Tuesday, 16 July 2019

More On The 'Official' Take On Things

In my last blog (this is beginning to feel like a trail of bread crumbs, that I am more following than leaving; interesting) I took umbrage at an example of an injustice that has taken place in the country.*  To say, another one; which seem to be coming fast and furious these days.  And then in my emails I saw a notice about another such injustice: A high school principal - who happens to be black - has been fired for questioning the Holocaust.

As well he should.  Question that meme, that is.  Which Jews have been employing scandalously, to further their various ends.  As even some amongst them will admit to.  And have.  

Some facts in the matter.

The ’Six Million’ ‘killed’ in the Nazi concentration camps - sometimes referred to as having been gassed to death in them, in the shower rooms used as gas chambers (for which there is zero evidence) or shoveled into the ovens (used to cremate those who had already died, of starvation and typhus) - is a myth.  The number refers to an estimate that the Zionists made, originally back towards the beginning of the twentieth century, of the number of Jews ‘lost’ to history in the Diaspora.  Which was used in an attempt to gain sympathetic support for a homeland for them.  Preferably back in ’their roots’ in Palestine.  (Although most European Jews are not bloodline Jews, are rather from converted Turkic stock, from a Middle Europe country called Khazaria; another story.)  And to which end some Zionists went to the UK’s Foreign Secretary, Lord Arthur Balfour, during the latter stages of what would then become WWI, and made a proposal: that ‘they’ would manage to bring the U.S. into the European fray on the side of the UK if the UK, via Lord Balfour’s intercession, would help them secure said homeland.  The deal was made, and the U.S.’s fate was sealed, under what has come to be known as the Balfour Declaration:

His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

But don’t mind the latter part of the deal.  That’s for detail Nazis…

In any event: the salient point is that ‘the Holocaust’ is not precisely what it has been cracked up to be.  And to pretend that it is - down even to firing people, and even imprisoning people if they won’t go along with ‘the official story’ - is to engage in sophistry, and outright deceit.  Yes, many - how many is far from ‘six million’ - Jews died in the Nazi concentration camps.  But we can also get into the causes of the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany in the ruthless aftermath of WWI.  And so forth.  Meaning:

We need to be honest.

Down to the very details.

Or we flunk

our history lessons.    

The bottom line:

Having the ’correct’ view on things (and thus having ‘the right to economic participation’) is similar to Communist China’s ‘Social Credit’ System.  Meaning, it is totalitarian.  Meaning, it is disgusting.  Dehumanizing.  Of the Dark.

Not of the Light.  Which we are entering, more and more of, as we speak.

Generated in reaction to all the Dark being expressed.

In order to get it out.  And done with. 

For the New to come in.

So: Hang on.

And invoke Light.  More Light.

Be a part of the answer.  Not a part of the problem.  By giving it energy.

Rob it of its strength.  By staying firm in

the Light.

And Love.  Of

the New.

* To do with the NWO crowd’s attempts at gun confiscation in this country, in a ‘softening up exercise’ before they make their major takeover move.  
   Not MY country, you won’t.
   But to continue.

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