Wednesday, 3 July 2019

On Learning To Think Big

At the beginning of 1976, tired of the ways of the world that I found myself in, I went to live in a spiritual community in the north of Scotland called Findhorn; called such after the name of the caravan park, near the fishing village of Findhorn, in which it started (and thus we could be called ‘fishers of men and women’).  That same year, I was to find out a few years later, was the year of the publication of the first of Zechariah Sitchin’s many (14) books on “ancient civilizations,” in particular on ‘where it all started’: at a place in the Middle East called Sumer, now known as Iraq.

“Sumeria is known by historians as ‘the cradle of civilization.’  This  land…was where there were the first schools, the first courts, the first written language, the first arithmetic, and the first domesticated animals and cultivation of crops.

“The list of firsts is impressive.  In the Sumerian’s documents, they tell us that everything they know they learned from the Anunnaki…”*  

Ah yes: ‘Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came’.  Thanks to the assiduous research and impeccable scholarly attitude of Sitchin, many people on the planet these days know about the Anunnaki: the ‘ancient astronauts’ who came down from their home planet on one of its 3.600-year elliptical orbits around our Sun aeons ago and started off Homo sapiens sapiens - ‘The Adam’ - on his historical journey.  The Beginning being quite a story in itself.  As to our physical origins.  But once we realize scientifically - as we have now come to in said history - that there are more dimensions than just the three that we currently perceive, The Play is, for all intents and purposes, over; and it’s time, then, for The Real Thing.

To say,

where we are at


And as we come to the further realization - really grok - that underneath the physical aspect of Separation, We Are All One - as sparks of The All That Is - let us consider the ramifications.

* If you really understood that underlying premise, why would you ‘Do unto others’ what you would not have them do unto you?  Why, then, treat others differently than you would treat yourself.
   There is, then, no ‘Other’ to treat differently.

* If we are all ‘in this’ equally together, we all have ‘skin in the game,’ and thus need to pull our weight, to make things work, and develop our individual abilities, in service to the Whole.

* There is a higher Purpose to life than merely in and for itself only.  Thus, there is Reason to give of our - One’s - best in all that we do, beyond that of any momentary reward.

Think of your own bullet points to this proposition.  Come on.  I dare you.  (Smileyi icon.)   

A dare, from your

Elder Brother 

P.S. Until then…
     We Americans, learning the hard way to live by rules, must bring so-called ’sanctuary cities’ and states to justice.  And so forth.  In setting things to rights.  Working with the sword of Truth.  Before we can proceed from here.  Into
   The New.
   Just waiting for us to inherit it.

* from the Introduction to Janet Sitchin’s ‘The Anunnaki Chronicles’.


P.P.S. This business of the origins of the Sumerians answered a longstanding question for me as to how we had become such a warring lot.  It was obviously not just due to ‘evolution’ from the higher primates, and a ’territorial instinct,’ and all that.  Physical creatures can develop in different ways, along different lines.  And even this planet’s (legend of) Lemuria and Lemurians comes to mind.  This lot seemed to have had a particularly ‘bad’ beginning.  Now it figured.  See Sitchin’s ’The Wars of Gods And Men’ for a particularly in-depth take on the subject.  And if ‘territoriality’ and ‘survival of the fittest’ grew out of a brutal Ice Age, when the hominids had a lot of competition for sheer survival, that didn’t answer why so much warring in the Middle East, with plentiful water and cultivatable land available, for the development of a ‘cradle of civilization’.  So, the Sitchin research did come as an answer for me.  
     And to my wondering, coming to a head in 1976, if I had made a wrong turn somewhere along the way, into incarnation.  (‘What the hell is going on here?  These aren’t MY people, surely???’…)             

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