I ended my last blog on a very sour note for me. To recap: After referring to some nutritional information “now available on the Internet,” I said: “Although for how long is debatable…”
What was I referring to.
I was referring to what Dr. Mike Adams of his Natural News site has pointed out, as a concerted effort by, er, ‘G’ to censor - including in a form of Communist China’s ‘Social Credit’ system called your ‘social penalty score;’ aka a ‘Social Demerit’ system - anything that ‘offends’ people with a dog in the fight, especially, in this particular case, anything that could be considered anti-‘official’ cancer treatment, anti-vaccine, and anti-GMOs. Why? For one reason (forget for the moment the larger, People-Control conspiracy going on; as, e.g., regarding 5G): because ‘G’ has entered into a financial relationship with Big Pharma, and is funneling - like a funnel web spider - articles critical of or in competition with its products out of sight.
This is disgusting stuff. And especially in a country with the founding principles - regarding ‘essential liberty,’ and self-governance - of this one.
I really think that it’s time for me to take over now.
What about Pres. Trump?
For all the good that he is doing, in attempting to a) Drain the Swamp, and b) MAGA, he would appear to be fatally compromised for the long haul. His Achilles heel?:
Let me in there, and you will see the Draining of the Swamp and the MoAGA without the compromise.
And when I say No Compromising:
Believe me.
But sometime, these things are in the eye of the beholder.
The ‘Js’ - specifically, the NeoCons and Mossad (behind the NWO crowd in general. Which - be fully aware, when it comes to condemnations - consists of more than just them. Call that segment of The Crowd the corporatists; aka fascists) - are going to be taken down for their role in 9/11, when all of that caper comes out; to say, to light. (As it will. Truth will always out. And especially under the pressure of more Light, as is happening now. In Our Time.) And the American People are going to be sorely - well; let me be frank: pissed off, at that news, and all of that sort of thing that will be uncovered in its wake.(2) But we need, to be fair, to consider The Larger Picture.
Behold (as one ‘take’ on it):
The Jews
Act ike microbes
That digest a body
When it has lost its life force.
are kept at bay
when the body
is healthy;
but when it isn’t
any longer, they
take over, and do
their duty.
It is their job.
They aren’t just
A mob.
give them
some slack
when Justice
is meted
can’t help
The same
with their
It is in
And even
to be
Hey -
how would you
to be born
to prey?
I would like
to be
just one
of the
So, there
the spectrum
Process -
The Play
in which we play
are through
The Play
(1) Which would appear to be why the DS played the Epstein card at this time. As al they had left, could come up with, to take down The Donald. Even though it would take down some of their own as well. But, couldn’t be helped.
They would understand. The stakes, and all that.
(2) Why do you think that our MSM and social media platforms are going all out to attempt to fasten censorship on the Right - Conservatives and Constitutionalists and Christians - at this time? They know what is coming; and are trying to squeeze their Last Stand in. Hoping that they can still win the day.
Fat chance. They exist in the darkness. All is in the process of being brought to light.
The Light of
a - the - New Day.
Which will also ‘highlight’ how Americans allowed their country to be hijacked. And have needed to experience some blowback for that.
But to continue.
P.S. Things are getting to major totalitarian status very quickly now in this country. Reference: Paul Craig Roberts, in referring today to a recent outrageous determination by a judge, in that case involving the Sandy Hook School shootings, where a demonstrably fake death certificate was ruled ‘immaterial,’ when the whole specific court case revolved around its truth or falsity:
We will be punished if we “doubt official explanations”.
Pure Soviet Union crap Or current Communist China treatment of its citizens. Considered by the ruling Elite more as subjects. Or worse.
Things indeed are coming to a head.
Be prepared.
Justice is coming.
With a whole New Era. And for all of humanity.
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