Sunday, 20 October 2019

On Cutting The Ties

…And Other Factors Of Life

In my last blog I quoted Saul Alinsky, who apparently thought that this ‘kingdom’ belonged to Lucifer.  I would like to clarify that matter.  And to do so, to use elements of the current socio-political process at work in this country, and the world as a whole.  So: To the exercise.  And in doing so, let me open with a question.  To wit:

Do I believe in ‘equality’?  It depends.

Take ‘equality between the sexes’.  Marxists - and the NWO crowd as a whole; which also consists of those of a corporate-government-complex bent of mind, aka fascists - want to undercut and do away with the family unit, and have parents considered simply as ‘custodians’ for their kids, because they want the children to be considered as the property of the state, which they want to/will control; to have the children, in effect, then, the wards of the state.  Hence so many initiatives going on these days, regarding such as ‘Women’s Lib,’ and mandatory vaccinations, and abortions arranged through the state without parental permission, and CPS agents taking away children from parents whom the state considers ‘unfit,’ such as being conservatives, and Christians, and gun owners, and the like - parents largely who are suspected of not toeing the statist line.

Whereas the United States of America was founded on the principle of the sovereignty of the individual, as a child of God; that the government is the servant of The People, not the master, and needs to be ‘bound down from mischief with the chains of the Constitution,’ to paraphrase one of the Founding Fathers of the American federal constitutional republic, Thomas Jefferson.  So, in our day, we are headed for a major confrontation, between these two socio-political entities, attitudes: total state control on the one hand, and total liberty of the individual, including as a parent, on the other.  Which one is to prevail?

It’s a bit more complex than that.  Consider the historical Process to be one of theses and anti-theses interacting and coming to syntheses which, because the process is not complete - has not reached a global level - become the ‘thesis’ of another go ‘round of the action-reaction process.  Until we get to where we are today: with the planet as a whole now involved in the equation.  The ultimate Synthesis to incorporate elements of both/all sides of the educational equation.

Take the role of parents.  They are responsible for the upbringing of their children, but within guidelines set by ‘the state,’ the latter of which can be set at various spots along the spectrum of power and responsibility, depending on the authoritarian attitude of the particular state.  But wait - there is another factor at work here, in this specific matter.  A factor which incorporates the larger ‘picture’ of life: that Life is not the be-all and end-all of existence, is part of a larger Whole.  And that larger Whole includes the natural fact of reincarnation and its attendant Law of Karma, operating outside of the parameters of the classroom of Life itself.  Whereas and whereby parents can be considered ‘merely’ as custodians of their children.  For, a parent in this go ‘round of life in the classroom of Life my well have been a child of at least one of its current-life parents in their last incarnation.  And so on and so forth.

It is all a learning experience.  That’s why it is best to consider ‘Life’ not just as a hologram, an ’illusion,’ a figment of a Grand Imagination.  But as a classroom.

And one for apprentice gods at that.  All of us being facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of our Creator Source, and thus ‘chips off the old block’.  Destined for the same sort of outcome as

our true Parent.

So: Consider all that is going on in the classroom - in the Process; which is more both-and rather than either-or - as s Process, resulting in a Synthesis.  And all will be well.  Stay stuck on a particular position within the Process, and experience defeat.  At the hands of

the Light.  Working its way out to



of its parts.

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