I see that the Colorado State University has banned the use of the word ‘America’ on its campus. As in, ‘I am an American’. (Or ‘the American dream’.) So if you come from Canada, or Mexico, or Guatemala, or Honduras, or El Salvador, or Nicaragua, or Panama, or Brazil, or Argentina, or Nigeria, or Germany - you get the picture - you can say that. Indicate that. Your home country. Your country of origin. But if you are an American - by birth, or by naturalization - you can’t say that, on that campus.
Leaving aside for the moment the question, Why, let me just say that I find it difficult to believe that the American citizen residents of Colorado - at least the majority of them - support this nonsense. Since their tax dollars pay for that, er, institution of higher learning, they should have some say in the matter.
Which brings up another, and allied, sore subject: the condition of the voter registration rolls, and voter identification requirements, in this country at large, let alone in the great Rocky state of Colorado. And perhaps this brouhaha going on at CSU can serve as a (you should excuse the expression) trigger for looking finally, seriously, at that whole subject; and doing something about it. Seriously. But let’s just stay with the presenting issue for the moment.
I would imagine that what is going on is that there are some - a lot of? - illegal aliens - woops. You can’t say that, use that expression, on campus, either. Or even the more anodyne ‘illegal immigrants’. Apparently the most that you can ‘identify’ somebody with there in that category is the expression ‘undocumented workers’. And is that what is truly behind this business? That a lot of, er, undocumented workers’s children are going to that university, and TPTB running that, er, place of higher learning don’t want that little matter to become too obvious, by the students asking each other where they are from?? much less - horrors! - if they are in the country ‘legally’???(1)
Or is it, behind its anodyne mask, the purely Marxist tactical matter of bashing the U.S. - America - for being the major cause of Global Warming - oops; well, at least of (man-made) Climate Change,(2) and so is the major exploiter of resources and the world’s peoples, doncha know, and so is the big Oppressor on the planet, and so needs to be cut down to equivalent size with the rest of the planet's countries. In subservience to. and under the totalitarian boot of, the New World Order. To be controlled by those born to exercise Power Over Others. Or POO for short.
Whatever all is going on, by whatever all factions, this is the bottom line to all this malarkey:
If you can’t say something, sooner or later you will be unable even to think it as well. Thus: there should be no sense of somebody being in a country ‘illegally’. We should have open borders. Free to go wherever we want to go. Right?
Well, er. No. I mean, it’s great for the likes of the MS-13 gang members (trained assassins). And the ISIS-like terrorists, to strengthen their cells in, er, America; awaiting the call for Der Tag. And drug and gun runners; and child and adult sex traffickers. And ‘economic refugees’. The latter, to keep lower the costs of production. So that the corporate honchos can make even more money.
Since this is not just a matter of Marxists attempting to take over this country, and establish their long dreamed-of ‘international socialism;’ to merge the former U.S.A .’comfortably’ with Communist China, in a planetary gulag (controlled by such as Google’s ‘Social Credit’ system). But of the same sort of dream as well from the far Right, amongst the fascists. Defined as a corporate-government nexus. Not so much a government of The People. But of The Overseers.
But I’m sure that all of this sort of thing will be hashed out in-depth on such an open-minded institution of higher learning campus as that existing at the Colorado State University. Where everybody is considered equal.
And some are a little more equal than others, is all.
You can see that. Can’t you???
(1) Why not?
Because they might 'offend' somebody??
'Quick, James - the smelling salts!'
(2) oops, er, stilt no. But to continue.
P.S. Speaking of higher education: I see where a soul named Erick Erickson in this incarnation has taken out after Tulsi Gabbard for being, "like Ron Paul," against 'interventionist wars,' calling those two "unserious". Hey, Erick, how's this for being as serious as one can get:
'Dear Erick: We are all God. All of God. God expressing Itself into matter, for the educative potential. How about getting more serious, and stop with the school playground games?
'You in another form.'