On A Slow News Day
A few words on the LGBTQ+ phenomenon going on, with its curiously large and seemingly growing numbers.(1)
There is substantial evidence for a number of potential environmental causes of such skewed orientations, with effects on the developing fetal brain as the causative factor. An abnormality in the adrenal glands of the developing fetus or the mother or both, for example. Disturbances in the food and drinking water causing disturbances in the hormonal bath that the fetus is developing in, for another. Stress, of all kinds - physical, mental, emotional (there is evidence of a greater number of homosexual babies born in the wake of wars than the ‘normal’ background ‘noise’ can account for, e.g.). And a major factor is the effect of drugs like barbiturates, prescribed to pregnant women without sufficient regard for their potential effect on the developing fetus. All, resulting in female-patterned brains being ‘wired’ into biologically male bodies and vice versa and every stop along the abnormal spectrum in between, like trannies.
Now, this is not to say that all such gender skewing is due just to these environmental factors. Some cases of homosexuality, e.g., could be due to the soul having incarnated through the same sexual doorway a number of times and choosing to come through the other (binary) doorway, to experience that orientation, and in the event ending up feeling that they are in the wrong body. Some studies with identical twins would appear to indicate that there are other (such) factors involved in the phenomenon. But by and large, the most logical answer to the matter, of why so much skewed gender identity going on, would be the environmental factor, and especially of such as endocrine disrupters/estrogen mimics, from such as plastics,(2) pesticides, and The Pill, and the misuse of drugs.
Having said all that…
So, no, those on the LGBTQ+ spectrum are not responsible for their conditions/brain patterning. But they are responsible, as with all of us, for their actions. And a lot of their actions, as for all of us ‘straights,’ are reprehensible. And they need to be called on them.(3)
And society needs to stop bending over backwards in appeasing their various demands, for special treatment.
Live and let live.
But there are limits. Take the military services, e.g.. It is departing from their training and rigorous duty to have ‘gays’ bringing in that sexual tension into the foxholes, as it were, and the barracks. So: At the very least; with Prevention being worth a pound of cure in the first place; at the first sign of sexual distraction for our military and their important sense of and obligation to duty: Out.
And don’t let me get started on our schools in this regard. That’s a whole subject in itself, for another day.
Perhaps not a slow day.
Perhaps one coming right up on us.
As things come to a head.
And our civilization hangs in the balance.
(1) And I understand that that crowd wants to add ‘P’ in that designation. As in pedophilia. And thus attempt to ‘normalize’ even that ‘orientation,’ or ‘preference,’ or whatever words the child molesters and their supporters are using, to try to bring that practice into the equation as well
Don’t let me get started on the subject of millstones.
(2) And think of the inner linings of canned foods in this regard as well.
It’s almost as if ‘they’ - our erstwhile masters; who think thee are too many of us, for them to be able to control sufficiently - were doing this sort of thing on purpose.
Ya think??
(3) Not the least of which is the appalling amount of promiscuity amongst ‘gays’. Don’t talk to me about ‘love’. This is lust, pure and simple. And is responsible for a lot not only of death but toxicity, which can ultimately affect the ‘straight’ world as well.
’Normal’ behavior? Fisting? Scatting?? What, are you kidding me???!
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