Thursday, 10 October 2019

The Games Have Commenced

1. So the Trump-Ukraine phone call turns out to be a nothing burger.  But it still serves the narrative.  ‘Evidence’ doesn’t matter, facts don’t matter, to atheists, and outright satanists.  No actual evidence for impeachment?  No problem.  All that matters is (Hollywood-like) ‘impressions’.  ‘We control the impressions,’ pridefully assert the globalists, with their near-monopolistic control of the MSM.     

Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show, responding to various major ’hints’ coming his way, has just stated: “We are at a pivotal point in history right now…As the U.S. goes, so goes the rest of the world.  If we fall, so falls the rest of the world to these globalist bankers.” 

And speaking of ‘the bankers’:     

2. The federal government is bankrupt, to the tune of far, far more of a debt than it could ever hope to repay, and growing by the day, particularly with the ‘QE’ going on, with the printing and circulation of huge amounts of fiat/unbacked money (in a fatal move to monetize the debt).  And i see that overall state pension liabilities have gone from $0 in 2001 - under pressure from public sector unions and wildly, er, ‘liberal’ forecasts for investment returns and wage growth to justify them - to $1.1 trillion in 2015.  And climbing.

Do you see a pattern here.  I sure do.  I see a bunch of moral children at play.  Who have forgotten - lost sight of - what life is all about.  And are being seduced, more and more, to their destruction.  And of the very societal forms that ‘they’ have developed to operate their lives within.  

Or that were developed for them.  By more farsighted people.  Who in the case of this nation gave plenty of warning about just such as has transpired.  And which warning has not - obviously - been heeded.

Such are the lessons of life.  In the classroom that life is.  

A school.  For apprentice gods.

Who, in this instance (and in other countries around the world), are proving to be not up to their 



There is still time to turn things around.  In this country.  And on the planet.  And head for the Light.

The true Light.

Not the one at the far end of the tunnel.

Growing larger.

By the moment.


P.S. Further on the idea of everything becoming relative in the hands of our EMs:

     Headline at WND: ‘2 + 2 = 5: New math slammed as ‘racist,’ ‘western,’ because “Who gets to say if an answer is right?”

     The guy with the whip in the world that you are heading us for, chum.

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