Thursday, 25 July 2019

On The Preponderance Of Evidence

‘Special Counsel Mueller, would you say that your investigation did not exonerate President Trump?’


‘Special Counsel Mueller, would you say that the sun rose this morning?’


To say, that it is not the role of a Special Counsel to exonerate or not exonerate, that it is the role of the investigation simply to amass evidence and make a determination whether, based on the preponderance of evidence, they would recommend proceeding to prosecution, where the role to exonerate or not exonerate is based on the determination either of the jury or the judge, depending on the circumstances of the trial.  

And you, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, damn well know that.  That your question was a softball lob, designed to be hit out of the park.  That it was a con job.  And you are a con artist.

And not a very good one at that.

And speaking of con artists.  

It is obvious by now that the current Democrat Party has been mostly taken over by its far left wing, and in consequence, is anathema to this country, and its basic principles.  A key one of which is that our rights are not bestowed on us as privileges by the state; capable of being taken away simply by the will of the state.  That in this country, The People are the sovereign.  And by The People, I mean the legitimate people of the country: its citizens.

Not just its residents.  Millions of which are not just non-citizens but are in the country illegally; and which the Democrats are doing all that they can to finagle their way into citizenship, or at least, to be able ‘legally’ to vote.

And as for this ‘legal’ business.

Members of Congress take an oath of office, officially to be seated therein, to “support this Constitution”.  But, e.g., members of the Democratic Socialists don’t support the Constitution - they want to do away with it, and install a system of governance in which rights are but privileges, bestowed - or taken away - by the state.  And the same, of course, for members of the Communist Party. 

Muslims (and in consequence, their neighbors) have a particular problem.  Their religion encourages them, even, to lie to the unbeliever .  So, how can the citizenry of this secular state trust anything that the Muslims amongst us say, even if sworn on the Koran?  It is the very document that encourages them - instructs them, even - to lie to the unbeliever.

So, we have a problem, Houston.  A very big problem.  Going on in this country.  As we speak.

And needing now to be brought to a head.  For a total cleansing to take place.

And the whole thing - the entire Play - brought under the banner of

Truth.  As we enter into an Era - an Age - of

The Real Thing.

In which Love and Light and Truth abide. 

And we go out into the darkness

for our elementary school lessons

no more.

Living solely in

The Light.

Of our mutual Creator Source.

In which only clean things should abide.

Not lies.

Not at this level, now.  Of our

advanced education.

As apprentice gods.

Fractals of 

The One



Deserving, now, of our best.

No longer of

our worst.

In the lower grades.

On the preponderance of evidence.


Further, as to this ‘reality’ that we are in: 

A friend sent me two links to long radio discussions regarding apparent coverups for govt activity regarding UFOs and free energy devices, etc.  The take of those involved in the discussion is that UFOs are man-made, there is no such thing as gravity, there is an ether and electricity accounting for it all, we are in a closed system, that the Sun and Moon are not a huge no. of miles away, the ‘firmament’ is liquid, we are in a bit of a prison, our Handlers do not want us knowing that.  My response:

I finally took the time to listen to this stuff.  Very interesting; and I like their take on things.  As far as it goes.  Meaning...

I find it also interesting that at this same time I have been going back into my condensed version of the Zecharia Sitchin material, a book - well edited by his niece - called 'The Anunnaki Chronicles: A Zecharia Sitchin Reader'.  And am reminded that the Sumerians - whose civilization bloomed seemingly out of nowhere, back around 3000 BC - knew all about the outer planets, a number of which our telescopes hadn't even found until our current time.  How did they know all that (and more)?  Their 'gods' - Those Who From Heaven to Earth Came - told them.  Taught them.  And about their home planet, a somewhat 'rogue' member of our solar system with an elliptical orbit of 3600 of our years (and which became a time-measuring device of the Sumerians).  Meaning, that there is some question about our being locked in a rather close "closed system".  But the electromagnetic properties, complete with an ether, and 'zero-point energy' and such - yes, I can relate to that.  So, my bottom line is:

To be continued.


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