Wednesday, 23 October 2019

It Bears Repeating

from ‘GOP be warned: Impeachment will set off Democrat push to reverse Trump’s SCOTUS appointments, tax cuts and regulatory reforms’ - Mike Adams, orig. - October 23
(“Removing Trump will be just the beginning of a coordinated effort to erase the entire Trump presidency and reverse all his actions, including the confirmation of two U.S. Supreme Court justices…”)

Subject: What’s Sauce For The Goose…

Stan Stanfield - October 23

These measures are the very sorts of things that should already have taken place with the ousting of the Usurper, Barack H Obama, from the Oval Office, for not having been eligible for the office in the first place.  Why not?  Because he is not a 'natural born' citizen, which, according to the definition of the term at the time that it was codified in the Constitution as an eligibility requirement for that federal office - and that particular federal office ONLY, indicating its special nature in the eyes of the constitutional Framers - is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof.  The quote is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations'.  cont'd     

Stan Stanfield - cont’d 

And that eligibility requirement for that particular federal office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.  And so, if the rule of law had still been followed in this country, BHO would have been arrested - on charges of fraud, perjury, and treason - brought to trial - in an American Common Law court, not one of these fake Admiralty/Maritime Law courts, with the golden-tasseled American flags in attendance; part of the duplicity that has been going on in the country for LONG ENOUGH - and found guilty as charged.  And that way, all of the legislation that he signed into law, and all of the E.O.'s and P.D.'s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made - including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts -

Stan Stanfield -  cont’d

go with him.  Into the trash bin.  For it to be as though he had never been in that office.  For, he was never there legally.
How did he get away with his brazen crime?  Because the officials of the Republican Party were in on the heist.  It turns out that between 2003 and '08 alone, both major political parties tried a total of 8 times between them to get a constitutional amendment starting through Congress on this issue - proposals all of which had this particular issue as their common denominator - and they failed each time even to get their proposals out of committee, such was the sensitivity around this issue.  So, what did they do?  It's obvious what they did: They colluded, in an attempt to sneak it by the American public. cont'd   

Stan Stanfield - cont’d

Thus, we have not been operating under the rule of law in this country at the very least since that oversight - on the part of the American public, who have been asleep at the switch, of their country from a federal constitutional republic to a banana republic ruled by whoever could get away with their chicanery and deceit.  It is a long and sordid story, and was crowned by that particular brazen act - and now, because the rot has not been caught, it threatens to turn the country into a boxing ring, between patriots on the one hand and the New World [Order] crowd on the other, complete with their Red China-like Social Credit scheme, whereby patriots are censored from the social media sites, and the Bolsheviks make their move to run the place.  NOT.

…And the NWO crowd are now publishing to the likes of Antifa zombies the names and locations of Trump supporters making contributions to his re-election campaign.  And the CPS crowd are engaging in child sex trafficking that qualifies them for the deepest Circle of Hell.  And the same sorts of signs go on, and on, and on.  As I say:
   And further:
   Outright Satanists.

And on that note:

from ’Solving the CPS/Child-Sex-Trafficking Problem’ - Dave Hodges - October 23
(Hodges has been uncovering very dark stuff going on in his own County in Arizona and elsewhere.  And doing something about it.  As far as he can.)

Subject: A Good Man

Stan Stanfield - October 23

You are a good man, Dave.  Please keep following up on this subject.  The darkest pits of hell must be uncovered, for Americans to understand fully what has been going on in their country, that they have turned a blind eye to, in assuming that their political representatives were looking out for them and the country, and simply getting on with their own lives.  But this country was founded on the principle of being self-governing.  All hands on deck.  A hard lesson, we have learned.  Hopefully.

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