Wednesday, 10 July 2019

On Being Too Late - Or Not

I finished my last blog on a note of warning.  Further in that vein:

(1) from ‘What Life Will Be Like When the Democrats Win the 2020 Election’ -  Dave Hodges - July 8
(A litany of communist-like measures; complete with the call of a Democrat Congresswoman from Florida for the arrest, trial and incarceration of anybody who criticizes Congresspersons.  My response was limited to the no. of characters allowed for one comment.)

Stan Stanfield - Tues. 07/09/2019 - 01:24

Dave, the Democrats know that there is no Constitution any longer, that it is a wet noodle, capable of being twisted to desired shape, by those with the mentality that it is 'a living document'.  What happened?  Part of the modern takedown of it occurred under Bush Jr. with his so-called Patriot Act.  But the coup de gras was when the Democrats put up a constitutionally ineligible candidate for the office of the presidency, in the form of Barack Hussein Obama, and the official opposition party and the American public didn't call them on it.  The Repubs didn't call them on it out of collusion, wanting to run their own ineligible candidates for that office.  The American people didn't call them on it out of apathy and ignorance. Sow and reap.


(2) from ‘Mercola Delisted by Google for Promoting Natural Health Care - Traffic Down 99%!!  Where’s President Trump?’ - Dave Hodges - July 9
(Hodges was unable to bring up Dr. Mercola’s site.  I tried it the other night, after hearing from Hodges about some ‘trouble’ regarding it, and got it to come up, but couldn’t get it to let me resubscribe.  I used to get it in my emails, but it had stopped coming, for whatever reason I didn’t know.  I know now.)

Stan Stanfield - July 9

Amen.  Disgusting stuff.  The war - of the NWO crowd on conservative America - is well and truly on.  And it would behoove us to recognize that sooner rather than later.  Or 'later' may be too late.

As to Dr. Mercola’s site.  Two things are going on regarding this ‘deplatforming’ business: 

1) Google has entered into some sort of financial relationship with Big Pharma.  We the Public are now beginning to see the results of that malevolent marriage.  (It is in part what ‘took down’ Dr. Mike Adams’s Natural News site as well.)  So it’s money-grubbing on the one hand.  On the other:

2) Both Mike Adams and Dr. Mercola are a source of information regarding the dangers of vaccines.  There is a big push going on now by various NWO players in various states to a) make vaccines mandatory, and b) get as many of us sheeple vaccinated as possible, with vaccines that will be laced with various substances deleterious to our health - or outright life.  It is one of the vectors for our erstwhile masters’s People Control.  And culling.

After the White Hats take down these vermin, and this 3D realm is cleansed of them, and prepared for its Next Steps on the stairway to the heavens, I would like to make a suggestion: When you transition out of here - this elementary school, for aspiring gods (and some souls who are trying to jump the gun, before they have finished their training) - try, try, try to remember to tell your Handlers that you don’t want to come back to this ‘classroom,’ that you want to move on and up; not to be letting either your Self or the side down, as it were.

It’s your call.

Take it out of the hands of the Lords of Karma.

And graduate.

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