People who have no morals - because they believe that there are no absolutes, and so the end justifies the means, any and all means - become so immersed in their iies and deceit that they often can’t tell whether something is actually true or not. But the same is true for those who actually care whether they, and we, are living by truth or not, but feel that it is not their business to sort it all out.
It is their business. And especially in a country that is built on the premise that The People, with their fundamental, basic rights, are the sovereign. Are essentially self-governing. With the responsibility to make sure that the representatives that they elect to speak for them in the halls of government, regarding such day-to-day business, ere doing just that. Which means that they themselves need to keep educated on the issues. And thus, not to let things get out of their hands.
We come now to the subject of 9/11.
What does it take to become aware of the following:
* The second plane - the one that we all saw on our tv - sliced into the steel-frame tower like a knife through butter. Like a Hollywood cartoon. Blip, and in. Nothing crushed and left on the outside of the building.
* Another shot of that same event showed a plane - an image of a plane - approaching the tower, and disappearing briefly around the side of it - and the nose of the ‘plane’ appeared on the other side, briefly, before the shot was hurriedly Cut to Black.
On the other side. Through the building. And all of its contents. The aluminum nose of a passenger jet. That would ‘normally’ have crumpled on impact with a steel-frame building. As they do/have done when hitting a bird. As we have also been shown in the years following that event. In documentaries trying to draw out attention to various anomalies regarding that story. That narrative.
But not with much success, judging by the fact that the narrative still stands.
A narrative that includes:-
* The dustification of the buildings, in their demolitions. (Coming down at free-fall speed. Directly down into their footprints. So, obviously not from random fires, weakening random steel buttresses. With the buildings having been designed to withstand such impacts, and their effects.) With one particular piece of one of the buildings, after one of those augmented controlled demolitions, shown disappearing in front of our very eyes. Simply becoming invisible.
Poof. At the most: dust.
But the majority of the American public are still walking around, minding their own business.
As if that attack on their soil wasn’t their business.
Their major business. In such a country.
I urge you, my fellow Americans,
to become
Or you will lose it.
And soon. Very soon.
Because, when you failed to rise to that occasion, you emboldened your enemies - obviously, Enemies from Within, to have pulled off that caper, with all the ramifications of it - to go for even more outrageous attacks on you. And this time,
they won’t limit it to just the destruction of a couple of iconic buildings, and the excruciating deaths of their unfortunate occupants.
Show me what you are really made of, America.
Unless you already have.
Ref: 'Where Did The Towers Go?' by Judy Wood, B.S., M.S., Ph.D.
various books on 9/11 by Prof. David Ray Griffin
various books on 9/11 by Prof. David Ray Griffin
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