I left my years of university life behind me a bit abruptly, on what turned out to be my 21st birthday, as coincidence would have it. A rather abrupt coming of age. But there you are. That’s life for you. Full of seeming surprises.
And there I was. On my own. At the beginning of my lifetime quest for capital-t Truth.
That was 64 years ago, now. And we have all now ‘come of age,’ to a certain extent. Humanity as a whole on the verge of a Golden Age. But with a couple of hurdles left to clear.
One is the business I talked about yesterday, of the Communist Chinese Defense Minister having given a speech to his Party Central Committee outlining their plans for a bioweapon to wipe out the white race in the United States, so that they can take over the country ‘wholesale’ and in good shape, to be colonized by ‘their’ people. And another very evil group of people are already, in an apparent act of beta testing, ‘priming that pump,’ by sending into this country illegal aliens purposefully infected with bioweapons that we don’t have protection for (as of yet), and having arranged for them to be spread out throughout the country. Including by the use of children.
To all of which I would say:
Be careful what you do to The Other. Because you will just have to incarnate subsequently as The Other; and reap the consequences of your actions. Since in reality - the reality beyond the Play that we are in at present: there is no Other.
Since We Are All One.
Facets of The One Holy Being, experiencing Itself in - by, er, ‘virtue’ of - all of its facets. In a great Learning Process. By which we all gain in consciousness.
So, a word, of caution, and recognition, to us all:
Wakey wakey.
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