Wednesday, 16 October 2019

On Greener Pastures

No sooner had I decided to leave California for ‘greener pastures’ - meaning a lower cost of living up in Utah.  The state of my birth (and at least temporary residence very near the very town where I entered this vale of tears, this time around; thus, a sort of wrapping up of things) - than I started hearing all sorts of amazing things about California, where I spent many enjoyable years, of my ‘home town’ youth, up through university days.  Having come back here, from my journey around much of the planet, to retire in the sun and near the beach, I have found that:

* This state has no requirement for voter ID.  None.  Which has helped cause a huge amount of voter fraud in this state, including with illegal aliens now even being officially allowed - by the Democrat-dominated  legislature, and governor -  to apply for a driver’s license, which, because of the Motor Voter law, automatically registers them to vote.  Unless the person declines.  Because of being, er, illegally in the state.  But nudge nudge, wink wink, eh, you Democrat scum??  Making a mockery of this nation’s laws and values???

* This state is leading the nation into an authoritarian state of being, with the likes of mandatory vaccinations for school kids, with not even medical exemptions allowed.  Hell Hitler.    

* This state is passing all manner of gun control laws, designed to get guns out of the hands of the likes of conservatives, constitutionalists, Ron Paul supporters, MAGA Trumpeters, Vets (sinisterly over-categorized with PTSD in order to keep guns out of their hands), Christians (because this country’s termite-like enemies - as Pres.Trump has said - would like us to worship the government rather than God.  With the NWO crowd in control of said government, of course), and anybody else who the far Left would like to designate as a ‘domestic terrorist’ - and with now even ‘educators’ allowed to file a complaint against a student, under new Red Flag laws, for having ‘domestic terrorist’ tendencies.  I.e., being in one of the above categories.  Shades of Stalin’s Russia/Soviet Union.

* This state has ’sponsored,’ with its Silicon Valley Social Media outfits, the censoring of conservative and Christian thought on their platforms.  Shades of George Orwell’s 1984.

* This state has allowed a huge amount of chid sex trafficking to take place, with a very recent report of a large bust of such in northern California - by U.S. Marines.  Not up to the job, eh, Gov. Newsom??    

* My home town, of Long Beach, is being touted as Ground Zero for a Chicom invasion, what with the Red Chinese having been allowed into the state by various political, er, leaders (among them: Sen. Dianne Feinstein and husband) and the Port of Long Beach having been allowed by the Usurper, Barack Obama, to be turned over to them.  Which act of treachery Pres. Trump is in the process of reversing.  Which may bring the whole Der Tag process going on (and with the invasion of the country by not only Democrat-voting illegal aliens but by MS-13 gang members, the likes of ISIS terrorists, drug and gun runners, and chid and adult sex traffickers) to a head. 

* There is all manner of skullduggery going on in this state, involving a) a secret DUMB under a site called China Lake (an explosion in which has triggered alarm about magma flowing in a way to threaten major catastrophe, especially from its effect on the various fault lines running under the state); and b) TPTB attempting to get home- and land-owners off the land and into the cities - for easier surveillance-state of them - via Weather Warfare devices causing fires; and c) the state now banning Ham radio repeaters, so as to curtail The People's ability to communicate with each other that alternate way to the control over us of TPTB.  Plus other examples of skullduggery, that I don’t need to go into here, to make the point.

The point, of a major conflict with the NWO crowd against Pres. Trump and his populist movement attempting to thwart their best-laid plans.  And thus, with the likes of Rep. Adam Schiff, and George Soros’s MoveOn. org, engaging in outright lying.  Chicanery and deceit - relative morality; Whatever It Takes - the name of the game, these dark days, in the nation as a whole.     

Let me round this subject out.  We are in a war.  The NWO crowd with the patriotic citizens of the U.S.A.  And the Dark side against the Light side, in the deeper, spiritual war going on.

What do I want out of all this?  I want the best possible outcome for humanity, and The Plan.  For all to be well.  In

The End


The Play.

And the beginning of

The Real Thing.

Our experience, as sort of rebels to The Plan, at a point of conclusion.

For some.  

Of us facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, of 

our Creator Source.

From which all blessings flow.

When we let it.

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