In my last blog, posted in the wee hours of this morning, I referred to ‘a spiritual war going on,’ and The Plan. A further word on that subject; for the record.
The atheist says ‘Life just is’. Not so. It is in a context. And, it is my understanding, that context is the spiritual evolution of fractals of the/our Creator Source; the God of this universe. A Superior Being - call it Father/Mother God; the ’Father’ representing the stable aspect and the ‘Mother’ representing the active aspect) as part of a Hierarchy of such Gods; tracing back to a/the Supreme Being, the Prime Creator. Aka The All That Is, and by other appellations, such as The Omnipotent Totality, imbued with essence qualities (like light having such breakdown components) of such as Love and Wisdom and creative Power. From which all sentient entities are soul fragments. So, yes, we are imbued with those very soul essences, or qualities, ourselves - chips off the old block, as it were. And our ‘job’ is
to live up to our/that potential. Not down, in a rebellion allowed via our free will, a) granted to us to practice our (innate) creative powers, and b) having been allowed to go into Darkness - away from The (pristine) Light - as well. If we so choose.
Choose well, fellow fragment.
That’s all. For now. As I say: For the record.
P.S. Also ‘just for the record’:
My Apple mouse wouldn’t work today when I went to access the Internet. It couldn’t be the batteries, I thought, because I just changed them a week ago, and my machine has given me no normal warning that they were running low. What to do. I finally changed them, on a long shot. And that ‘did the trick'.
But the experience got me to realizing: We are terribly at the mercy of TPTB, who can not only ban HAM radio repeaters, but can cut off our/my access to our computers via Wi-Fi technology (and think the Cloud), and at a moment’s notice. And all alternative communications could come to a halt. Worth thinking about.
What am I saying? I am saying: a) We need to make our move to extricate ourselves from the trap (including genocidally engineered viruses) that the NWO crowd have prepared for us just as soon as possible, given the signs of ‘it’ all coming to a head; and b) We need to ‘help ourselves’. Other soul fragments in the universe and on higher levels/frequencies can give us a hand. But it is our Story. We are responsible for it.
A big lesson, coming up.
Fitting. For a Graduation lesson.
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