Thursday, 24 October 2019

:Looking Forward To New Beginnings

I am moving out of state, from (Southern) California to Utah, over this weekend.  Too much has 'caught up with me' here, including the high cost of living, but as well the socialistic, totalitarian New World Order antics of this state's majority legislature.  California needs a total overhaul, including a deep clean - a total clean - of its voter registration rolls.  This state is jam-packed with illegal aliens, who have been seduced onto the voter rolls, and are helping to create a seditious environment.

I fear for my home state.  I fear for the United States.  But on the far side of the turbulent waters that we in this country seem to be destined to experience, there is a New World, and for us all.

I am told by a friend that the New Moon this coming Monday 'stands' for New Beginnings.  That is certainly true for me, now.  And I can only hope for this country, and the world.   With a new global monetary system heralding a major Change.

For the better.

I will be offline for a while, until I can 'get my bearings' in my new environment.  May all go well for us all in the changes afoot for all of humanity on Planet Earth.  With a little patience, we will see the light -

and Light -

of a New Day.  On the other side of quite a classroom exercise.

For apprentice gods.

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