Friday, 26 July 2019

On History, And Not

Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show carried an article by Ethan Huff titled ’New public school “history” book teaches students that President Trump is “mentally ill,” supporters “racist”.’  It was, unfortunately, true: the publisher, an outfit called Pearson Education, has come up with a propaganda screed, entitled ‘By the People: A History of the United States,’ that is pure leftist propaganda, with a chapter on the 2016 presidential elections that is straight out of a socialist’s wettest of dreams.  That was bad enough in my evening’s reading material.  And then there was this:       

from ‘Why Does the CSS Post Stories About Foreign Countries?’ - Dave Hodges - July 25
(In the course of his discourse Hodges mentioned that Thomas Jefferson had fathered children with his slave, Sally Hemings.  My rebuttal:) 

Stan Stanfield -  July 26

Dave, for the record: There is no actual evidence that Thomas Jefferson fathered children by Sally Hemings.  The book by David Barton titled 'The Jefferson Lies' has part of the story; The New American magazine archives have the rest.  I forget the details, but the gist of the matter is that another member of the Jefferson family, who was known to socialize with the slaves on the Jefferson holdings into the wee hours, was probably involved.  So, Yes: Thomas Jefferson had slaves.  Being a man of his times, and circumstances.  But he was so much more.  More Americans should know more about this amazing Renaissance Man who was so central to their nation's founding. 

Americans: You have nothing to be ashamed about your country’s founding.  It was founded by men of their times, yes, and many from beyond their times, closer to our times.  But its basic premises were clean and clear: the birth of a whole new nation on the planet, founded on Man’s basic rights, as the children of their Maker - on the notion that the whole purpose of government is to protect such rights.  And after a terrible Civil War - as these things take time sometimes to unfold to their complete unfurling (and slavery having existed since time immemorial) -  they set out anew to make that a vision for all of its inhabitants, and for all of humanity: to protect and defend other countries from being overrun by others who would think to dominate them.  And so, America was tricked into WWI, and WWII, with the best of intentions on the part of the duped citizenry.  And yes, unfortunately, it has fallen into the hands of a Cabal of sinister characters who have used it to further their own ends (simply called the military-industrial complex).  But those days are over.  We are now to have a new birth of Freedom.

And this time, for all of the planet. 

And the way to get there?

The elimination of the old monetary system.  And the construction of a new one.  Based on purer principles.

More on which, as we go along.

This new way.  On

El Camino Real.

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