Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Who AM I?

“It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true.”
                            (quote attributed to Paul Watson of Greenpeace)

Like hell…

We’ll set that lie, and attitude, to rights right


Says he who was born to set things right.

Who am I? you may well ask, for me to be feeling the way I do, about me, and what’s going on in - what’s going wrong with - this country, and this realm, that I take such a personal affront to.  As though it were my kingdom.  And my responsibility.

My best answer to that question at this time is:

Well, I guess I’m that.  Its protector.  And shepherd.

I haven’t been informed about any of that.  I just know how I feel about all of that.

And I have to be true to - and honest about - my feelings.  

Those are my feelings.

 I was led to that next-to-last blog of mine - wherein I said (fed up with what was going on in my home State, and country) that I would take over now - ineluctably, step by step.  It was as if a Play were working its way out -

to its, and my, conclusion.

In my case, that I had a role to play in what is going on.

A major role.

So: There you are.

And here I AM.  In

The End.

And you have a similar role to play in this Drama as well.  As we all go for our


That is to say:

the recognition - the awareness - that we are all God.  Meeting Itself.

On the Ladder of Consciousness.

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