1) Ref. an article sent me by a friend online entitled ‘The Australian Stasi use thermal imaging to arrest three kids on a rooftop…’ about PolAir footage of the Aussie police in Oz busting three youths “breaking lockdown laws by having a cold drink on a Gold Coast rooftop”. (“The fine for breaking social distancing regulations in Queensland is $1,334.”) My response to my friend:
“I was just reading yesterday on some site or other that the Aussie PM has announced that when the cv vaccine is available, and if the Quarantine is still in place (which, by one account making the rounds, it will continue to be indefinitely, to varying levels of confinement and in different areas), nobody will be allowed out of their houses without their 'Papers Please' - a written form confirming that they have had the shot. I was somewhat stunned when I heard this, but not entirely. Having lived in Oz, I am aware that the widespread image of the carefree, strongly individuated, laid-back Aussie - 'Throw another shrimp on the barbie, mate' - is a misnomer. They have allowed fluoridation to be kept in place in many places; they succumbed to major gun-control measures awfully easily after the (question-full) Port Arthur mass shooting in Tasmania; and they succumbed to their vaccination records being transferred to online access as if they had No Worries, Mate in the world about that foot in the door. Actually, now that I think of it (from this last thrown-in comment of mine), I realize that their laid-back attitude IS a part of their problem. Is not a sign that they just want to be left alone to do their thing in life. Is, rather, a sign that they will let jackboots tromp all over them. And maybe even invite their Erstwhile Masters into the backyard for a shrimp or two. Before they are hauled off. For their own barbie.
As Edward Snowden has recently said to an Israeli journalist in an interview in his flat in Moscow on the occasion of a) his request for an extension of his asylum residency permit in Russia (for, it is to remembered, and especially in this context, blowing the whistle on illegal mass surveillance of U.S. citizens by U.S. Intel agencies), and b) Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu using Shin Bet’s mass surveillance database to track people infected by the cv:
“I really find it difficult to grasp how this thing has not aroused a big public storm…It is very surprising to me that the Israeli public does not understand the extent to which a pool of data such as this in the hands of the Shin Bet is dangerous. True, Israel is a country at war, but it must be remembered that a large part of the Israeli population is in Israel as the outcome of a tragedy, an intentional atrocity that was powered by the abuse of public records that were held by the Nazis in Germany.
“So I say to the Israelis: Set aside your political feelings for the day, set aside your feelings about Netanyahu, about his opposition rivals; that is less important.”
Well pointed out, Edward. And an ‘Ahem’ to the American public.
2) I have just come across info, in my daily mail from many sources, that ‘Election Integrity’ things in California were worse than I thought, and thus, double reason for my being so glad to have moved out of that seditious, and thoroughly corrupt, state.
Some background first. When I first moved back to my home state, in 2012, after having lived abroad for the largest part of my adult years, and went to vote in that year’s elections, I was stunned to find that they didn’t ask me for any ID, even a piece of mail with my name and address on it, to confirm that I was who I was saying I was. When I refused to go any further in the checking-in process and asked to see a precinct supervisor, I was told by said person that they didn’t require any ID to vote in that state. Refusing to vote under those circumstances - I am no one’s dummy - I spent some time afterwards trying to find out more info about the state’s requirements, and how they had gone so far off the rails on such an important matter, as the integrity of our elections. I wasn’t able to find any specific info at the time, so I let it go, in being busy with other interests in my life; but when it happened again, in the next election cycle, I asked further questions of that session’s supervisor, who kindly gave me the phone number and address of the city’s office in charge of such things.(1) Going there in person, my query was treated in a blithe manner - ‘Oh, we check things like signatures, and driver’s license’s’ - until I pointed out that anybody can get a driver’s license, whereupon they are automatically registered to vote - and the young gal abruptly changed her demeanor and gave me the phone number of the L.A. County Voter Registrar’s Office to deal with me, and my query.
My call to them was an eye-opener. The young guy fielding my call (with the call announced as being supervised) gave me the following message from said office, after I pointed out to him about the automatic registration factor regarding driver’s licenses applications, and asked what they do about checking them out: “People commit perjury if they do not opt out of the process” (or words to that effect). And? Nothing. That’s it. No checking to see if anybody has committed said perjury. Which, of course, the Democrat Party lets their communities know, especially all the - known and unknown - illegal aliens in the state (and especially in L.A. County - my county), so that they won’t be deterred from opting in regarding the Motor Voter Law process for voter registration. And to make things even easier for IAs and other non-citizens to register: During the ensuing short period of time before I moved out of the state in late 2019, California, with their majority-Democrat legislature and governor, passed a law making it EXPLICITLY LEGAL for IAs to apply for a driver’s license (and thus be automatically registered to vote).
Could they make it any more explicit to their large Hispanic community to get involved in our voting procedures??? As tor all registered voters: They have had another card up their sleeve, that I hadn’t been able to find out about in the aforesaid time period.
A mailing to me from an outfit attempting to bring some semblance of Electoral Integrity into the process in this country has now pointed out something to me that might have sent me over the edge while I was still living in CA: There is a process called ‘ballot harvesting,’ whereby a political party pays workers to seek out especially elderly voters in their homes and collect their mail-in ballots, to submit for them. How nice of them. Not. As those ballots are then, shall we say, ‘treated’. The process being illegal in most states. For obvious reasons. But what ho!: “California made ballot harvesting legal in 2017.”
Well, they would, wouldn’t they…
A word here about signatures. The young gal in the appropriate office in my home town, with whom I started my official inquiries into this whole dirty business, had referred, in her blithe way, to ‘checking signatures’ as part of how they - purportedly - check on the legitimacy of who is voting.(2) Now, there may be some of that sort of thing going on. But I doubt that I am very far from the truth of the matter, when I say that nobody, on a regular basis, checks the signatures of the voters, from either voting in person or on Mail-In/Absentee Ballot voting, against the original signature on people’s Voter Registration forms. I have never heard of that action take place. It may happen in some states, on a random basis, regarding Mail-In/Absentee Ballot voting. But how silly, to think that that hit-and-miss process is a legitimate substitute for a photo ID, at the very least to have gotten on the Voter Reg Rolls in the first place, and to confirm your ID at the precinct.
Which needs to become a voting requirement. Across the board. Full. Stop.
And dipping a voter’s finger in purple dye - formulated to last at least as long as the individual state’s Early Voting procedures - like a banana republic, if we have to. To bring some semblance of Voter Integrity back into the Electoral Process in this country.
Before we move on.
Before we can
move on.
And leave all this sort of corruption - and the level of consciousness of which it is a reflection - behind. For a New Day for humanity to dawn.
P.S. And I am aware that there was an issue in the state of Florida, back at the time at the least of the 2004 elections, wherein it was discovered, via a federal government House sub-committee Hearing, that the Republicans had developed an electronic voting machine that could produce a winning vote for their candidates. And regarding which the Democrats apparently decided not to get mad, but to get even. In managing Voter Fraud of their own, in their own ways. (And in the same way. As in the electronic machines subsequently developed by Soros & Co.) And, as this letter - from the American Civi Rights Union Action Fund - goes on to say, regarding the CA (Democrats) law making Ballot Harvesting legal in that state, that not only does it “(allow) anyone to collect thousands of ballots and turn them in without having to prove the votes are legitimate,” but: “Ballot harvesting is the main reason why the Democrats were able to flip so many Republican Congressional districts in the 2018 midterms.”
Now, they would say that, wouldn’t they. So, let’s have it all out, in the open. The Electoral materials checked by CPAs (especially with the quantum computers that we now have, to do a major job of cleaning the Voter Reg Rolls), and the elections themselves run by them. And thereby, have Electoral Fraud over and done with.
P.P.S. As for that other ‘virus’ making the rounds these days (and as I dealt with briefly in my last blog). For the record: Quarantine measures like social distancing and wearing gloves and masks, in the absence of further measures of ‘awareness,’ is propaganda; is Band-Aid stuff, designed to keep the public’s eye off the effects of the 5G nemesis that is being rolled out.
The 5G nemesis, with its damaging EMF field, affects the level of oxygen in the blood cells, with the oxygen unable to attach to the hemoglobin, leading to oxygen deprivation to the body’s cells; thus, its symptoms of dis-ease are similar to those of the flu or the cv.(3)
I am not a doctor. I am not prescribing. I am passing on info. Get your (allopathic) doctor to get up to speed on all this (naturopathic) sort of thing. The life you save by doing so may be your own.
And further for the record: A cocktail of substances has been proven to work well in this particular regard: the HCQ in conjunction with an antibiotic called azithroymycin, and zinc.
Zinc helps stop replication of viruses. That’s why it is so valuable during cold and flu season.
And speaking of ‘seasons’ in these matters: That is an important tipoff as to what is actually going on in our bodies in this general regard. But that’s a subject perhaps for another day.
But let me just say here, now, in closing: Artificially increased numbers for CoVid-19 infections - particularly from false positives from the tests being used (e.g., prior factors can effect those numbers, especially, but not exclusively, from previous flu shots) - are being ‘advertised’ in order to keep the guidelines in place for quarantine lockdown procedures, but the tactic as well lowers the death-percentage factor (the 'case fatality rate') closer to the normal flu levels (but which “flu-type illnesses” are also sinisterly included in the official guidelines as part of the ‘Downward Trajectory’ requirement to lift lockdown procedures); but the death numbers are increased as well, artificially, as more and more reports from ‘the field’ are attesting to (and alerting us to), with medics being required to list all manner of deaths as CoVid-19-caused or -related. So, bottom line: We can’t go by the ‘official’ figures AT ALL. Which are designed, not only to increase the money being thrown at the hospitals under the name of treating the CoVid-19 thing (and thus to help keep the medics involved in line with The Agenda), but to keep us under indefinite lockdown, and thus under the thumb of our EMs of the NWO crowd; until the vaccine that they are coming up with can come online, and finish us off, with its nano particles designed to a) chip us, and b) do that job.
We are in the hands of some very evil people. And it would be stupid of us to continue to let them control us.
Come out from under their control. Live in the Light of
a New Day.
And certainly not of
their New World Order.
(1) Also, I asked that Precinct Supervisor person why the voting material was in more languages than English, and in particular, Spanish, since one has to learn to read and write English in order to become a citizen. Which one of the precinct workers, a young man, overhearing our conversation, butted in and denied to be the case. But the supervisor knew better than the worker, and in reply to my query, said that it was a federal law. So, in that case, I can’t blame California alone for electoral fraud - on a rampant level - going on there.
(2) Without a photo ID requirement to vote. Which one needs for many exchanges in life. And which my home state, of CA, already issues; and which is easily available through the DMV offices. The only problem being that one has to show evidence of citizenship to be issued one.
But then, hey - what’s a little requirement like that. To people bound and determined to cheat their way into power.
(3) The reason that hydroxychloroquine - an anti-malarial drug; which is actually a parasitical infection - works with the CoVid-19 condition is because malaria does almost the same thing to the cells as CoVid-19 but in a different manner: It eats the hemoglobin. The drug protects the hemoglobin so that the cells can get the oxygen they need. It does that whether it be for malaria or CoVid-19.