidential Impeachment” document against President Nixon—specially because it violates the Sixth Amendment that guarantees the right of all American citizens to retain or have appointed counsel represent them against any kind of charge and/or offense leveled against them, but that she sought to deny to Nixon—and explains why he resigned when faced with the prospect of not being able to have an attorney defend him.
“Furthermore, and using the same highest standard of reasonable doubt, the evidence that Hillary Rodham-Clinton is, indeed, a “liar” and “unethical” can be found in her 2 May 1969 college thesis titled “There is Only the Fight: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model”—wherein she extols the radical ideology of Marxist communist Saul Alinsky—who in his manifesto for the overthrowing of the United States by revolutionary force, tells his resister-revolutionaries that any lie can be told and spread as long it works to achieve their goals—a communist manifesto aptly named “Rules for Radicals

“The information analysis of the evidence proving beyond the highest standard of reasonable doubt that Hillary Rodham-Clinton was an “unethical liar conspiring to violate the Constitution”, overwhelmingly leads to the conclusion that she was fired as Watergate General Counsel Jeffrey Zeifman claims she was—which then starts the theory development phase of this Process of Investigation to hypothesize that her actions were based on her intention to overthrow the existing government of the United States for the purpose of making it a socialist-communist state—but in the validation phase of this investigation, must be supported by further evidence proving that she actually intended to do so—and if true, would see Rodham-Clinton, and the forces supporting her, attempting  to force upon America the radical communist revolutionary agenda outlined by her mentor Saul Alinsky—and whose 8-Steps to accomplish are:

1) Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the people
2) Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
3) Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control — Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).
6) Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion — Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.
8) Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.

As for Alinsky, consider his dedication to his book ‘Rules For Radicals’:

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins—or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom—Lucifer.”

And as a parting shot at ‘the establishment’: 

“Two months before Alinsky died he told a reporter, ‘If there is an afterlife, and I have anything to say about it, I will unreservedly choose to go to hell.’”

The article concludes:

By my following the Process of Investigation to show you the grave and present danger the American people are truly in today, I must sadly tell you its now become much worse than you can even imagine—and is because of man named William Weld who worked with Hillary Rodham-Clinton on the Watergate Committee to bring down President Nixon and help her write her anti-Constitution document—and who is now saying that not only must President Trump be impeached, he should be executed too.”  

   (all quotes from - article titled
‘Lucifer Unleashed Against President Trump As Last Stand For America Begins’ - Special Report from Sister Ciara, Dublin, Ireland - September 26, 2019)

Dear Bill, 

You may be a former Massachusetts governor, but you surely are an ass, and an extremely dangerous one at that, for voicing such sentiments, especially in this terrible climate that the Left has created in this country over its failure to ‘take the high ground’ in the 2016 election.  Pres. Trump’s phone call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelinsky was well within his power, and responsibility, under the law - no quid pro quo, no nothing but statesmanship.  But then you know that, don’t you.  You, and the rest of you hyenas on the Left, who have no ammunition to take down your nemesis in the Oval Office, so you have to attempt to concoct some.  As with the phony Russian Collusion contretemps.  But since you NWO folks have no morals, except the relativist morals of atheists and Marxists - whereby what is right is whatever advances your agenda and what is wrong is whatever impedes it; the ‘morality’ of the end justifying the means - you feel no shame over your actions.  Whatever It Takes.  By Any Means Necessary.  What a failure, as fellow ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.

You folks have made your bed.  Now you will have to lie in it.    And that should be very easy for you to do.  Lie, that is.

But you will have a chance to come around to Truth.  That’s part of the quality of ‘the human experience’.  And being, fundamentally, a spiritual being.

Better luck next time.  But it looks as though you folks are going to miss this Harvest.  Unless you stop playing a dark part in The Play.  And come around, in time to inherit

The Real Thing.

Friday, 18 October 2019

And Justice For All

I have noticed how TPTB - the Cabal; the Illuminati, the NWO crowd, the Deep State; whatever your favorite designation of the Dark forces.  Though let’s energize the idea of The Powers That Were - have used the Gay & Lesbian League, as they have used Black Americans, as cannon fodder in their Marxist class warfare strategy, instead of considering all Americans as Americans, for the betterment of the Whole, in their desire to overthrow the established Order, in order to establish their New World Order.  Their totalitarian World Order/Government; meaning - lusting - to ride roughshod over the whole, in their jackboots, and with their whips.  Like the Bolsheviks of old, and the Red Chinese of today.  

We Americans - of all our races and religions and prior nationalities - need to say to them, quietly, but firmly: 

No thanks.

And if they persist, in their pernicious mission, we need to say to them another saying; this one from a long history of such arrogant activity on this Planet of Choice, facing, now, a New Day:

Molon Labe.*

Ww mean no one harm.  But we will not give in to the Dark forces on this planet.  We will rise to this occasion.  And we will win this war.

For the Light.

Because, in the end - and The End - the Dark needs the Light for its very existence.  Whereas the Light just Is.

And ‘just’ as in Justice.

For all.

* Besides, how many state legislatures and governors, attempting step by stealthy step - and in league with the Dark side’s reps in the federal government - to take guns away from American patriots, were actually elected via voter and electoral fraud?
   Which corrupt condition will be cleared up at the same time as the NWO crowd are put out of business, in the establishing of the real New Order of Things on this planet.
 As Truth takes over the reins.  Including in a new global monetary system, that allows us to work together, as One, rather than pitting us against one another.  
   More on all of which, another time.
   Very soon.


P.S. More on Life on this date:

1. From ‘Thousands of new satellites to carpet bomb the planet with 5G radiation… and there’s nowhere you can hide’ -  Tracey Watson - - Oct. 18

Already, there is overwhelming evidence that WiFi radiation causes serious health problems. Dozens of studies have confirmed that it has devastating effects on brain and overall health, with children being especially vulnerable to the effects of this type of exposure.

“Despite evidence to the contrary, however, governments around the world, desperate not to be left behind in the technology race, continue to allow ever more dangerous forms of WiFi radiation. Now, as reported by Waking Times, the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has authorized Elon Musk’s rocket company, SpaceX, to launch close to 12,000 satellites into the atmosphere, from where they will beam extremely high frequencies of radiation down to every corner of the globe in an effort to make global satellite broadband services available planet-wide.

“And SpaceX will not be alone in taking this technological leap. Several other companies, including Boeing, Spire Global and One Web, will be launching thousands of their own satellites. Within the next few years, a total of 20,000 satellites will be irradiating the Earth at extremely high frequencies, every day, all day…”

This is unacceptable.

2. From ‘The UN Has Completed Their Task of Embedding Paramilitary Forces Inside the United States’ - Dave Hodges - October 18
(Hodges talks here about how the high echelons of the DHS have quietly allowed paramilitary forces to come in to the country and get sent around various parts of it, to await their c all to their overthrow duty.  He makes a difference between IAs who have come here just for a better life, and these militants.  But he made an erroneous distinction; hence my comment.)

Stan Stanfield - October 18

Dave, just to clarify: 'Anchor babies' are NOT "legally American citizens".  There is no such legal thing as an 'anchor baby'.  Children born here of illegal aliens or other non-citizens, like visitors, follow the nationality of their parents.  The perversion of truth comes from a misreading of the 14th Amendment.  A deliberate misreading, by those who have been quietly working to take this country down, in part - and now in large part - by changing the demographics.  Please check it out, and inform your audience of the truth of this important matter.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

For The Record

In my last blog, posted in the wee hours of this morning, I referred to ‘a spiritual war going on,’ and The Plan.  A further word on that subject; for the record.

The atheist says ‘Life just is’.   Not so.  It is in a context.  And, it is my understanding, that context is the spiritual evolution of fractals of the/our Creator Source; the God of this universe.  A Superior Being - call it Father/Mother God; the ’Father’ representing the stable aspect and the ‘Mother’ representing the active aspect) as part of a Hierarchy of such Gods; tracing back to a/the Supreme Being, the Prime Creator.  Aka The All That Is, and by other appellations, such as The Omnipotent Totality, imbued with essence qualities (like light having such breakdown components) of such as Love and Wisdom and creative Power.  From which all sentient entities are soul fragments.  So, yes, we are imbued with those very soul essences, or qualities, ourselves - chips off the old block, as it were.  And our ‘job’ is


to live up to our/that potential.  Not down, in a rebellion allowed via our free will, a) granted to us to practice our (innate) creative powers, and b) having been allowed to go into Darkness - away from The (pristine) Light - as well.  If we so choose.

Choose well, fellow fragment.

That’s all.  For now.  As I say: For the record.


P.S. Also ‘just for the record’:
     My Apple mouse wouldn’t work today when I went to access the Internet.  It couldn’t be the batteries, I thought, because I just changed them a week ago, and my machine has given me no normal warning that they were running low.  What to do.  I finally changed them, on a long shot.  And that ‘did the trick'.
     But the experience got me to realizing: We are terribly at the mercy of TPTB, who can not only ban HAM radio repeaters, but can cut off our/my access to our computers via Wi-Fi technology (and think the Cloud), and at a moment’s notice.  And all alternative communications could come to a halt.  Worth thinking about.
     What am I saying?  I am saying: a) We need to make our move to extricate ourselves from the trap (including genocidally engineered viruses) that the NWO crowd have prepared for us just as soon as possible, given the signs of ‘it’ all coming to a head; and b) We need to ‘help ourselves’.  Other soul fragments in the universe and on higher levels/frequencies can give us a hand.  But it is our Story.  We are responsible for it.
     A big lesson, coming up.
     Fitting.  For a Graduation lesson.

On Greener Pastures

No sooner had I decided to leave California for ‘greener pastures’ - meaning a lower cost of living up in Utah.  The state of my birth (and at least temporary residence very near the very town where I entered this vale of tears, this time around; thus, a sort of wrapping up of things) - than I started hearing all sorts of amazing things about California, where I spent many enjoyable years, of my ‘home town’ youth, up through university days.  Having come back here, from my journey around much of the planet, to retire in the sun and near the beach, I have found that:

* This state has no requirement for voter ID.  None.  Which has helped cause a huge amount of voter fraud in this state, including with illegal aliens now even being officially allowed - by the Democrat-dominated  legislature, and governor -  to apply for a driver’s license, which, because of the Motor Voter law, automatically registers them to vote.  Unless the person declines.  Because of being, er, illegally in the state.  But nudge nudge, wink wink, eh, you Democrat scum??  Making a mockery of this nation’s laws and values???

* This state is leading the nation into an authoritarian state of being, with the likes of mandatory vaccinations for school kids, with not even medical exemptions allowed.  Hell Hitler.    

* This state is passing all manner of gun control laws, designed to get guns out of the hands of the likes of conservatives, constitutionalists, Ron Paul supporters, MAGA Trumpeters, Vets (sinisterly over-categorized with PTSD in order to keep guns out of their hands), Christians (because this country’s termite-like enemies - as Pres.Trump has said - would like us to worship the government rather than God.  With the NWO crowd in control of said government, of course), and anybody else who the far Left would like to designate as a ‘domestic terrorist’ - and with now even ‘educators’ allowed to file a complaint against a student, under new Red Flag laws, for having ‘domestic terrorist’ tendencies.  I.e., being in one of the above categories.  Shades of Stalin’s Russia/Soviet Union.

* This state has ’sponsored,’ with its Silicon Valley Social Media outfits, the censoring of conservative and Christian thought on their platforms.  Shades of George Orwell’s 1984.

* This state has allowed a huge amount of chid sex trafficking to take place, with a very recent report of a large bust of such in northern California - by U.S. Marines.  Not up to the job, eh, Gov. Newsom??    

* My home town, of Long Beach, is being touted as Ground Zero for a Chicom invasion, what with the Red Chinese having been allowed into the state by various political, er, leaders (among them: Sen. Dianne Feinstein and husband) and the Port of Long Beach having been allowed by the Usurper, Barack Obama, to be turned over to them.  Which act of treachery Pres. Trump is in the process of reversing.  Which may bring the whole Der Tag process going on (and with the invasion of the country by not only Democrat-voting illegal aliens but by MS-13 gang members, the likes of ISIS terrorists, drug and gun runners, and chid and adult sex traffickers) to a head. 

* There is all manner of skullduggery going on in this state, involving a) a secret DUMB under a site called China Lake (an explosion in which has triggered alarm about magma flowing in a way to threaten major catastrophe, especially from its effect on the various fault lines running under the state); and b) TPTB attempting to get home- and land-owners off the land and into the cities - for easier surveillance-state of them - via Weather Warfare devices causing fires; and c) the state now banning Ham radio repeaters, so as to curtail The People's ability to communicate with each other that alternate way to the control over us of TPTB.  Plus other examples of skullduggery, that I don’t need to go into here, to make the point.

The point, of a major conflict with the NWO crowd against Pres. Trump and his populist movement attempting to thwart their best-laid plans.  And thus, with the likes of Rep. Adam Schiff, and George Soros’s MoveOn. org, engaging in outright lying.  Chicanery and deceit - relative morality; Whatever It Takes - the name of the game, these dark days, in the nation as a whole.     

Let me round this subject out.  We are in a war.  The NWO crowd with the patriotic citizens of the U.S.A.  And the Dark side against the Light side, in the deeper, spiritual war going on.

What do I want out of all this?  I want the best possible outcome for humanity, and The Plan.  For all to be well.  In

The End


The Play.

And the beginning of

The Real Thing.

Our experience, as sort of rebels to The Plan, at a point of conclusion.

For some.  

Of us facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, of 

our Creator Source.

From which all blessings flow.

When we let it.

Saturday, 12 October 2019

Who Woulda Thunk It

Life has funny scenarios, sometimes.

1. I was first moved to Long Beach in Southern California in the Summer of ’42, when my older brother and I accompanied our parents in their move down here from a small town in Idaho.  Our mother, long since divorced from our birth father, had recently married the co-owner of the Ford dealership in the town, and thus had gotten herself a good provider in life, but knew of ‘better pickings’ in So Cal; ostensibly, for the benefit of the move (as we kids heard from our stepfather years later), because ‘there would be a lot of money to be made down in Long Beach’ - with WWII having just commenced the previous December - ‘either in the shipyards or the Douglas Aircraft factory’.  How she knew, or thought about all this, is another story.  (I have already touched on it in these pages, as any regular readers of this site will know.  It has to do with her ambitions to ‘make it in the movies’.)  So this was basically my home town, as I grew up here, from the Third grade on up through my Junior year at university; shortly after dropping out from which (and going on an alternate, spiritual path in life) I was drafted, and, having decided by then to be a c.o. - conscientious objector - went into the Army for a two-year hitch as a medic, serving in South Korea.  That was the end of my life in Long Beach to that point (joining my brother, upon returning from Korea, in Hollywood, where he was trying to raise money to make a movie about the Book of Mormon, our birth religion, and I wanted to learn film script writing to make my own movies about spiritual matters), until I came back here, after most of my adult life being spent in a spiritual community in the north of Scotland, in 2012 to ‘retire in the sun’ in my old home town, of fond memory.
     But the place has changed.  It has taken me a while to realize just how much it has done so.  It borders, now, on a foreign country.  And so, when my landlord raised my rent above the total of my income from my Social Security check - I have had to supplement my living with funds from a savings nest egg in a bank back in Scotland -  that was a ‘signal’ for me to really get that I needed to make a further change in my life.  That was the factoring behind my decision to take a relative’s long-standing offer to come up to Utah and live there, with a lower cost of living than here.                 
     Little did I know just how much my old home town had changed.  
     And the whole State of California.  Which - under the assistance of the votes of roughly millions of illegal aliens (the state conveniently having no voter ID requirements) - has, er, ‘progressed’ to the point where there is talk of it seceding from the Union, and going on its own as a UN protectorate.  And presumably to become part of the Reconquista Movement, seductively designed to move then into a region of the totalitarian New World Order, planned for us by our EMs.  Complete with jackboots.  

2. From ‘Breaking Update on Trump’s Port of Long Beach Action’ - Oct. 10  10:00(pm?), posted on Oct. 11:

“…Fact: If and when the UN makes its move against our government and the Trump administration, they will be using Chinese troops. This pushes Trump's cancellation for the control of the Long Beach Port by the Communist Chinese. 

“We know that President Trump has called up the Marine Reservists. I have been told by a reliable source that California has communicated that they have no intention of standing down in Long Beach and yielding authority to the Trump administration. I have also been told that Trump is considering sending in the Marines to secure the port. This is a highly volatile situation. Please be aware that this is a story in progress and the twists and turns that will accompany these facts could alter the outcome. Stay tuned... Here is my up to date report on this situation…” 

3. CA already is overtime on needing to be reined in by the federal government, for its Sanctuary Cities and State rebellion against the Union.  The container port of Long Beach as an entry into this country by the Chicom military cannot be allowed to stand.  Pres. Trump has rightly said that he will call in the Marines, if need be, over the situation.  Can you say, Insurrection’??
GS-15 and above are not on board for the U.S.A.  They are on board for the NWO.  Most of them having been appointed by the Usurper, Barack Obama; nominated - albeit illegally - and elected for just this sort of purpose.  Pres. Trump is responsible for the national security of this country.  He has to act on this insurrection, and terrible threat to the nation.

The makings for some film, this.

As I depart the scene.  

For work to do on another level.

For my home town, ultimately.

And country.

And ultimately, a -

the -

New World.

Going through its birth throes.

As we speak.


P.S. “Martial Law was believed to be declared at least by next Sat. Oct. 19. Martial Law would only be put in place to keep the peace while serving some of the over 125,000 sealed indictments against global and political elites. President Trump has already activated the U.S. Marine and Army Paratrooper Reserves after a failed attempted coup against him lead by CIA Director Gina Haspel last Sunday 6 Oct
     “On the Restored Republic: A failed coup led by CIA Director Gina Haspel was made against President Trump last Sunday 6 Oct. Trump responded by putting out a (non-publically announced) National Emergency Alert, ousted CIA agents from the White House, pulled 1,000 Troops out of Syria, put the Military on High Alert, activated U.S. Marine and Army Paratrooper Reserves and called a meeting with top Military Brass for the next day. By Monday 7 Oct. the US was determined to be headed into a Civil War and President Trump was meeting at the White House with his Pentagon Generals for the purpose of taking down a “Deep State.” 
     “Martial Law was expected by next Sat. Oct. 19, if not before. Martial Law was believed not just needed, but essential to maintain peace because of possible chaos breaking out with Mass Arrests in full swing. After the Mass Arrests dramatic changes and reforms within the US government were expected to take place. Thousands of elite US Marine troops were ordered to be activated on 19 October for a “National Emergency”  - from ‘Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Oct. 12 2019’ - by Judy Byington.

     The plot thickens…

Thursday, 10 October 2019

The Games Have Commenced

1. So the Trump-Ukraine phone call turns out to be a nothing burger.  But it still serves the narrative.  ‘Evidence’ doesn’t matter, facts don’t matter, to atheists, and outright satanists.  No actual evidence for impeachment?  No problem.  All that matters is (Hollywood-like) ‘impressions’.  ‘We control the impressions,’ pridefully assert the globalists, with their near-monopolistic control of the MSM.     

Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show, responding to various major ’hints’ coming his way, has just stated: “We are at a pivotal point in history right now…As the U.S. goes, so goes the rest of the world.  If we fall, so falls the rest of the world to these globalist bankers.” 

And speaking of ‘the bankers’:     

2. The federal government is bankrupt, to the tune of far, far more of a debt than it could ever hope to repay, and growing by the day, particularly with the ‘QE’ going on, with the printing and circulation of huge amounts of fiat/unbacked money (in a fatal move to monetize the debt).  And i see that overall state pension liabilities have gone from $0 in 2001 - under pressure from public sector unions and wildly, er, ‘liberal’ forecasts for investment returns and wage growth to justify them - to $1.1 trillion in 2015.  And climbing.

Do you see a pattern here.  I sure do.  I see a bunch of moral children at play.  Who have forgotten - lost sight of - what life is all about.  And are being seduced, more and more, to their destruction.  And of the very societal forms that ‘they’ have developed to operate their lives within.  

Or that were developed for them.  By more farsighted people.  Who in the case of this nation gave plenty of warning about just such as has transpired.  And which warning has not - obviously - been heeded.

Such are the lessons of life.  In the classroom that life is.  

A school.  For apprentice gods.

Who, in this instance (and in other countries around the world), are proving to be not up to their 



There is still time to turn things around.  In this country.  And on the planet.  And head for the Light.

The true Light.

Not the one at the far end of the tunnel.

Growing larger.

By the moment.


P.S. Further on the idea of everything becoming relative in the hands of our EMs:

     Headline at WND: ‘2 + 2 = 5: New math slammed as ‘racist,’ ‘western,’ because “Who gets to say if an answer is right?”

     The guy with the whip in the world that you are heading us for, chum.

Monday, 7 October 2019

On Living In Interesting Times

At The End Of The Line

A friend has emailed me asking me what I meant by the “cryptic message about extraction” in my last blog (early this a.m.).  Was I leaving California??  I decided to tell it like it is.  But first, some background:

* Our EMs have pulled off quite a coup with their ability to make so widespread in the - new - culture the idea of ‘Identity Politics,’ thereby teaching hatred of ‘white male supremacists’.  (How do you know which ones are ‘supremacists’?  Ah well.  Kill’em all.)

* The ’new culture’ has crowned lying as its main tactic and value, under the satanic idea that what is right is what advances your agenda and what is wrong is whatever impedes it, that all is relative, there is no objective truth.  Thus, ‘voter suppression’ when we all know that it means, in reality, voter fraud.  And the more the better, to accomplish your end.  The end justifying the means, and all, in that lexicon.

* ’Sexual harassment’ charges against white bosses, in order to advance your feminist way to the top.  Whatever It Takes.  By Any Means Necessary.  They are all white male supremacists, anyway.  Serves them right.

* The Dems advance an impeachment ‘inquiry’ charge - not a real investigation.  Or Pres. Trump’s lawyers could mount major defense measures (and the Dems in the House would have to signal their support for it, or lack thereof, to their constituencies).  It is simply an attempt to keep smearing Trump in order to get him to lose the 2020 election, from a brainwashed, and exhausted-with-it-all, public.  Their having no real charges to lay against him, they are resorting to pure corruptive measures.

If ever the time was ripe for a civil war in this country - which may well turn out to be very uncivil - this is it.  

Oh - and one more item, closer to home: the state of California - which is about as far Left as one can get, with the likes of mandatory vaccinations and no ID requirements to vote, and some 'sanctuary city' mayors (in a declared 'Sanctuary State') engaging in obstruction of justice and outright sedition in blocking ICE agents from being able to do their constitutional job, and the state now taking down repeaters for ham radio operators (to block alt media communications), and so much more in the way of an authoritarian and insurrectional impulse - is now requiring organizations to put their supporters’ names and contact info online.  To make it easier for the likes of Antifa members to harass the conservatives, you see.

And I do.  To a fare-thee-well.

Which brings me to my response to my friend’s email:

My landlord has raised my rent again, to a point that I really can't sustain - and with continued increases in sight, as the Property taxes in this state continue to climb, in their attempts to pay for all the socialist stuff going on in this state, particularly including the 'welfare' of illegal aliens, whom 'they' - the NWO crowd - are enticing to come here, to take over from the whites, in offering them a state/area of their own [think Reconquista], in the attempt going on to overthrow the Union, because it stands between them and their totalitarian One World Government - the reverse image of The Real Thing.  The Dark version thereof.  Rule by Force rather than by Love.  I even took a walk inland a ways (i.e. away from the beach) to see if rents were any cheaper, since I have enjoyed living here, but they aren't.  It's a widespread thing - the high cost of living in So Cal.  In wondering what to do, I remembered that, in going to a Family Reunion up in Utah back in 2014, I was told that the rents there are ab. 1/3rd the cost of living down here.  Long story short: One of my nieces up there, living in a smallish town south of Provo (where I was born, interestingly enough), has invited me to come and live in a room in their place, at least until I get on my feet, if I wish to find a place of my own.  The plans are that I leave here the last weekend of this month… 

“And all of this is happening at the same time that some dire predictions are being made, by various conservative sources, about goings-on to be expected here in California, and in So Cal in particular.  I don't know precisely what all that is about; but it involves the Red Chinese - who have a foot in this state - and various other players, including from Central America. 

“We live in interesting times.


“Freedom of the press is now considered inconsistent with national security.”
                      Paul Craig Roberts

“We are at war.  Understand it…They hate liberty…They will lie…and use every dirty trick…I know what I am here to stand for.  I stand for truth.”  

Amen, Mike Adams.  He goes on, in this video presentation: “We’re going to engage the Deep State, and we’re going to take our country back…America is the last chance to have anything good left in this world…”

Mike Adams as our Thomas ‘These are the times that try men’s souls’ Paine.

So: Over to you, American Patriots.  No one is going to do ‘it’ for you. What are you here to stand for??  And not???

Last quote at this time in this subject area: 

“You have the space to experience yourself as responsible - as cause in the matter of your own life.”
           Werner Erhard