Saturday, 5 October 2019

A Call For Action

from ‘There is No Presidential Crime, No Whistleblower, Only a Treasonous Coup’ - Dave Hodges - October 3/4
(Hodges hot under the collar, after a long day doing his good thing.  ‘No Whistleblower’ because the CIA changed the definition of one to say that a person didn’t need to have first-hand knowledge of such info to register a complaint with them.  Hodges sees Adam Schiff working closely with the CIA in this.  (And possibly even being the writer behind the report, although he didn’t mention that aspect of the picture in this particular broadcast.  Mike Adams, whom he has posted on the subject, has put that one out into the airwaves.)  Hodges is echoing Pres.Trump on all this: Treason.  And what are we going to do about it???!)

(under my Subject head of  ‘Amen’:)
Stan Stanfield - October 4

I totally understand your frustration, Dave.  This is not the America that we grew up in and respect and love.  The Bolsheviks have infiltrated it into the highest levels, including the monopolistic MSM.  Too many of us were asleep at the switch.  Time for recriminations another day.  Now it's time for the action that you so clearly call for.  

And take gun violence.  Every time a mass shooting takes place - and some of them being false flag ops - the Left yells for ‘gun control,’ claiming that ‘gun violence is over the top,’ etc. etc., when the facts are that, according to the FBI, violent crime overall is down from the previous time period and the number of homicides involving firearms has also declined.   But the facts don’t fit the narrative.(1)  And don’t get me started with man-made Climate Change; which is an abject fraud, designed to put humanity under the thumb of a despotic world government, controlled by the NWO crowd.  

The Left simply has no respect for truth.  For them, it’s all about Whatever It Takes.  By Any Means Necessary.  Lie, cheat, steal.  Kill, even.  Whatever it takes, to take down the U.S., and take it over.  Or see it fracture, under their pressure.

As for fracturing.  I see now that California is going to outlaw shortwave repeaters.  Which means there can be no long-distance shortwave allowed in the State.  (Possibly as a first step to outlawing shortwave altogether.)  Which would seem to be a big step towards total sedition,(2) and calling in the UN (under what is called the Kigali Principle; brought to us courtesy of the Usurper, BHO).

We are, in short, being attacked from within.  Which my broken tooth tells me about as well, as metaphor.  What are we going to do about it??         

Hopefully, what I am going to do about my tooth:

Set things right.  As best I can.  Given the circumstances.


(1) Comment to the ‘FBI’s latest stats say violent crime, gun rimes are DOWN: Why are the Democrats and media lying about ti?’ - JD Heyes, Newstarget.  Posted here October 3i-4:)

Lawrence Greenberg Fri, 10/04/2019 - 10:26
"FBI’s latest stats say violent crime, gun crimes are DOWN: Why are the Democrats and media lying about it" The answer is very simple. The Left could not give a rat's behind about crime or criminals. Gun control is not now, and has never been, about crime or criminals. It is about disarming the civilian population so they will not represent a threat to the government when the Left creates the dictatorship they have been working toward for more than half a century. The key word in the term ‘gun control’ is not ‘gun’ - it is ‘control.’”
(My Reply to his comment: “Well commented on, Lawrence.  You nailed it.”)

(2) This builds on such steps that the far Left leaders in CA have made towards sedition as mandating vaccines - with no exceptions - for kids in the public schools; allowing, even encouraging illegal aliens onto the voter rolls; outlawing ICE from being able to do their job with those IAs who have committed additional crimes; declared both sanctuary cities and state status; and more.      

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