Friday, 18 October 2019

And Justice For All

I have noticed how TPTB - the Cabal; the Illuminati, the NWO crowd, the Deep State; whatever your favorite designation of the Dark forces.  Though let’s energize the idea of The Powers That Were - have used the Gay & Lesbian League, as they have used Black Americans, as cannon fodder in their Marxist class warfare strategy, instead of considering all Americans as Americans, for the betterment of the Whole, in their desire to overthrow the established Order, in order to establish their New World Order.  Their totalitarian World Order/Government; meaning - lusting - to ride roughshod over the whole, in their jackboots, and with their whips.  Like the Bolsheviks of old, and the Red Chinese of today.  

We Americans - of all our races and religions and prior nationalities - need to say to them, quietly, but firmly: 

No thanks.

And if they persist, in their pernicious mission, we need to say to them another saying; this one from a long history of such arrogant activity on this Planet of Choice, facing, now, a New Day:

Molon Labe.*

Ww mean no one harm.  But we will not give in to the Dark forces on this planet.  We will rise to this occasion.  And we will win this war.

For the Light.

Because, in the end - and The End - the Dark needs the Light for its very existence.  Whereas the Light just Is.

And ‘just’ as in Justice.

For all.

* Besides, how many state legislatures and governors, attempting step by stealthy step - and in league with the Dark side’s reps in the federal government - to take guns away from American patriots, were actually elected via voter and electoral fraud?
   Which corrupt condition will be cleared up at the same time as the NWO crowd are put out of business, in the establishing of the real New Order of Things on this planet.
 As Truth takes over the reins.  Including in a new global monetary system, that allows us to work together, as One, rather than pitting us against one another.  
   More on all of which, another time.
   Very soon.


P.S. More on Life on this date:

1. From ‘Thousands of new satellites to carpet bomb the planet with 5G radiation… and there’s nowhere you can hide’ -  Tracey Watson - - Oct. 18

Already, there is overwhelming evidence that WiFi radiation causes serious health problems. Dozens of studies have confirmed that it has devastating effects on brain and overall health, with children being especially vulnerable to the effects of this type of exposure.

“Despite evidence to the contrary, however, governments around the world, desperate not to be left behind in the technology race, continue to allow ever more dangerous forms of WiFi radiation. Now, as reported by Waking Times, the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has authorized Elon Musk’s rocket company, SpaceX, to launch close to 12,000 satellites into the atmosphere, from where they will beam extremely high frequencies of radiation down to every corner of the globe in an effort to make global satellite broadband services available planet-wide.

“And SpaceX will not be alone in taking this technological leap. Several other companies, including Boeing, Spire Global and One Web, will be launching thousands of their own satellites. Within the next few years, a total of 20,000 satellites will be irradiating the Earth at extremely high frequencies, every day, all day…”

This is unacceptable.

2. From ‘The UN Has Completed Their Task of Embedding Paramilitary Forces Inside the United States’ - Dave Hodges - October 18
(Hodges talks here about how the high echelons of the DHS have quietly allowed paramilitary forces to come in to the country and get sent around various parts of it, to await their c all to their overthrow duty.  He makes a difference between IAs who have come here just for a better life, and these militants.  But he made an erroneous distinction; hence my comment.)

Stan Stanfield - October 18

Dave, just to clarify: 'Anchor babies' are NOT "legally American citizens".  There is no such legal thing as an 'anchor baby'.  Children born here of illegal aliens or other non-citizens, like visitors, follow the nationality of their parents.  The perversion of truth comes from a misreading of the 14th Amendment.  A deliberate misreading, by those who have been quietly working to take this country down, in part - and now in large part - by changing the demographics.  Please check it out, and inform your audience of the truth of this important matter.

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