Monday, 7 October 2019

On Living In Interesting Times

At The End Of The Line

A friend has emailed me asking me what I meant by the “cryptic message about extraction” in my last blog (early this a.m.).  Was I leaving California??  I decided to tell it like it is.  But first, some background:

* Our EMs have pulled off quite a coup with their ability to make so widespread in the - new - culture the idea of ‘Identity Politics,’ thereby teaching hatred of ‘white male supremacists’.  (How do you know which ones are ‘supremacists’?  Ah well.  Kill’em all.)

* The ’new culture’ has crowned lying as its main tactic and value, under the satanic idea that what is right is what advances your agenda and what is wrong is whatever impedes it, that all is relative, there is no objective truth.  Thus, ‘voter suppression’ when we all know that it means, in reality, voter fraud.  And the more the better, to accomplish your end.  The end justifying the means, and all, in that lexicon.

* ’Sexual harassment’ charges against white bosses, in order to advance your feminist way to the top.  Whatever It Takes.  By Any Means Necessary.  They are all white male supremacists, anyway.  Serves them right.

* The Dems advance an impeachment ‘inquiry’ charge - not a real investigation.  Or Pres. Trump’s lawyers could mount major defense measures (and the Dems in the House would have to signal their support for it, or lack thereof, to their constituencies).  It is simply an attempt to keep smearing Trump in order to get him to lose the 2020 election, from a brainwashed, and exhausted-with-it-all, public.  Their having no real charges to lay against him, they are resorting to pure corruptive measures.

If ever the time was ripe for a civil war in this country - which may well turn out to be very uncivil - this is it.  

Oh - and one more item, closer to home: the state of California - which is about as far Left as one can get, with the likes of mandatory vaccinations and no ID requirements to vote, and some 'sanctuary city' mayors (in a declared 'Sanctuary State') engaging in obstruction of justice and outright sedition in blocking ICE agents from being able to do their constitutional job, and the state now taking down repeaters for ham radio operators (to block alt media communications), and so much more in the way of an authoritarian and insurrectional impulse - is now requiring organizations to put their supporters’ names and contact info online.  To make it easier for the likes of Antifa members to harass the conservatives, you see.

And I do.  To a fare-thee-well.

Which brings me to my response to my friend’s email:

My landlord has raised my rent again, to a point that I really can't sustain - and with continued increases in sight, as the Property taxes in this state continue to climb, in their attempts to pay for all the socialist stuff going on in this state, particularly including the 'welfare' of illegal aliens, whom 'they' - the NWO crowd - are enticing to come here, to take over from the whites, in offering them a state/area of their own [think Reconquista], in the attempt going on to overthrow the Union, because it stands between them and their totalitarian One World Government - the reverse image of The Real Thing.  The Dark version thereof.  Rule by Force rather than by Love.  I even took a walk inland a ways (i.e. away from the beach) to see if rents were any cheaper, since I have enjoyed living here, but they aren't.  It's a widespread thing - the high cost of living in So Cal.  In wondering what to do, I remembered that, in going to a Family Reunion up in Utah back in 2014, I was told that the rents there are ab. 1/3rd the cost of living down here.  Long story short: One of my nieces up there, living in a smallish town south of Provo (where I was born, interestingly enough), has invited me to come and live in a room in their place, at least until I get on my feet, if I wish to find a place of my own.  The plans are that I leave here the last weekend of this month… 

“And all of this is happening at the same time that some dire predictions are being made, by various conservative sources, about goings-on to be expected here in California, and in So Cal in particular.  I don't know precisely what all that is about; but it involves the Red Chinese - who have a foot in this state - and various other players, including from Central America. 

“We live in interesting times.


“Freedom of the press is now considered inconsistent with national security.”
                      Paul Craig Roberts

“We are at war.  Understand it…They hate liberty…They will lie…and use every dirty trick…I know what I am here to stand for.  I stand for truth.”  

Amen, Mike Adams.  He goes on, in this video presentation: “We’re going to engage the Deep State, and we’re going to take our country back…America is the last chance to have anything good left in this world…”

Mike Adams as our Thomas ‘These are the times that try men’s souls’ Paine.

So: Over to you, American Patriots.  No one is going to do ‘it’ for you. What are you here to stand for??  And not???

Last quote at this time in this subject area: 

“You have the space to experience yourself as responsible - as cause in the matter of your own life.”
           Werner Erhard

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