Wednesday, 31 July 2019

On Things Heating Up

1) A friend posted me a report on the Dem debate in regards to the favorable response to Marianne Williamson; with a quote from her appended.  My response:

I'm curious about the quote. “The collectivized hatred that this president is bringing up in this country.”  How did she mean that.  That he is stirring up right-wing hatred (from ‘white male supremacists’), which in turn is stirring up left-wing hatred, or that he is stirring up left-wing hatred against him - for raining on their parade into their totalitarian New World Order - which is stirring up right-wing hatred in response to all the crap going on from the Bolsheviks??  You watched the debate - what was your impression of where she was coming from in regards to that quote???


2) A Q drop late on Tuesday night/July 30, which I got reposted to me early this morning (2:05 am) July 31:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a8ec29 No.7271105
[24hr Warning]
Be vigilant.
See something.
Say something.
Know your surroundings at all times.

With the Mueller Hearings being a bust for the Left, and their running out of such ammunition before the Declass, and the OIG Report, and the unsealing of indictments, and military Tribunals hitting the airwaves, the ‘Bolsheviks’ may make their move now.  Which is perhaps what Q is - and the White Hats are - anticipating.

Let’s see how these 24 hours go.  With one ‘truism’ uppermost in mind:

‘The brighter the light,

the darker the shadow.’

Monday, 29 July 2019

Now Let Us Begin

‘My Fellow Americans:

‘As we set out on the next leg of our journey - to set things to rights, in this country, and the world - one of the elements of that intention is the matter of the proper definition of terms.  For rather pertinent example:

‘One of the eligibility requirements for the office of the presidency of the United States - and that particular federal office only, signifying its unique nature in the eyes of the constitutional Framers - is that the occupant of that office needs to be a, quote, “natural born citizen,” unquote.  So, not just any kind of citizen, but a special kind of citizen.  Now, what would be the definition of that term, as understood by the constitutional Framers, who incorporated it into their constitutional contract as an eligibility requirement for that particular office?  Well, that should be easy to find out: just peruse the historical record for the evidence.  And there it is, plain - as - day.  In the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, a work by a Swiss man named Emer de Vattel, entitled ‘The Law Of Nations’.  And which there is considerable historical evidence that the Framers were aware of.  In which the definition of a ‘natural born’ citizen is a person, quote, “born in the country, of parents who are citizens,” unquote.  

‘Which makes perfect sense in this regard, inasmuch as the whole point of the exercise on the part of the constitutional Framers was to make sure that the occupant of that particular office - who would as well, then, become the Commander in Chief of the nation’s military forces; which there is ample historical evidence was the primary concern of the Framers in this regard - had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES.  Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the United States, in this case.  

‘And almost as though anticipating that there might be some issue arising in the future in regards to this eligibility requirement for that office, a rather pertinent historical fact of matter is that Alexander Hamilton, in his role as a delegate to those proceedings, mede a proposal there that an eligibility requirement for that office be that the occupant need only be, quote, “born a Citizen,” unquote.  And his proposal was SPECIFICALLY TURNED DOWN, in favor of the more stringent category of citizen, that is, a person, quote, “born in the country, of parents who are citizens,” unquote.(*)

‘Now, I am aware that an attempt has been made to water down this eligibility requirement by referring to something called the Naturalization Act of 1790.  But first of all, in rebuttal: that Act of Congress was repealed by a subsequent such Act, called the Naturalization Act of 1795, on this very ground: that its use of the term, a ‘natural born’ citizen, was misleading - and that repeal was signed off on by no less a couple of constitutional authorities as James Madison, the well-regarded ‘Father of the Constitution’ then acting as a representative to Congress, and George Washington, as president.  That is point number one in rebuttal to that argument.  Point number two is that it would take more than an Act of Congress anyway to amend the eligibility requirement in the Constitution for the office of the presidency from its original understanding of the term, a ‘natural born’ citizen; that any subsequent changing of the definition of the term would still require a constitutional amendment to change the requirement itself.

‘We seem here to be getting into the area of the debate between what are called ‘originalists’ - that is, those who take the Constitution to mean what its authors meant, i.e, its original intent; like the contract, between the States and the federal government, that it is - and those who play with semantics and say that the Constitution should be taken as, quote, “a living document”.  The latter of which positions is sophistry, pure and simple; leading to the terrible situation that we are in today, where words mean whatever the judges say they mean.  That is non-sense.  Tomfoolery.  Gobbledygook.  By any other name.

‘And is part of the spirit of Lies and Deception and Deceit that is now to come to its end, and on the planet as a whole.  As we enter into a New Day.  For all of humanity.

‘For this particular nation, that will include the bringing into a court of justice the man called Barack Hussein Obama Jr., on charges of fraud, perjury, and treason (all stemming from the fact, not so much about where he was born but who his birth parents were.  He was toast right there, without the red herring business about the birth certificate); and the dissolution of Congress, and for the authorities of both main political parties to be brought before a court of law on corruption charges, for having obviously colluded in the hijacking of the office of the presidency, and the consequent attempted hijacking of the nation itself - and that is to be a legitimate court of law, no longer this Admiralty Law scurrilous business that this nation has been deceitfully functioning under.  And all manner of other such deceitful shenanigans to be cleaned up.  As we set about setting things to rights.  For the New Era; not only for this nation.  But on Earth.

‘It is a major enterprise that We, the Living have been gifted to engage in, and bring about.  

‘More details to follow.  For now:

‘Let us begin.’


(*) Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.  Look it up.  It's right here, on the Internet.
   Or at least it was the last time I looked.  You never can tell, these darkening days.
   With it being the darkest before dawn.

A New Heaven And A New Earth

On Looking For The Pony*

A host on MSNBC, a man by the name of Donny Deutch, being interviewed by Joe Scarborough on the latter's show, has just come out in a call of war: 

“We are at war…We’re not going to necessarily play fair…Whatever we have to do, to put Trump in jail….” 

He must be awfully sincere in his mistaken belief in Trump’s guilt over whatever.  That.  Or he is a staunch member of the New World Order crowd who are upset at Trump raining on their parade into their totalitarian global state, and are beginning to fret at losing ‘the narrative,’ and feel the need now to ramp up the attack, for the establishment of their dystopian Brave New World.

It just happens to be the wrong New World.  But a New World?  


I find it interesting that, at this same time - that all of this sort of thing is going on (and how, e.g, Antifa has upped the ante, and are now throwing milk shake cartons full of rocks and bricks (similar to how the ‘Resistance’ crowd at the Charlottesville ’rally’ a couple of years back came prepared with soda cans filled with cement) - I have just been re-reading in my copy of ‘The Anunnaki Chronicles: A Zecharai Sitchin Reader’ how the solar system was formed, according to a series of Babylonian tablets called the Creation Epic.  According to this take - which was one ‘step’ away from the earlier tale, of the originating Sumerians, and so had Babylonian names for the various elements - the story goes like this (and very briefly):

After all the planetary bodies that we know of today were formed, except for the one that we know of as Earth, a planet - ‘a’god’ - came into our system, geomagnetically attracted by the large outer planets.  Its name in the Babylonian record was Marduk, and it kept getting attracted further into our system towards a planet, which they called Tiamat, which used to inhabit what is now the location of the asteroid belt.  Which is part of the extraordinary story, of this epic tale, when one of the satellites of Marduk cracked Tiamat, causing both comets and asteroids on the one hand, and the largest piece of that planet, with its large moon, to career down into the orbit where we are today (and thus accounting for the large craterlike shape underneath the Pacific Ocean).  And thus was born the Heaven and Earth of today (which the Bible tale built on).  

Sitchin includes more information buttressing this tale.  But the essence is here.  

And we Earthians are now facing a time of a new Heaven and a new Earth.  A cut above the merely physical.  To include the metaphysical.  

What will it consist of?

I will tell you what it wilt not consist of.

It will - no longer - consist of the ‘material’ of the likes of lies.  And treachery.  And deceit.  And theft.  And wars.  And pedophilia.  And infanticide.  And especially not of infanticide from ‘religious’ rituals, dedicated to a, the, Dark Lord.  All, designed to keep us locked in matter.  And away from our true destinies; our true 'orbits'.

As planetoids - ‘gods’ - of our spiritual Creator Source.

Our work on this current level - this equivalent of elementary school -  



Or not. 

As the individual case may be.

That’s free will for you.

For.  You.

But not much longer.

For, the most of us are going UP in consciousness.  To the next level.  On our way

to Beyond.

On the Journey that is the point to the whole Drama.

Which includes major creatorship.  (Befitting our origins.  Our spiritual origins, that is.)  Which will encompass such expressions as free energy devices.  And replicators.  And.  And.  And…

…And in a major move: Out from under the current monetary system.

Which we have been laboring under

like slaves to masters

for long enough.  


P.S. Among my emails today (yesterday, now.  How time fles) was one from The Candace Owens Show.  It turned out to be via Prager U (I am not a regular follower of the show, didn’t know this; good to see that they were back on YT after having had a lot of trouble in that regard), and her guest was Paul Joseph Watson (the young Brit from Infowars who had his own censorship problems with FB).  The subject was, currently enough, about Big Tech censorship.  They were just getting into the subject when - poof - I was cut off.  With the customary message ’Safari Can’t Open the Page’.  That sometimes happens - although not in the middle of a working link - and I can usually keep playing around with my ‘Enter’ key and get into cut-off sites that way.   But I couldn’t get back into this one.
     My message to Google (which is the system I run through/that my computer came with): 
     ‘Dear Google.  I am an old man, and have lost my memory regarding some things.  (’Now let’s see: What was the name of that actor in…’)
     ‘But I will remember this.


* I recently had occasion to repeat to an email friend a story about a young boy who came home one day and found his room full of shit, and immediately responded: ‘Hooray!  In all this shit - there must be a pony!’ 
   May many of us be reminded of this attitude in the days ahead.

Friday, 26 July 2019

Towards The New World

         - And
      Land Ho!

In my last blog I talked of humanity’s basic rights under their Maker.  For us now to move into a future - call it the Satya Yuga if you wish; or a/the Golden Age - not characterized by the totalitarian, boot-on-the-neck state, as exemplified by the former Soviet Union and currently by the regime in charge of Mainland China, but by nations of essentially free peoples; with subtle pressures brought to bear on the Communist Chinese leadership, and by their own peoples, to join with the rest of us in the world, to sail with the community of nations sailing into the new seas of commerce towards a totally New World: one characterized by the Dignity of the Individual as the child of said Individual’s Creator Source.

Our mutual Creator Source.  Transcending any particular religious take on the matter.  

The matter, of our human attempts to make sense of our existence.  And coming, now, to the realization - beyond any differences, of either a religious or a political or a racial nature - that

We Are All 


Sparks off the One Holy Being behind the mystery of human existence.

Mystery no longer.  Seen, now, as a school. For apprentice gods.

Chips off the old block, as it were.

Coming, now, into 

our graduation time

into a new stage of our development as such.

Hold onto your sailors' caps.  It’s going to make for an interesting ride.

On History, And Not

Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show carried an article by Ethan Huff titled ’New public school “history” book teaches students that President Trump is “mentally ill,” supporters “racist”.’  It was, unfortunately, true: the publisher, an outfit called Pearson Education, has come up with a propaganda screed, entitled ‘By the People: A History of the United States,’ that is pure leftist propaganda, with a chapter on the 2016 presidential elections that is straight out of a socialist’s wettest of dreams.  That was bad enough in my evening’s reading material.  And then there was this:       

from ‘Why Does the CSS Post Stories About Foreign Countries?’ - Dave Hodges - July 25
(In the course of his discourse Hodges mentioned that Thomas Jefferson had fathered children with his slave, Sally Hemings.  My rebuttal:) 

Stan Stanfield -  July 26

Dave, for the record: There is no actual evidence that Thomas Jefferson fathered children by Sally Hemings.  The book by David Barton titled 'The Jefferson Lies' has part of the story; The New American magazine archives have the rest.  I forget the details, but the gist of the matter is that another member of the Jefferson family, who was known to socialize with the slaves on the Jefferson holdings into the wee hours, was probably involved.  So, Yes: Thomas Jefferson had slaves.  Being a man of his times, and circumstances.  But he was so much more.  More Americans should know more about this amazing Renaissance Man who was so central to their nation's founding. 

Americans: You have nothing to be ashamed about your country’s founding.  It was founded by men of their times, yes, and many from beyond their times, closer to our times.  But its basic premises were clean and clear: the birth of a whole new nation on the planet, founded on Man’s basic rights, as the children of their Maker - on the notion that the whole purpose of government is to protect such rights.  And after a terrible Civil War - as these things take time sometimes to unfold to their complete unfurling (and slavery having existed since time immemorial) -  they set out anew to make that a vision for all of its inhabitants, and for all of humanity: to protect and defend other countries from being overrun by others who would think to dominate them.  And so, America was tricked into WWI, and WWII, with the best of intentions on the part of the duped citizenry.  And yes, unfortunately, it has fallen into the hands of a Cabal of sinister characters who have used it to further their own ends (simply called the military-industrial complex).  But those days are over.  We are now to have a new birth of Freedom.

And this time, for all of the planet. 

And the way to get there?

The elimination of the old monetary system.  And the construction of a new one.  Based on purer principles.

More on which, as we go along.

This new way.  On

El Camino Real.

Thursday, 25 July 2019

On The Preponderance Of Evidence

‘Special Counsel Mueller, would you say that your investigation did not exonerate President Trump?’


‘Special Counsel Mueller, would you say that the sun rose this morning?’


To say, that it is not the role of a Special Counsel to exonerate or not exonerate, that it is the role of the investigation simply to amass evidence and make a determination whether, based on the preponderance of evidence, they would recommend proceeding to prosecution, where the role to exonerate or not exonerate is based on the determination either of the jury or the judge, depending on the circumstances of the trial.  

And you, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, damn well know that.  That your question was a softball lob, designed to be hit out of the park.  That it was a con job.  And you are a con artist.

And not a very good one at that.

And speaking of con artists.  

It is obvious by now that the current Democrat Party has been mostly taken over by its far left wing, and in consequence, is anathema to this country, and its basic principles.  A key one of which is that our rights are not bestowed on us as privileges by the state; capable of being taken away simply by the will of the state.  That in this country, The People are the sovereign.  And by The People, I mean the legitimate people of the country: its citizens.

Not just its residents.  Millions of which are not just non-citizens but are in the country illegally; and which the Democrats are doing all that they can to finagle their way into citizenship, or at least, to be able ‘legally’ to vote.

And as for this ‘legal’ business.

Members of Congress take an oath of office, officially to be seated therein, to “support this Constitution”.  But, e.g., members of the Democratic Socialists don’t support the Constitution - they want to do away with it, and install a system of governance in which rights are but privileges, bestowed - or taken away - by the state.  And the same, of course, for members of the Communist Party. 

Muslims (and in consequence, their neighbors) have a particular problem.  Their religion encourages them, even, to lie to the unbeliever .  So, how can the citizenry of this secular state trust anything that the Muslims amongst us say, even if sworn on the Koran?  It is the very document that encourages them - instructs them, even - to lie to the unbeliever.

So, we have a problem, Houston.  A very big problem.  Going on in this country.  As we speak.

And needing now to be brought to a head.  For a total cleansing to take place.

And the whole thing - the entire Play - brought under the banner of

Truth.  As we enter into an Era - an Age - of

The Real Thing.

In which Love and Light and Truth abide. 

And we go out into the darkness

for our elementary school lessons

no more.

Living solely in

The Light.

Of our mutual Creator Source.

In which only clean things should abide.

Not lies.

Not at this level, now.  Of our

advanced education.

As apprentice gods.

Fractals of 

The One



Deserving, now, of our best.

No longer of

our worst.

In the lower grades.

On the preponderance of evidence.


Further, as to this ‘reality’ that we are in: 

A friend sent me two links to long radio discussions regarding apparent coverups for govt activity regarding UFOs and free energy devices, etc.  The take of those involved in the discussion is that UFOs are man-made, there is no such thing as gravity, there is an ether and electricity accounting for it all, we are in a closed system, that the Sun and Moon are not a huge no. of miles away, the ‘firmament’ is liquid, we are in a bit of a prison, our Handlers do not want us knowing that.  My response:

I finally took the time to listen to this stuff.  Very interesting; and I like their take on things.  As far as it goes.  Meaning...

I find it also interesting that at this same time I have been going back into my condensed version of the Zecharia Sitchin material, a book - well edited by his niece - called 'The Anunnaki Chronicles: A Zecharia Sitchin Reader'.  And am reminded that the Sumerians - whose civilization bloomed seemingly out of nowhere, back around 3000 BC - knew all about the outer planets, a number of which our telescopes hadn't even found until our current time.  How did they know all that (and more)?  Their 'gods' - Those Who From Heaven to Earth Came - told them.  Taught them.  And about their home planet, a somewhat 'rogue' member of our solar system with an elliptical orbit of 3600 of our years (and which became a time-measuring device of the Sumerians).  Meaning, that there is some question about our being locked in a rather close "closed system".  But the electromagnetic properties, complete with an ether, and 'zero-point energy' and such - yes, I can relate to that.  So, my bottom line is:

To be continued.


Wednesday, 24 July 2019

On Coming Of Age

I left my years of university life behind me a bit abruptly, on what turned out to be my 21st birthday, as coincidence would have it.  A rather abrupt coming of age.  But there you are.  That’s life for you.  Full of seeming surprises.

And there I was.  On my own. At the beginning of my lifetime quest for capital-t Truth.

That was 64 years ago, now.  And we have all now ‘come of age,’ to a certain extent.  Humanity as a whole on the verge of a Golden Age.  But with a couple of hurdles left to clear.

One is the business I talked about yesterday, of the Communist Chinese Defense Minister having given a speech to his Party Central Committee outlining their plans for a bioweapon to wipe out the white race in the United States, so that they can take over the country ‘wholesale’ and in good shape, to be colonized by ‘their’ people.  And another very evil group of people are already, in an apparent act of beta testing, ‘priming that pump,’ by sending into this country illegal aliens purposefully infected with bioweapons that we don’t have protection for (as of yet), and having arranged for them to be spread out throughout the country.  Including by the use of children.

To all of which I would say:

Be careful what you do to The Other.  Because you will just have to incarnate subsequently as The Other; and reap the consequences of your actions.  Since in reality - the reality beyond the Play that we are in at present: there is no Other.

Since We Are All One.

Facets of The One Holy Being, experiencing Itself in - by, er, ‘virtue’ of - all of its facets.  In a great Learning Process.  By which we all gain in consciousness.

So, a word, of caution, and recognition, to us all:

Wakey wakey.

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Speaking of 9/11...

You may have heard of feng shui.  I doubt seriously that you have heard of Wei Fenghe.  

General Wei Fenghe is the Minister of National Defense of Communist China.  He has been outed for giving a talk to the Central Committee of the CCP about their plans to destroy the white race in the U.S. by a race-specific bioweapon and then colonizing this intact country with millions of their people.  Having entered into research on such a weapon with the Israelis.  Who purportedly have targeted  Arabs in their genocidal research.  But wait a minute: Aren’t they of rather similar stock??

How specific can such a weapon get???

Or, is their real target        

the same as that of the CCP.

In order for some Jews - more specifically, what is called the Khazarian mafia, aka the Rothschild Zionists - to take over the world. 

‘Capitalizing’ on their attack on the U.S. on 9/11 - 

and getting away with it.

Or at least,

so far.

Interesting times we live in, indeed.

P.S. If I were in charge, I would quietly get in touch with a more moderate faction of the Communist Chinese government, to pass on a message to the Central Committee of the CCP.  To wit:
     ‘Remember the Flying Tigers.
     ‘And don’t dishonor your ancestors.’
     A word to the wise usually being sufficient.

As for those clueless Americans:

from ‘Will Amerce’s “Most Admired” Woman Be the Democratic Presidential Candidate in 2020?’ - Dave Hodges - July 22
(Whoever is behind the survey, they have come up with Michelle Obama.)

Stan Stanfield - July 23

Dave, besides the illegality of BHO in the Oval Office - which has now metastasized into the identical ineligibility issue for that office with Kamala Harris - I urge you to do some homework on the Obama children.  There is some evidence that the two girls are not theirs, were borrowed for the optics.  Which also brings up the question of Michelle's true sex.  All in all, a veritable can of worms. 

Monday, 22 July 2019

Business As Usual

People who have no morals - because they believe that there are no absolutes, and so the end justifies the means, any and all means - become so immersed in their iies and deceit that they often can’t tell whether something is actually true or not.  But the same is true for those who actually care whether they, and we, are living by truth or not, but feel that it is not their business to sort it all out.  


It is their business. And especially in a country that is built on the premise that The People, with their fundamental, basic rights, are the sovereign.  Are essentially self-governing.  With the responsibility to make sure that the representatives that they elect to speak for them in the halls of government, regarding such day-to-day business, ere doing just that.  Which means that they themselves need to keep educated on the issues.  And thus, not to let things get out of their hands.

We come now to the subject of 9/11. 

What does it take to become aware of the following:

* The second plane - the one that we all saw on our tv - sliced into the steel-frame tower like a knife through butter.  Like a Hollywood cartoon.  Blip, and in.  Nothing crushed and left on the outside of the building.

* Another shot of that same event showed a plane - an image of a plane - approaching the tower, and disappearing briefly around the side of it - and the nose of the ‘plane’ appeared on the other side, briefly, before the shot was hurriedly Cut to Black.  
   On the other side.  Through the building.  And all of its contents.  The aluminum nose of a passenger jet.  That would ‘normally’ have crumpled on impact with a steel-frame building.  As they do/have done when hitting a bird.  As we have also been shown in the years following that event.  In documentaries trying to draw out attention to various anomalies regarding that story.  That narrative.
   But not with much success, judging by the fact that the narrative still stands.
   A narrative that includes:-

* The dustification of the buildings, in their demolitions.  (Coming down at free-fall speed.  Directly down into their footprints.  So, obviously not from random fires, weakening random steel buttresses.  With the buildings having been designed to withstand such impacts, and their effects.)  With one particular piece of one of the buildings, after one of those augmented controlled demolitions, shown disappearing in front of our very eyes.  Simply becoming invisible.

Poof.  At the most: dust.      

But the majority of the American public are still walking around, minding their own business.

As if that attack on their soil wasn’t their business.

Their major business.  In such a country.

I urge you, my fellow Americans,

to become


Or you will lose it.

And soon.  Very soon.

Because, when you failed to rise to that occasion, you emboldened your enemies - obviously, Enemies from Within, to have pulled off that caper, with all the ramifications of it -  to go for even more outrageous attacks on you.  And this time,

they won’t limit it to just the destruction of a couple of iconic buildings, and the excruciating deaths of their unfortunate occupants.

Show me what you are really made of, America.  

Unless you already have.


Ref: 'Where Did The Towers Go?' by Judy Wood, B.S., M.S., Ph.D.

various books on 9/11 by Prof. David Ray Griffin


El Camino Real


To: The White House

Date: July 22, 2019

Subject: The Rule of Law

Dear President Trump,

There is a female member of Congress, going under the assumed family name of Omar, who is flouting this country's laws, not the least involving immigration fraud.

I urge the most appropriate federal agency involved, under your authority and ultimate responsibility, to do its duty.

Most sincerely,   

Duane 'Stan' Stanfield

…that this nation may begin a return to living under the rule of law.

And which course correction will include correcting a most egregious error committed recently regarding the eligibility requirements for the office of the presidency of the United States of America.  

Whatever It Takes.  Again to function under the rule of law.

Having learned that lesson.  Unfortunately, the hard way.

Before we begin to function under a higher Law.

Having come to a graduation time.  Along

The Way.

Sunday, 21 July 2019

Now It, Er, Needs To Be Told

Fifty years ago plus one day marks the day that we first never landed on the Moon.  I didn’t have access to tv at the time - unlike on 9/11, say; when I was able tis see those images immediately, and could tell immediately that there was something wrong with the narrative that we were being given to believe was what we saw - so it took me awhile to ‘get::-

* No blast crater under the LEM, no dust blown up for some of it to settle back onto the landing structures; that thing just sitting there as though in a sound studio;

* Shadows not parallel/different locations of lighting;

and after a little more digging:     

* A shot of the flag waving (in airless space), before subsequent shots of the flag treated as if it were waving, to enhance the illusion;

* Um…about those Van Allen belts…

…which are back in the news in our current day, with the astronaut spokesman training to go to Mars citing that factor as one that they still had to overcome.

That they still had to overcome…

…and the number of pictures taken far more than they would have had time to take in real time.  Rather than in reel time;

and, though their suit helmets blocked them from being able to look down and align their shots from the cameras mounted on their bulky suit chests, the shots came out perfectly aligned, and in perfect focus… 

…and a docu that I have subsequently seen shows how they created the shot back at the Earth, purportedly on their way to the Moon, seeing it whole from their vantage point out in outer space, when in reality what they apparently did was to photo the Earth from across the inner chamber of their Earth-orbiting capsule through a porthole, so that it appeared as though it were the complete Earth, rather than a shot from low Earth orbit.

We don’t even need that supposition to know that what we saw - what we thought we saw - ‘with our own eyes’ was a fraud.

Why would they do that?

People not alive at that time need to understand something about history.  At least, History as we have been given to understand it.  In 1957 the Soviets put into orbit the first satellite (a basketball-sized gizmo called Sputnik).  That was a shock to our system, given what was called the Cold War, and if the Soviets were able to ‘beat us into space’ and put into orbit a nuclear bomb, used to threaten the U.S. into submission, that would be disastrous, and wholly unacceptable; and so, that event triggered a massive spending project, for us to start churning out more scientists, especially aeronautical engineers.  And then, when JFK was elected president in 1960, one of the first things that he did was to announce that we would ‘put a man on the Moon before the end of this decade’.  And boom - off we went into another major, and even larger, round of spending, to accomplish that goal.  (Which a basketball-sized object had put it into our minds to accomplish.)

So, it was critical that we beat the Soviets into space, and especially to the Moon.  Which could be used as a permanent orbiting platform from which to aim nuclear devices back at Earth, and particularly at us.  So, The Race to the Moon began.  And our ‘team’ began to uncover details of the Mission that were proving to be insurmountable, at least at the time.  So, what to do.

Got it.

Fake it.  .

And so they did.  With the help of a lot of Hollywood-like shenanigans.  And, apparently, the terrain around Area 51, in the Nevada desert.  And for subsequent shots, of actions purportedly taking pace on the Moon.*

And such con jobs on the American people have been going on ever since.  (Well; even before the ‘60s and '70s, and The Race to the Moon.  But to continue.)  And crowned with the capstone piece to the enterprise:



* With it turning out that Wernher von Braun led an expedition to Antarctica to find some pristine rocks ‘from the Moon’ - or at least, space debris.
   Close enough.  For The Mission.

Saturday, 20 July 2019

O, Say Can You See

I see that the Colorado State University has banned the use of the word ‘America’ on its campus.  As in, ‘I am an American’.  (Or ‘the American dream’.)  So if you come from Canada, or Mexico, or Guatemala, or Honduras, or El Salvador, or Nicaragua, or Panama, or Brazil, or Argentina, or Nigeria, or Germany - you get the picture - you can say that.  Indicate that.  Your home country.  Your country of origin.  But if you are an American - by birth, or by naturalization - you can’t say that, on that campus.

Leaving aside for the moment the question, Why, let me just say that I find it difficult to believe that the American citizen residents of Colorado - at least the majority of them - support this nonsense.  Since their tax dollars pay for that, er, institution of higher learning, they should have some say in the matter.  

Which brings up another, and allied, sore subject: the condition of the voter registration rolls, and voter identification requirements, in this country at large, let alone in the great Rocky state of Colorado.  And perhaps this brouhaha going on at CSU can serve as a (you should excuse the expression) trigger for looking finally, seriously, at that whole subject; and doing something about it.  Seriously.  But let’s just stay with the presenting issue for the moment.

I would imagine that what is going on is that there are some - a lot of? - illegal aliens - woops.  You can’t say that, use that expression, on campus, either.  Or even the more anodyne ‘illegal immigrants’.  Apparently the most that you can ‘identify’ somebody with there in that category is the expression ‘undocumented workers’.  And is that what is truly behind this business?  That a lot of, er, undocumented workers’s children are going to that university, and TPTB running that, er, place of higher learning don’t want that little matter to become too obvious, by the students asking each other where they are from?? much less - horrors! - if they are in the country ‘legally’???(1)

Or is it, behind its anodyne mask, the purely Marxist tactical matter of bashing the U.S. - America - for being the major cause of Global Warming - oops; well, at least of (man-made) Climate Change,(2) and so is the major exploiter of resources and the world’s peoples, doncha know, and so is the big Oppressor on the planet, and so needs to be cut down to equivalent size with the rest of the planet's countries.  In subservience to. and under the totalitarian boot of, the New World Order. To be controlled by those born to exercise Power Over Others.  Or POO for short.

Whatever all is going on, by whatever all factions, this is the bottom line to all this malarkey:

If you can’t say something, sooner or later you will be unable even to think it as well.  Thus: there should be no sense of somebody being in a country ‘illegally’.  We should have open borders.  Free to go wherever we want to go.  Right?

Well, er.  No.  I mean, it’s great for the likes of the MS-13 gang members (trained assassins).  And the ISIS-like terrorists, to strengthen their cells in, er, America; awaiting the call for Der Tag.  And drug and gun runners; and child and adult sex traffickers.  And ‘economic refugees’. The latter, to keep lower the costs of production.  So that the corporate honchos can make even more money. 

Since this is not just a matter of Marxists attempting to take over this country, and establish their long dreamed-of ‘international socialism;’ to merge the former U.S.A .’comfortably’ with Communist China, in a planetary gulag (controlled by such as Google’s ‘Social Credit’ system).  But of the same sort of dream as well from the far Right, amongst the fascists.  Defined as a corporate-government nexus.  Not so much a government of The People. But of The Overseers.

But I’m sure that all of this sort of thing will be hashed out in-depth on such an open-minded institution of higher learning campus as that existing at the Colorado State University.  Where everybody is considered equal.   

And some are a little more equal than others, is all.

You can see that.  Can’t you???


(1) Why not?
   Because they might 'offend' somebody??
   'Quick, James - the smelling salts!'

(2)  oops, er, stilt no.  But to continue.


P.S. Speaking of higher education: I see where a soul named Erick Erickson in this incarnation has taken out after Tulsi Gabbard for being, "like Ron Paul," against 'interventionist wars,' calling those two "unserious".  Hey, Erick, how's this for being as serious as one can get:
     'Dear Erick: We are all God.  All of God.  God expressing Itself into matter, for the educative potential.  How about getting more serious, and stop with the school playground games?
     'You in another form.'

Friday, 19 July 2019

On Running On The Fumes

from ‘Achtung!  Germany Is Making All Vaccines Mandatory for Children Regardless of Religion or Heath Condition’ - Dave Hodges - July 19

Stan Stanfield - July 19

Thank you, Dave, and the Independent Media for all you are doing to hold the line against tyranny.

Who woulda thought that such thinking would ever come to this country, and gain such a foothold here, in the land of the free.  Almost past tense, now.

On an even more serious note, regarding how bad things have gotten in this country, and again, referring to our children; in another context:

Hodges also posts an article, by Newstarget’s Ethan Huff, which reports on the murder of former Arkansas State Senator Linda Collins-Smith, who was digging into the connection between the state’s CPS and Epstein’s trafficking in children.  It turns out that there is considerable corruption going on in the country regarding the nexus between CPS, judges, and chid sex traffickers, where children are taken from their parents - who are sometimes ‘suicided’ - and sold to such child sex traffickers.  

“…Collins-Smith believed the perpetrators were using illegal aliens to facilitate the crimes which included murdering the mothers of the stolen children,” CD Media reported back in June…She had also planned to releases information proving that the state’s judicial system was massively corrupt and engaged in a huge money-laundering scheme.

“But Collins-Smith was silenced before she was able to fully come forward with everything she had acquired, which reeks of politically-connected foul play…

“If Collins-Smith were still alive, she would have already come forward with proof that sitting judges in Arkansas are guilty of conspiring to steal children from poor women via the Department of Human Services, in order to sell these children to wealthy buyers…

Right around the same time that Collins-Smith was found dead, another politician, former Oklahoma state Senator Jonathan Nichols, was also found murdered in his home in Norman. CD Media‘s insider sources say that the two murders are connected, and that the rabbit hole on this developing story runs very deep…”

Does it, really, get any worse than this???

I rest my case.

On Assuming Your Position

I woke up today with a message of Intention.  When I reflected on it, I saw that it is eerily reminiscent of a short speech I gave, as president of our junior high school’s ninth grade, at the Commencement Ceremonies for our graduating class   I referred in it to how life was like a race with hurdles; that some of us would fall at a hurdle, or two, along the way, but that it is for us just to pick ourselves up and keep going, in the human race of life.

That was rather terrestrially oriented in outlook, as we looked towards our high school days.  It’s time now for an even higher take on things.

So; to this Graduating Class, I say:

‘When you are a baby you are given milk.  When you have grown up you are given meat.

‘You have been around this Sun enough times to have earned your wings by now.  Let’s


‘For those of Us who are stilt not ready to graduate, there will be more seasoning.  But you will hold the rest of your Class back no longer.  It is graduation time.  Every One has had their chance  You will now assume your earned positions, in The New Order Of Things.

‘It’s time - and Time - for the graduates to


‘Like you have never done before.

’So, as I say: Let’s


‘And I’ll see some of you back on the New Ground.

‘The New Earth.  Nova Gaia.  Aborning

‘as we speak.’

From The Outrageous To The Sublime

(A friend has sent me a link to a Collective Evolution article on Lyme disease having been created as a bioweapon.  My response):

This guy at CE is doing great work.  He is be highly commended.

The more I find out about what all has been going in this country (and the world), the more I want t see an end put to it.  All the darkness is disgusting.  It doesn't seem to be just the interdimensionals who have turned their backs on the Light, either, or the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati.  Our own human stock would appear to have been infected, terribly.  Pedovores?  Appalling stuff.

The End.  Period.  A New Age to begin.  Cleansed of all this crap.   


(The friend also sent me info on a couple of upcoming further Dem candidate debates.  My response:)

Sorry - these people leave me cold.  And to top it off, Kamala Harris is not a 'natural born citizen,’ either.  As the Dems push the post-Constitution envelope.

This country may need to get what it deserves, for having ceded the country over to people who would just love to have Power Over Others.  Or POO for short.   


(The ‘Golden Age of Gaia’ site for July 18 had a particularly interesting article in it.  I sent it on to this friend, as a better note to end our communications on.)

The ’13 Key Disciplines’ article by Karen Parker is great.  FYI.

There is SOME good stuff going on these days...


Thursday, 18 July 2019

All's Fair In Love And War - Right?

The June issue of Whistleblower magazine has dropped into my snail mail box.  The theme for the month is, rather synchronistically, regarding these pages and the totalitarian tip-toe going on in the country, 'Big Tech's Stealth Coup: How the Leftwing Lords of the Internet Intend to Swing the 2020 Election'.   One of the articles, by Michelle Malkin, is entitled 'Silicon Valley Shariah: Shocking double standard: honest conservative banned for life while wildly hateful lefty tweets away'.  It opens:

"THIS IS A TALE of two young, outspoken women in media.

"One is a liberal tech writer.  The other is an enterprising conservative news-media reporter.  One has achieved meteoric success and now works at a top American newspaper.  The other has been de-platformed and marginalized.  Their wildly different fates tell you everything you need to know about Silicon Valley's free speech double standards..."

The one has been "suspended permanently" from Twitter for telling the truth about Shariah law and a female promoter of it in the current House of Representatives.  "Now contrast the fate of 30-year-old Sarah Jeong, who was named an editorial writer at the New York Times in August 2018.  Her leftwing colleagues and admirers applauded her 'verve and erudition'.  And they made much of her diversity status as a 'young Asian woman.'  This person-of-color shield gave Jeong immunity to post several years' worth of hateful tweets attacking white people.

"'White men are bulls**t';


"'oh man it's kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men' and 'f**k white women lol.'

"She has tweeted 'f**k the police' and 'cops are a**holes,' derided fraternity members and athletes wrongfully accused of rape and fumed about 'dumba** f**king white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants.'"

Twitter bans what they call "hateful conduct".  Jeong still has a presence on Twitter.

Go figure.

P.S. Speaking of 'intents':

I have lived my life consciously ever since a spiritual experience at university coming up to the age of 21 with intent to find out the Truth of things.  Particularly of a religious and spiritual nature, but as well of political and historical things; and through that intent, and via that intent, I feel that I have helped to bring it all about.

That, as I understand it, is in the nature of things.

But I never realized that things were quite this bad.  When people cease to live a godly life.  One would - or at least might - have thought that more of our true natures would still color our mentality, even in the midst of The Play.

But for what some of you have done to the littlest amongst us alone, I have no qualms in seeing you

go to hell.

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

On Running Afoul Of Big Brother

A friend has let me know that recently a number of his emails to me have been blocked.  From my end.


I think I know.  Because I have declared war on the socially 'acceptable,' the politically 'correct'.  On 'officialspeak'.  'Allowed behavior.' *  And it is war.  That 'they' have declared on us.  And so, we need to engage them.  Even if 'they' have the upper hand as we speak.  (Or to say, are not allowed to.)

But that's alright.  At the bare minimum, 'we' have their karmic records.  And then it's our turn to kick - er, to pass judgment.

Just kidding.

For, when we all come before the bar of Justice,

we judges ourselves.

From our I AM.

As to our record in

The Play.

Which is coming to its Conclusion


And a new state of being coming into being.  Characterized by

Light.  And Love.  And perfect


For those who make

the grade.

This time -

and Time -


See you there.

I hope.

For your sake.

And the sake of all of us



As sparks of our Creator Source.

As part of

The All



Beyond -

far beyond -

The Play.


* The atheistic reverse image of The Real Thing.  But to continue.


P.S. In the meantime, The Play must go on.  Example:  

from YouTube: ‘Liberal California Mayor Makes Promise To Illegal Families He Won’t Be Able To Keep’ - Gary Franchi/Next News Network - July 17: 
(The Mayor of L.A. appears on TV, with his Police Chief at his side, to assure illegal aliens in his fair city that they have nothing to worry about, that the City wilt not cooperate with federal law, will look after them as part of their one big happy family.)

Stan Stanfield
1 second ago (July 17)

Dear Mayor of L.A.: I live in your County.  As an American citizen, I have been disenfranchised by the illegal aliens in this County whom you insist on referring to as "immigrants".  Thanks for considering me as part of your family.  Not.

So much for illegal aliens, er, immigrants.  As for asylum seekers, I understand that around 90% of the cases are found to be fraudulent.

No wonder they don’t show up for their hearings…

But it should never have taken us - the U.S. - this long to ‘figure’ this out.  All that has done has been to encourage such economic refugees to keep coming.  So there is plenty of blame to go around, in this whole mess.

But the bottom line:

It has been all about 

a) getting millions more Democrat voters into the country, so that it can be converted from a sovereign country emphasizing human liberty into merely a pert of the totalitarian New World Order emphasizing the power of the state oner the people; and
   b) bankrupting the country, as outlined in the Cloward-Piven Strategy, to accomplish the same end.
As I have said elsewhere:

Not MY country you won’t.
