(A friend has sent me a link to a Collective Evolution article on Lyme disease having been created as a bioweapon. My response):
This guy at CE is doing great work. He is be highly commended.
The more I find out about what all has been going in this country (and the world), the more I want t see an end put to it. All the darkness is disgusting. It doesn't seem to be just the interdimensionals who have turned their backs on the Light, either, or the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati. Our own human stock would appear to have been infected, terribly. Pedovores? Appalling stuff.
The End. Period. A New Age to begin. Cleansed of all this crap.
(The friend also sent me info on a couple of upcoming further Dem candidate debates. My response:)
Sorry - these people leave me cold. And to top it off, Kamala Harris is not a 'natural born citizen,’ either. As the Dems push the post-Constitution envelope.
This country may need to get what it deserves, for having ceded the country over to people who would just love to have Power Over Others. Or POO for short.
(The ‘Golden Age of Gaia’ site for July 18 had a particularly interesting article in it. I sent it on to this friend, as a better note to end our communications on.)
The ’13 Key Disciplines’ article by Karen Parker is great. FYI.
There is SOME good stuff going on these days...
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