- And
Land Ho!
In my last blog I talked of humanity’s basic rights under their Maker. For us now to move into a future - call it the Satya Yuga if you wish; or a/the Golden Age - not characterized by the totalitarian, boot-on-the-neck state, as exemplified by the former Soviet Union and currently by the regime in charge of Mainland China, but by nations of essentially free peoples; with subtle pressures brought to bear on the Communist Chinese leadership, and by their own peoples, to join with the rest of us in the world, to sail with the community of nations sailing into the new seas of commerce towards a totally New World: one characterized by the Dignity of the Individual as the child of said Individual’s Creator Source.
Our mutual Creator Source. Transcending any particular religious take on the matter.
The matter, of our human attempts to make sense of our existence. And coming, now, to the realization - beyond any differences, of either a religious or a political or a racial nature - that
We Are All
Sparks off the One Holy Being behind the mystery of human existence.
Mystery no longer. Seen, now, as a school. For apprentice gods.
Chips off the old block, as it were.
Coming, now, into
our graduation time
into a new stage of our development as such.
Hold onto your sailors' caps. It’s going to make for an interesting ride.
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