Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Time's Up

The Next Step

So let’s look at a where we are at, on Planet Earth in general, and the U.S. in particular.

TPTB are using the CoVid-19 pandemic to put the U.S. citizenry as far under their control as possible, in order - as is becoming more and more clear - to establish a ‘Papers, please’ regime on the populace, wherein and whereby the public will have to show proof of having had the upcoming vaccine for the pandemic virus in order to do al manner of things, including travel.  The point being  to get as many of the populace, not only of the U.S. but of other countries as well, chipped via the vaccine.

Proof of this contention is, at a minimum, two-fold:

1) In 2009 the DHS ran a beta test in Colorado (site of the Continuity-of-Government capital in case of a problem with the governing structure(s) in Washington, D.C.) involving the setting-up of checkpoints (complete with tire-shredding inability to turn around and avoid them) for travelers (crisis actors playing the parts) to have to show their ‘immunity certificates,’ and if they do not have such, to be administered their required vaccine on the spot; and if they refuse, to be herded into one of three waiting buses - one each for men, women, and children (thus separating family units) - and taken to quarantine camps.  Called in the literature for all this sort of thing ‘Medical Martial Law’ camps - but which have no medical arrangements in them.  They are concentration camps, pure and simple.*  

2) The next year, in 2010, Canada’s chief Health advisor - a Chinese woman - called for everyone in that ‘sister country’ to the U.S. to have to have a bracelet containing info on their vaccine status in order to be able to leave their cities of residence.  
     I don’t know what the outcome of this totalitarian measure was; but it was in the nature of a beta test, anyway.  To prepare people for later application.  When things were completely ready.

All any of this (and crucially including the Takeover Exercises of 2015 and 2016) needed to be applied, then, was the proper circumstances.  Which includes, in our day, and at this time of the novel coronavirus pandemic:

the technology, not only of a Smart Grid (capable of controlling our use both of energy and food), but of what is called ‘Dragon fly’ drones, which can detect human temperatures, fluid retention in their lungs, and even Social Distancing,  Technology which can be used for good.  Or not.         

And last (for this particular blog), but not least:

The UN’s Secretary General has now announced, for the record, that the main purpose for/goal of the CoVid-19 pandemic is (to paraphrase) ‘the Deindustrialization of the West and introduction of the Green Energy agenda’.  Complete with Carbon Credits, and a Smart Grid infrastructure that puts a total(itarian) control on The People, managing their energy use, making sure that they have their vaccines, etc. etc.  A Technocrat’s - and Satanist’s - wet dream.

And on the other side of this recipe for Ordo ab Chao:

a) President Donald Trump.  Raining on the parade of our EMs into their totalitarian New World Order; a dystopian future for cattle, er, The People; and

b) A cure, or at least a very successful treatment, for the pandemic virus, that obviates the need for a (People-controlling vector) vaccine structured precisely for The (that) Cause.

Said cure/treatment consisting of a major modality and then followed by a number of optional, tailored pieces.  The first:

* the cocktail of hydroxychloroquine, the antibiotic azithromycin, and zinc.  And then:

* the (knowledgeable) use of intravenous vitamin C;

* ditto of colloidal silver;

* ditto of MMS;

* ditto of interferon;

and other, immune system-enhancing measures.  (See a good naturopathic or complementary/holistic-medicine-trained allopathic doctor about all of this.)

N.B. There is also a drug, called remdesrivir, which the FDA has cleared for use against this virus; but it is extremely expensive (plus the FDA is in the pocket of Big  Pharma, so you can't believe anything they say anyway), whereas the first item on the treatment list above has elements which are generic, and thus off-patent, and thus extremely more inexpensive.  So that a cure/treatment for this particular virus (and remember, viruses can easily mutate, and thus a vaccine for one form is not necessarily applicable to another version of it) is available.  Now.  And thus we don’t have to wait for the vaccine that our EMs want us to have to take, in order to live in their New World Order.

And under their boot.

And so now comes the coup de grace to their best-laid plans: 

Declass.  And the unsealing of a prodigious number of Grand Jury indictments.  Reflecting the disgusting degree of degeneracy of souls thinking that they are ready for godness - a condition requiring a consummate amount of goodness - before their time, of graduation.

Speaking of coronas.

As we engage  - 

after all -

in the creation of a -

the -

New World.

Moving out of this one of darkness, and into the Light of

the New Day

on a higher turn of the spiral.   

* And there have been other, similar beta tests run in recent years, involving the busing of children from their schools to holding sites, like sports stadiums, where their parents have to come to pick them up, and ‘pass the test,’ whatever the specifics thereof.  Their children, then, to be used as bait.  
   Rather in line with our Erstwhile Master's use of our children in their indoctrination centers, to be confused with education systems, as guinea pigs for the establishment of their Brave New World.


P.S. I have been informed, by a friend, that my use of the word 'erstwhile' is in error.  I could have sworn that it meant 'desiring,' as in wannabe's.  But according to the dictionary, it means a) adv: in the past; b) adj: former.
     But then, perhaps I have just tuned in a little further along the timeline that we are on.
     We will know.

Monday, 27 April 2020

On Coming Down To The Wireless

A friend emailed me yesterday on the dual subjects of a) making contributions to worthy online causes, and b) receiving the 'Pandemic Quarantine' check from the federal government.  My response (with some typos cleaned up): 

“I have been confused about the Quarantine Relief payment, because at first I had heard that it was going only to those people who filed a Tax Return, and then I think it was you who said that that had been changed, so I was going to wait until I heard that it had started coming out to check my account.  I hadn't heard that it had started to be received by us small people, until this comment from you.  I'll see what unfolds next week.  I agree that outfits like News With Views and CE and GAoG deserve support.  We need all the help we can get from the alt/Independent media, to know really what's going on.  For example, I heard today that Twitter is going to block people commenting adversely about 5G and its relationship with the cv.  They are apparently pretending that people are saying that 5G causes the cv infection, when what most people who have done some homework on the matter are saying is that 5G enhances the cv infection.  Big difference.  But then Twitter is looking to censor Pres. Trump's tweets too, so that's an indication of what side they are on.  Read: Jack Dorsey.

“And speaking of links: I see that Tyson Foods is closing quite a number of their meat processing/packing plants, as part of a larger set of such closings.  Tyson has links with the Clintons.  Food is a weapon.  "Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people." - Henry Kissinger.

“Trump should be putting National Guard troops into those meat packing plants to keep the food supply open to The People.  But then he should be doing a number of things.  For now, I will give him the benefit of the doubt, as to a Plan at work (and as Dave at X22 Reports 'reports’).  But he needs to act, and soon, in the form of a number of announcements and actions.  People are going to start taking things into their own hands, esp. in those Democrat-controlled states which have put on onerous Lockdown/Stay-at-Home measures, and that can cause a backlash - precisely what our Erstwhile Masters want to happen, so that they can activate their takeover plot.  Quite a chess game going on right now.  Coming down to the wireless, so to speak.


And along this, er, wireless line is a report from a friend who just this weekend recommended to a friend the Golden Age of Gaia site and whose friend reported back a blockage of the site.  The friend had attempted to access the site via Google Chrome (whose message of warning gave the link ‘Back to safety’ rather than allowing a Continue after offering/stating the warning), but then managed to access it via both Safari and Foxfire.  All by way of saying that - as with 5G ‘over’ 4G - newer is not necessarily better. 

To paraphrase Henryk Kissinger: Control the Internet and you control people. 

And then another friend has just today sent me a link to a YT titled ‘COVID - LOCKDOWN - GLOBAL BANKRUPTCY - THE PLAN, involving the Rockefeller Foundation’s purported Plan for global control.  Which brings to mind David Wilcock’s latest offering, highlighting a (purported) bit of a schism between the Rockefeller faction, centered in the U.S., and the Rothschild faction, centered in Europe.  But they are both out for the same thing: Global control.

Which it is not theirs to have.  Ultimately.  Rather, just to be part of a -

the - 


Coming, to a theater of operations quite near


With an additional warning having been afforded us, in the words of former Director of the CIA, William Casey; quote:

“We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

Now, around this point you might be wondering, Why do our EMs telegraph their punches, aka plans?  As in the ’telegraphing’ of such as 9/11, via Hollywood cartooning??

The answer could be considered obvious, to one way of thinking.

That being, that the Dark side is subject to the same sort of Law that governs the side of the Light.  Which allows for some degree of free will to take place, within a context of a grand Purpose at work.

But -

we will see.  When The Drama plays its way out to its


Which can’t be long now.  Considering the state of affairs.  On Planet Earth.  Our home

away from



P.S. As they say: ‘Breaking:’

There needs to be an explanation of Dr. A. Fauci’s $3.7 million to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (who is implicated in the payment as Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, an agency under the NIH umbrella), “at a time when that same Team Obama had banned the funding of any lab that was involved in virus experimentation,” in the words of the Washington Times, in reporting on a radio interview in New York City by Rudy Giuliani.  The article - by  Cheryl K. Chumley - goes on:

“Ouch.  Politically speaking, the perception of one of this administration’s loudest voices on the coronavirus front—the one calling for shutdowns and shut-ins and contact tracing-slash-government-tracking of American citizens—well, it doesn’t look good to have him tied financially to Wuhan.”  

Just so. 

And my thanks to Larry Klayman’s ‘Freedom Watch’ site for bringing this April 27 story to my attention.  I had heard of the charge before, but having it come directly from Giuliani gives it added credence, and clout.

I imagine that action - on this matter and others of a similar nature - will follow.  

This week.  Because

it's time.

On The Business At Hand

In my last blog I 'invoked' ponies.  For this one I would like to invoke the likes of Toto, to pull back the curtain, and help us see what's behind it, regarding this 'novel coronavirus' pandemic matter.

For starters: The information seems to be that it was a cut-and-paste job, apparently by a very clever female Chinese virologist, or whatever her actual scientific expertise is, in splicing into a cv base elements of both the SARS and the HIV 'thingys'.  And I say 'thingys' because I have read material from 'experts' that says that there are no such things as viruses, only material, called 'exosomes,' exuded from cells in their protection against toxins.  I don't want to get into that whole subject here, would rather stay on the basic issue, of what the hell we should do regarding this, er, - call it the 'ncv,' or the CoVid-19 disease, or infection, for short, for the purposes of this particular blog.

Whatever it is, it has features which, it appears, are very dangerous.   Not only has it been engineered to stay latent for some time - which gives it a considerable amount of time to circulate before it becomes apparent, in terms of symptoms, and thus infects many people before it even begins to be noticed (I think that's called its 'velocity').  But it appears as well that treatment for it is complex; is causing medics to have to rethink their protocols for dealing with it.  For example, ventilators are dangerous with it.  It doesn't act like a normal lung attacker, like a flu or pneumonia; acts more like a high-altitude condition, with oxygen being suppressed (int his case, originating from within, rather than from the atmosphere).  As well, there are reports that the antibodies to its infection - which is the usual way that our bodies deal with these things - can act like a cytokine storm.  All very convoluted.

So I am not going to 'stay' with the recommendation for dealing with it that I normally would.  Which would be along the lines of the wisdom of many years ago, when, for example, a child came down with measles, and while in quarantine at home would be visited by members of their classmates, in the hopes of their parents that their kids would pick it up and get that 'rite of passage' out of the way, as a childhood disease that it is best to let the child's body generate antibodies to, and thus for the child to have lifelong immunity.(1)  And as for treatment for the condition, it is known in our time that vitamin A is a good prophylactic for it.  Simple.  But with this particular illness, we can't just assume that letting the body's immune system develop antibodies to it is the best approach to the matter, in conjunction with a treatment for it that is proving to be quite successful.

I'll get to that in just a minute.  First, just to summarize to this point what I am saying.  I am saying that letting as many people develop antibodies to this particular critter as possible is apparently not the best way to go about dealing with it; that there is danger in the development of the antibodies for it.  So, our best approach to the matter would appear to be to concentrate heavily on treatment for it.(2)

Which treatment I would recommend, as Pres. Tump has alluded to, consists of the hydroxychloroquine cocktail, with the antibiotic azithromycin, and - crucially - zinc.(3)   So: Best practice in this instance would appear to be:

Keep some degree of Social Distancing in place, but enhance it with (effective) masks, especially around older people or people with underlying conditions (especially to do with immune-system dysfunction), and engage this critter, immediately upon its detection, with the prophylactic likes of the HCQ cocktail.(4)

And let's get this thingy over with, as soon as possible.  So that we can get on with the business at hand.

Which is creating a -

the -

New World.  Where all this sort of 'thingy' will be a 'thingy' of the past.

To have learned lessons from.

On our spiral stairway

Home, again.



(1) Which they don't get from the vaccine that has been developed for the condition, and which thus causes more trouble that it's worth.  Except to the Big Pharma manufacturers.  And is doubly valuable in the case of a female thus 'primed,'' who can then pass on her antibodies to her offspring, before their own immune systems have a chance to mature and take over, and thus be protected in their infancy.  And the same with, e.g., pertussis/whooping cough
   But to continue.  But first to point out how, before the advent of a vaccine for measles, the disease was described in Merck's Index as a 'mild to moderate' childhood disease, whereas after the development of a vaccine for it, it magically became described as a 'moderate to severe' childhood disease.  Go figure.

(2) Along with beefing up the body's immune system, to help it not succumb to the infection in the first place.
   There are a number of such 'ounce of prevention' measures that one can take.  But as I amanita a decorator, perhaps I should not appear to be prescribing; so my best advice: See a good naturopath, or 'holistic'/complementary doctor.

(3) Apparently zinc was left out of the formulation of the cocktail that was tested by some outfit which was hired by agents of our EMs to attempt to downplay this HCQ approach to dealing with this pandemic.  Our EMS, and their toadies, wanting it to go on for as long as possible, for reasons that I have dealt with in these pages recently, so I won't bother going into all that here.  Jus to say here that zinc is a crucial constituent of treatment for this illness.  As with colds and flus, it blocks replication of the virus.  Or whatever the culprit really is.

(4) Unfortunately we can't go by the test(s) for it, at least those available at this time, since the tests are coming up with false positives, on the one hand, and are even spreading the critter on the other.
   That's the nature of this Beast that we are up against.  And I am not here referring to the ncv critter.
   N.B. Also, be aware that both the number of those infected and the number of those dying from the ncv infection have been and are being inflated.  The same varmints at work; in their increasingly desperate measures to gain totalitarian Power Over Others.

Saturday, 25 April 2020

On Ponies, & Other Gifts

There is the story about the young boy, still an optimist about life, who, in opening the door to a room wherein he was expecting to see some sort of gift for his birthday, saw instead a roomful of shit.  Whereupon he instantly exclaimed excitedly: ‘Hurray!  In all this shit - there must b a pony!’

Maybe that sort of thing is going on as we speak.  In regards to a gift to, and for, humanity from this current ‘novel coronavirus’ pandemic.  

That potential gift could take many forms.  The virus itself - which, to all appearances, is a bioweapon, was man-made - could well open us up to learning more about the human body, and how to handle such threats - challenges - to it.  (As we are already seeing, with the inability of ventilators to help with this particular substance, and challenge.)  The pandemic Quarantine could as well afford some Good Guys the opportunity to take down some Bad Guys, without the latter being able to mount an effective defense against such a campaign.  And that all could usher in a New Era for Humanity, as we move out of Old Ways of doing ‘business’ and into New Ways.           

Take the following perspective.

Kryon,* in a very recent message, points out another, potential side to this Virus/Quarantine business that the whole world is going through, which is affording each of us the opportunity to “Re-calibrate yourself“ (as, in this enforced quiet time, to develop one’s intuition).  And the same with the ‘economy’.  And not to go back to the old ways (in either instance).  He goes on to say: ‘The Planet is in Re-Boot mode right now.”   But let me let ‘him’ tell it in his own words (which I find that I resonate with):     

I’m telling you that whatever you think is going to happen, you’ll be wrong, because this is the re-boot we talked about, the energy-shift we talked about. When all around the naysayers say it can’t happen with the economy we have. They’re right. ‘It can’t happen with the stock market the way it is.’ They’re right.

“And it isn’t. You’re at zero right now and you’re going to come rebounding back differently. There is so much hope for this Planet because of this.

“I tell you these things in Love and Compassion, because you’ll see it’s true. And you may have difficulty understanding why this had to happen or that had to happen. It’s the salvation of Humanity. Its (sic) the beginning of a higher consciousness and understanding of the togetherness of Humanity.

“You let a microbe bring you to your knees!

“What if, instead, the next time it’s Love. We have more understanding and compassion for one another.

“We can sweep this Planet with Love. We can make things happen that never happened before. This is not what you think. I give you these things in Love(.)

“There’s not only hope for the future, there is hope for a different future. You’re not going to return to the same ‘ol, same ‘ol. That goes for politics. That goes for broadcast news. That goes for what you’re going to find out later…what really happened with what you call COVID-19.

“These things will happen because you need them, and you will correct things because of it. And this will be a much better Planet to live on, believe me. You’re not returning to the old world ever again.

“I am Kryon, in Love with Humanity, and I’ll be back. And so it is.”

And so it is.  At least according to this man’s channeling source.

And so, bring on the GCR/RV.  And the NESARA/GESARA scenarios.  And a Truth And Reconciliation Process regarding the machinations of the Dark forces behind the totalitarian New World Order agenda.    And.  And  And……

…and let’s get on with

The Real Thing.

And see the Bright side thereof.

Just as - and actually, very much like - Light can eliminate viruses.

* As taken from the ‘Worldwide Channelling Retreat’ - April 14, 2020 - and as posted on ‘Golden Age of Gaia’ for April 25th. 


P.S. In all this moving out of the Old into the New it is important to know what all has been involved; and as well, to move out of the realm of such channeled material as above to the very down-to-earth realm, I highly recommend a read of the article ‘BILL GATES: A Menace to Society Who Must Be Arrested and Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity’ at State of The Nation dot com for April 23rd.
     Forewarned is forearmed.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

On Being Able To Read Plain English

    With Comprehension
               Or Not

Patriot types in the alt media are warning their followers and the public/whomsoever else will listen about threats to the country and its Constitution in emergency powers having been self-granted to the Executive by way of what are called Executive Orders, which spell out in detail the types of powers that would make the darkest of tyrants drool with envy.  They are saying that these powers are, quote, “unconstitutional”.  My response: to these guardians at the gate:

Are you having us on?

You are talking about things 'unconstitutional' NOW??  When the horse has left that barn so long ago that it is past the point of being a fleeting image and is now in the territory of a fleeting memory???

Let me count some of the ways.

1. The federal government’s policy since 1898 (it turns out, upon research into the matter) has been that all children born on American soil are citizens of the United States.  (They are called ‘anchor babies’’ because they give their families an ‘anchor’ in the U.S.  And by ‘families,’ the definition of that word and the term behind it has been extended far and wide, like a door being pushed further and further open.)  What is this strange policy based on, that just any pregnant female who happens to be on U.S. soil at the time of her child’s birth can automatically claim U.S. citizenship for it, have her child be declared ‘legally’ a U.S. citizen??
     Well, let’s go to the rule of law of the nation - its Constitution, for an answer to this strange ‘policy’.  Let’s see…ah, here it is.  The practice is based on what is called The Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.(1)  This clause says the following:
     “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”
     Right.  Seems straight-forward enough.  Let’s read that again, and slower this time, to give full comprehension time to kick in, than from just a quick read of it:
     “All persons born or naturalized in the United States,…
     “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,…
     “are citizens of the United States…
     “and of the State wherein they reside.”
     Does anybody really have any trouble understanding that?  Even if their first language is not English??  There is a qualifying phrase in there:
     “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof”
     before the sentence goes on to its conclusion.  
     Pure and simple.
     For those in the back of the room, looking out of the window:
     The qualifier to the statement signifies that the birth parent is “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States - that is, is a citizen of the U.S., and the child follows suit to the citizenship of the parent.  Someone from another country who just happens to be in the U.S. at the time of the birth of their child is “subject to the jurisdiction” of their home country; their country of citizenship.  
     Come on, folks.  It really couldn’t be any clearer.  And as of the intention of those who wrote the Amendment - which is part of the historical record - and of the law that Congress and the qualifying number of State legislatures passed on the subject.   
     This country has, for all intents and purposes, not been operating under the/its rule of law ever since at least that error in interpretation of its constitutional contract. 
2. Another item in this regard that is not rocket science to understand: This - as longtime readers of these pages will be more than familiar with - has to do with the eligibility requirements for the office of the president of the United States.  (Rather a major issue, that, wouldn’t one say, fairly.)  That requirement reads, in part:
     “No Person except a natural born Citizen…shall be eligible to the Office of President…”
     What is the definition of a ‘natural born’ citizen?  More specifically, what was it at the time that it was codified in the U.S. Constitution as an eligibility requirement for the office of the presidency (unless that requirement has been subsequently amended)??  It turns out that it is easy to find out the answer to that question, because there is ample evidence from the historical record both as to the general understanding of the term and its academic source.  The latter is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, Emer de Vatell’s ‘The Law of Nations’.  Its definition of the term: A ‘natural born’ person is a person “born in the country, of parents who are citizens” thereof.(2)  And thus the requirement to qualify as such a person of having been born both ’of the soil’- jus soli in legal parlance - and ‘of the blood’ - jus sanguinis
     And that eligibility requirement for the office of the presidency of the U.S. STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.  
     Forget the 'birther' contretemps.  Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. - according to his testimony - was born of a non-U.S. citizen father.
     He was therefore ineligible to be a candidate for that office, much less to occupy that office, much less to be re-elected to that thus-purloined office.(3)
     Therefore, all of the legislation that he signed into law, and all of the E.O.’s and P.D.’s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made - including to the SCOTUS - are fruit of the poisoned tree.  And - by rights - need to go with him.  Into the trash bin.  

And don’t let me get started regarding the turning of the 14th Amendment on its head wholesale, which gross canard has resulted in the unconstitutional likes of Roe v. Wade.  But I have covered that general subject, and that little specific unconstitutional incident growing out therefrom, in these pages very recently, so I’Il let that one and its specific 'poisoned tree' extension ride, to stay with my purposes for this particular blog.  So let me move on to my Conclusion: 

Things now need to be set to rights, as regards Truth.  So, rather than go back and undo all the ‘fruit of the poisoned tree’ (and there is more, far more of that - and involving individuals and decisions on both sides of the political aisle - than listed here), the most logical and intelligent answer to our dilemma is clear.  In the dawning of

a New Day.  Embodying capital-t Truth.

And capital-l Love.

As we move on from here - 

from this classroom for aspiring gods; and

as many souls as are ready to; together - 

up the spiral stairway - 

of consciousness - 

to the heavens. 

Those inhabitants just awaiting us.  To celebrate, with us,

our Graduation.


(1) As the Heritage Foundation points out in a recent cover letter to a mailing on this subject: “This Amendment was passed after the Civil War in order to make it clear that slaves who had been freed were now U.S. citizens.” 

(2) Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.  Look it up.  It’s right here, on the Internet.  No need to try to find some dusty tome in a law library somewhere.

(3) And if it turns out that he was in point of fact a natural-born citizen after all - as some information attests to, regarding his true birth father - then he is still guilty,, of fraud, and perjury.  To go with charges of treason.
   All in all: A sad event in the history of this country.
   Which has had quite a few of those.  And quite enough.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

On Satanic U - I Mean, Stanford U

Back in the mid-Fifties I attended Stanford U, in northern California, as a pre-Med for three years, before leaving school during the Finals Week of my Junior year, to go on a search for Truth, both spiritually and politically.  It’s good that I left Stanford to engage in that pursuit.  For it has turned out that I would undoubtedly never have found it there.

What am I talking about.  I am talking about the recently announced Stanford study on CoVid-19, which purported to show that the ‘case fatality rate’ for the virus was no more than for the regular flu, which study was not only flawed.  But was outright bogus.  

There are a number of factors to answer the How of the matter.  But before I barf regarding the duplicity of my old alma mater, let me move on to the obvious Why: 

To get us to come out from under - momentarily - the quarantine confines and give the Trajectory a boost, in order to  keep us in lockdown mode until a) the elections in November, which the Dems figure to win by cheating, particularly via Mail-In voting; and on into the New Year until b) the vaccine can come online, and finish the job.  The job of doing us Deplorables in.

Welcome to Satanic U.

As for the Wall Street Journal, which printed all this junk science and ballyhooed it (with one of the authors of the ‘study’ writing an article for the WSJ on the matter without identifying himself as such): It just goes to show that both the far Left and the far Right are involved in this attempt to take down the U.S., and turn it into merely a part of a region of our EM’s totalitarian NWO, in Red China fashion.  With the same nest of vipers at the top of the pyramid of power that this scenario discloses. Who are not all of this world.  And thus, have no loyalty to it.  Or to the creation of our Creator Source.

Arrogantly attempting to become gods before they have passed the tests, along that


Sign me


My thanks to Dave Hodges and Mike Adams (in particular) for this info, on my old alma mater.

Which I now denounce.  After a lifetime of having held it in pride. 

P.S. To clarify: I am not saying that the CoVid-19 'thing' is totally for real, as presented to us. But there is a 'cure' for it - in the HCQ cocktail of three ingredients, for one; and a number of other approaches to the matter, which I don't feel to go into in detail here.  Mostly because I may have to go to the bathroom and heave, in perverted 'honor' of my old alma mater.  Perhaps I will go into all that in more detail another time.  Although you can check these things out for yourself.
     And perhaps that is the main point of this whole thing.

On Things Being Worse Than I Thought

1) Ref. an article sent me by a friend online entitled ‘The Australian Stasi use thermal imaging to arrest three kids on a rooftop…’ about PolAir footage of the Aussie police in Oz busting three youths “breaking lockdown laws by having a cold drink on a Gold Coast rooftop”.  (“The fine for breaking social distancing regulations in Queensland is $1,334.”)  My response to my friend:

“I was just reading yesterday on some site or other that the Aussie PM has announced that when the cv vaccine is available, and if the Quarantine is still in place (which, by one account making the rounds, it will continue to be indefinitely, to varying levels of confinement and in different areas), nobody will be allowed out of their houses without their 'Papers Please' - a written form confirming that they have had the shot.  I was somewhat stunned when I heard this, but not entirely.  Having lived in Oz, I am aware that the widespread image of the carefree, strongly individuated, laid-back Aussie - 'Throw another shrimp on the barbie, mate' - is a misnomer.  They have allowed fluoridation to be kept in place in many places; they succumbed to major gun-control measures awfully easily after the (question-full) Port Arthur mass shooting in Tasmania; and they succumbed to their vaccination records being transferred to online access as if they had No Worries, Mate in the world about that foot in the door.  Actually, now that I think of it (from this last thrown-in comment of mine), I realize that their laid-back attitude IS a part of their problem.  Is not a sign that they just want to be left alone to do their thing in life.  Is, rather, a sign that they will let jackboots tromp all over them.  And maybe even invite their Erstwhile Masters into the backyard for a shrimp or two.  Before they are hauled off.  For their own barbie.



As Edward Snowden has recently said to an Israeli journalist in an interview in his flat in Moscow on the occasion of a) his request for an extension of his  asylum residency permit in Russia (for, it is to remembered, and especially in this context, blowing the whistle on illegal mass surveillance of U.S. citizens by U.S. Intel agencies), and b) Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu using Shin Bet’s mass surveillance database to track people infected by the cv: 

“I really find it difficult to grasp how this thing has not aroused a big public storm…It is very surprising to me that the Israeli public does not understand the extent to which a pool of data such as this in the hands of the Shin Bet is dangerous.  True, Israel is a country at war, but it must be remembered that a large part of the Israeli population is in Israel as the outcome of a tragedy, an intentional atrocity that was powered by the abuse of public records that were held by the Nazis in Germany.

“So I say to the Israelis: Set aside your political feelings for the day, set aside your feelings about Netanyahu, about his opposition rivals; that is less important.”

Well pointed out, Edward.  And an ‘Ahem’ to the American public.

2) I have just come across info, in my daily mail from many sources, that ‘Election Integrity’ things in California were worse than I thought, and thus, double reason for my being so glad to have moved out of that seditious, and thoroughly corrupt, state.  

Some background first.  When I first moved back to my home state, in 2012, after having lived abroad for the largest part of my adult years, and went to vote in that year’s elections, I was stunned to find that they didn’t ask me for any ID, even a piece of mail with my name and address on it, to confirm that I was who I was saying I was.  When I refused to go any further in the checking-in process and asked to see a precinct supervisor, I was told by said person that they didn’t require any ID to vote in that state.  Refusing to vote under those circumstances - I am no one’s dummy - I spent some time afterwards trying to find out more info about the state’s requirements, and how they had gone so far off the rails on such an important matter, as the integrity of our elections.  I wasn’t able to find any specific info at the time, so I let it go, in being busy with other interests in my life; but when it happened again, in the next election cycle, I asked further questions of that session’s supervisor, who kindly gave me the phone number and address of the city’s office in charge of such things.(1)  Going there in person, my query was treated in a blithe manner - ‘Oh, we check things like signatures, and driver’s license’s’ - until I pointed out that anybody can get a driver’s license, whereupon they are automatically registered to vote - and the young gal abruptly changed her demeanor and gave me the phone number of the L.A. County Voter Registrar’s Office to deal with me, and my query.  

My call to them was an eye-opener.  The young guy fielding my call (with the call announced as being supervised) gave me the following message from said office, after I pointed out to him about the automatic registration factor regarding driver’s licenses applications, and asked what they do about checking them out: “People commit perjury if they do not opt out of the process” (or words to that effect).  And?  Nothing.  That’s it.  No checking to see if anybody has committed said perjury.  Which, of course, the Democrat Party lets their communities know, especially all the - known and unknown - illegal aliens in the state (and especially in L.A. County - my county), so that they won’t be deterred from opting in regarding the Motor Voter Law process for voter registration.  And to make things even easier for IAs and other non-citizens to register: During the ensuing short period of time before I moved out of the state in late 2019, California, with their majority-Democrat legislature and governor, passed a law making it EXPLICITLY LEGAL for IAs to apply for a driver’s license (and thus be automatically registered to vote).

Could they make it any more explicit to their large Hispanic community to get involved in our voting procedures???  As tor all registered voters: They have had another card up their sleeve, that I hadn’t been able to find out about in the aforesaid time period.

A mailing to me from an outfit attempting to bring some semblance of Electoral Integrity into the process in this country has now pointed out something to me that might have sent me over the edge while I was still living in CA: There is a process called ‘ballot harvesting,’ whereby a political party pays workers to seek out especially elderly voters in their homes and collect their mail-in ballots, to submit for them.  How nice of them.  Not.  As those ballots are then, shall we say, ‘treated’.  The process being illegal in most states.  For obvious reasons.  But what ho!: “California made ballot harvesting legal in 2017.”

Well, they would, wouldn’t they… 

A word here about signatures.  The young gal in the appropriate office in my home town, with whom I started my official inquiries into this whole dirty business, had referred, in her blithe way, to ‘checking signatures’ as part of how they - purportedly - check on the legitimacy of who is voting.(2)  Now, there may be some of that sort of thing going on.  But I doubt that I am very far from the truth of the matter, when I say that nobody, on a regular basis, checks the signatures of the voters, from either voting in person or on Mail-In/Absentee Ballot voting, against the original signature on people’s Voter Registration forms.  I have never heard of that action take place.  It may happen in some states, on a random basis, regarding Mail-In/Absentee Ballot voting.  But how silly, to think that that hit-and-miss process is a legitimate substitute for a photo ID, at the very least to have gotten on the Voter Reg Rolls in the first place, and to confirm your ID at the precinct.

Which needs to become a voting requirement.  Across the board.  Full. Stop.  

And dipping a voter’s finger in purple dye - formulated to last at least as long as the individual state’s Early Voting procedures - like a banana republic, if we have to.  To bring some semblance of Voter Integrity back into the Electoral Process in this country.  

Before we move on. 

Before we can

move on. 

And leave all this sort of corruption - and the level of consciousness of which it is a reflection - behind.  For a New Day for humanity to dawn. 

P.S. And I am aware that there was an issue in the state of Florida, back at the time at the least of the 2004 elections, wherein it was discovered, via a federal government House sub-committee Hearing, that the Republicans had developed an electronic voting machine that could produce a winning vote for their candidates.  And regarding which the Democrats apparently decided not to get mad, but to get even.  In managing Voter Fraud of their own, in their own ways.  (And in the same way.  As in the electronic machines subsequently developed by Soros & Co.)  And, as this letter - from the American Civi Rights Union Action Fund - goes on to say, regarding the CA (Democrats) law making Ballot Harvesting legal in that state, that not only does it “(allow) anyone to collect thousands of ballots and turn them in without having to prove the votes are legitimate,” but: “Ballot harvesting is the main reason why the Democrats were able to flip so many Republican Congressional districts in the 2018 midterms.”  
     Now, they would say that, wouldn’t they.  So, let’s have it all out, in the open.  The Electoral materials checked by CPAs (especially with the quantum computers that we now have, to do a major job of cleaning the Voter Reg Rolls), and the elections themselves run by them.  And thereby, have Electoral Fraud over and done with.                                 

P.P.S. As for that other ‘virus’ making the rounds these days (and as I dealt with briefly in my last blog).  For the record: Quarantine measures like social distancing and wearing gloves and masks, in the absence of further measures of ‘awareness,’ is propaganda; is Band-Aid stuff, designed to keep the public’s eye off the effects of the 5G nemesis that is being rolled out.  
     The 5G nemesis, with its damaging EMF field, affects the level of oxygen in the blood cells, with the oxygen unable to attach to the hemoglobin, leading to oxygen deprivation to the body’s cells; thus, its symptoms of dis-ease are similar to those of the flu or the cv.(3)  
     I am not a doctor.  I am not prescribing.  I am passing on info.  Get your (allopathic) doctor to get up to speed on all this (naturopathic) sort of thing.  The life you save by doing so may be your own.
     And further for the record: A cocktail of substances has been proven to work well in this particular regard: the HCQ in conjunction with an antibiotic called azithroymycin, and zinc.  
     Zinc helps stop replication of viruses.  That’s why it is so valuable during cold and flu season.
     And speaking of ‘seasons’ in these matters: That is an important tipoff as to what is actually going on in our bodies in this general regard.  But that’s a subject perhaps for another day.   

But let me just say here, now, in closing: Artificially increased numbers for CoVid-19 infections - particularly from false positives from the tests being used (e.g., prior factors can effect those numbers, especially, but not exclusively, from previous flu shots) - are being ‘advertised’ in order to keep the guidelines in place for quarantine lockdown procedures, but the tactic as well lowers the death-percentage factor (the 'case fatality rate') closer to the normal flu levels (but which “flu-type illnesses” are also sinisterly included in the official guidelines as part of the ‘Downward Trajectory’ requirement to lift lockdown procedures); but the death numbers are increased as well, artificially, as more and more reports from ‘the field’ are attesting to (and alerting us to), with medics being required to list all manner of deaths as CoVid-19-caused or -related.  So, bottom line: We can’t go by the ‘official’ figures AT ALL.  Which are designed, not only to increase the money being thrown at the hospitals under the name of treating the CoVid-19 thing (and thus to help keep the medics involved in line with The Agenda), but to keep us under indefinite lockdown, and thus under the thumb of our EMs of the NWO crowd; until the vaccine that they are coming up with can come online, and finish us off, with its nano particles designed to a) chip us, and b) do that job.
     We are in the hands of some very evil people.  And it would be stupid of us to continue to let them control us.
     Come out from under their control.  Live in the Light of
     a New Day. 
     And certainly not of 
     their New World Order.


(1) Also, I asked that Precinct Supervisor person why the voting material was in more languages than English, and in particular, Spanish, since one has to learn to read and write English in order to become a citizen.  Which one of the precinct workers, a young man, overhearing our conversation, butted in and denied to be the case.  But the supervisor knew better than the worker, and in reply to my query, said that it was a federal law.  So, in that case, I can’t blame California alone for electoral fraud - on a rampant level - going on there. 

(2) Without a photo ID requirement to vote.  Which one needs for many exchanges in life.  And which my home state, of CA, already issues; and which is easily available through the DMV offices. The only problem being that one has to show evidence of citizenship to be issued one.
   But then, hey - what’s a little requirement like that.  To people bound and determined to cheat their way into power.           

(3) The reason that hydroxychloroquine - an anti-malarial drug; which is actually a parasitical infection - works with the CoVid-19 condition is because malaria does almost the same thing to the cells as CoVid-19 but in a different manner: It eats the hemoglobin.  The drug protects the hemoglobin so that the cells can get the oxygen they need.  It does that whether it be for malaria or CoVid-19. 

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

On Seeing Clearly Now

With the official scenario of the pandemically-inspired Quarantine indicating a Final Stage of a three-phase Process including a degree still of restrictions on the people at least of this country (and thus a/the New Normal), and with a structure built into the three-stage Process designed never even to get to that final stage, we are afforded a clearer picture of what is going on with this ‘having gone’ viral business.  Let’s take a look at what is really going on here.

A particularly virulent virus, which is proving more and more to have been man-made, and thus a bioweapon, and thus having been developed for a purpose, has resulted in a major lockdown of peoples all over the world (and thus a true pandemic).  In the U.S. the lockdown has been used by the opponents - enemies, really, truth be told; in an outright war - of Pres. Trump as part of a widespread Resistance campaign to his term in office, the latter of which has resulted in a block to the best-laid plans of some very powerful people (call them the Cabal, the Illuminati, the Controllers; call them whatever you want) to take over the world, and control its peoples to within an inch of their lives; particularly using their foot soldiers in the Environment movement to further their iniquitous cause.  (Iniquitous, for being based on Force.)(1)  Who, being true believers, have been led to believe that the United States is a cancer on the planet, and, thus justifiably, must be stopped from Trump’s plans to return it to a state of Excellence.  (Think the slogan ‘Make America Great Again’/MAGA - which drives some members of this Opposition army to outright violence - as morphed, under his ‘tutelage,’ into ‘Keep America Great’/KAG.)  How to accomplish this mission.  Ah - got it:

With the Russian Collusion gambit having failed, and then the Ukraine Connection also going down in flames (and, unfortunately to The Cause, highlighting, even further than did the Russian Collusion gone-wrong tactic, another side to the Ukraine ‘thing’ that threatens their team’s side in this war.  How inconvenient, that.  And how curious), and then the Impeachment fiasco, this tactic should do the trick: Keep his Deplorables from re-electing him in November, by keeping the pandemic going through the election period, so that their side can cheat their way into another win (than the one, largely, in 2018, after underestimating the strength of the Trump support in the country in 2016) by engaging in such vote-harvesting fraudulent measures as Mail-In Voting, and then keep it continuing through the very-possibly particularly volatile period between their success in the elections and the swearing-in of their presidential candidate (whoever that might end up being, in the wake of Biden’s predictable downfall) in January of 2021, and on into the Great Leap Forward New Year until the vaccine for the (man-made) virus can be administered to the sheeple,(2) at least to as many of them as possible.  To keep them in a state of docility as long as possible.  Until they can be herded into the FEMA camps already designated for them.  And under the control (under the Kigali Principles put in place under the Usurper, Obama) of UN troops (U.S. troops not to be trusted to do in - er, guard - their fellow Americans).  Until Madame Guillotine can be employed on them.  Or hydrogen cyanide, in a mass dealing with the matter.  The matter of disposing of objectors to our Erstwhile Masters’s New World Order.(3)
Thus, we can see clearly now the stratagem of the Dark side players in this Drama in which we are engaged - to test us, our commitment to the Light: 

Lie, cheat, steal.  Kill, even.  Whatever It Takes.  By Any Means Necessary.  Because there is no right nor wrong bur thinking makes it so.  Everything is relative, there are no absolutes.  There is no Truth.  Thus, we can see, rather starkly now, where they are coming from.  

They are coming from the Dark side. 

And thus, it behooves those of us on the side of the Light 

to prove it.

And to such a degree

as to prove our full worth.

As apprentice gods.

At this Graduation time.

Within Time.


(1) And thus, the reverse image of The Real Thing.
   But to continue.  At this stage.  Of
   The (larger) Process.

(2) Any ‘cure’/curative measures for the disease having been played down, and even demonized, by their comrades in the MSM, in getting the sheeple to opt for the vaccine.  (If only they can silence the likes of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.  Say, like they silenced his father.  And uncle.  Who threatened to rain on their parade in their time.)

(3) Both measures - i.e., guillotines and hydrogen cyanide - as appearing in official records for the establishment of and implementation in FEMA camps.  And the bodies very possibly as well, er, ‘designed’ to be used as a source of protein for the food-starved inmates; whose food supplies had been controlled from back in the original stages of The Plan, when they had been led to believe in the goodwill of their captives - er, governments, in providing for them, while in Lockdown condition, when they opted for security over liberty.  And as a substitute, for the dignity of a basic state of liberty, were provided, by the state, with a Universal Basic Income (UBI).  Of feudal proportions.  For them to be enslaved.  Forever and ever.  And thus they all - masters and slaves - lived happily ever after.  The End.
   But to continue.   


P.S. You may be wondering: When The Play is over, how do we know who among the Dark side players has been just a player and who is truly evil, to say, has rejected the Light, in total or in part?
     That is all ‘worked out’ as well.  The answer:
     Their aura tells the tale.  Gives them away.  So to speak.  
     Is a manner of speaking.
     Is the way of
     seeing clearly.

Monday, 20 April 2020

Where Are We Now

 …And Where Are We Going

A few blogs ago I broached the subject of the overreach of many E.O.’s, under both Republican and ‘Democrat’  presidents.  Well, best to call Obama an Ineligible Candidate and Occupant of the Oval Office; and underscored that it is Congress’s role to pass laws, or the equivalent of laws, in extensive regulations.  But there is something else to consider here.  And that is the need to have the Congress reined in as well.

Take the National Defense Authorization Act of 2011, and as renewed regularly ever since, as a sort of default position.*  Passed in the wake of the 9/ll atrocity - a major false flag op - and its (so-called) PATRIOT Act, it is a blueprint for tyranny.  

The federal government can ‘indefinitely detain’ its citizens ‘without due process of law’.  What, are you kidding me?

But hey, that’s the law, you say?  Duly passer by Congress??

A sold-out Congress.

To the highesst bidder.

Which happens to have been, and be, the NWO crowd.  As part of their designs for global hegemony.  To be brought into being step by careful step.  One cautious step at a time.  Even if it has to be two steps forward and one step back.  

The totalitarian tip-toe.  Which has been engaged in for quite some time.  And especially since the establishment of the equivalent of a Central Bank in 1913, in the creation - by (dead-of-night before Christmas break) Congress vote - of the Federal Reserve .  A private institution that is neither ‘federal’ nor does it have reserves.

All it has is the power to print money and set interest rates.

Which is enough power for it to have swindled the U.S. people of the value of their money ever since.

Ever since.  Until


When it is about -

just about - 

to be taken down.

Instead of the United States of America.

The main target of those who would run the world from the top down.  By Force.

Rather than by Love.

Being the reverse image of

The Real Thing.

So.  Where Are We Now.  I would say:

We are Moments to Midnight.

Of a New Day dawning.

On the other side of the Dark Night of Humanity’s Soul that we are currently in.

To experience it.

For the lessons to be learned therefrom.

As apprentice gods.

The apprentice gods that we are -

“and of Right ought to be’” -

by virtue of 

being Aspects of

our loving Creator Source.

Who can be a hard taskmaster sometimes.

But sometimes, that’s the best way to learn things.

Especially the harder lessons.

And to say, the more long-lasting ones.

As we learn to live



Or die trying.

* This annual (or at least regular) renewal of the NDAA is rather like the new federal guidelines regarding the cv pandemic, from the CDC and Pres. Trump’s Pandemic Advisory Team, declaring, in the very first phase of its 3-phase Guidelines (the last of which still has restrictions; and thus we will be - are planned to be - basically under house arrest even then.  In custody.  Enslaved), quarantine measures not to be over until a Downward Trajectory not just of cv cases but of, quote, “flue-type illnesses”.  Which, of course, will extend the quarantine measures indefinitely, and hopefully, to our Erstwhile Masters’ way of thinking, through into the November Election period, so that they can cheat their way back into power via such fraud-invoking measures as Mail-In Voting, and get the quarantine to last, into the middle of next year, until the vaccine that is planned for can come on line, in order to chip The People with another aspect of their bioweaponry.  
   Sweet.  And deadly.
   And I mean, deadly.  These people mean business.  And have been thirsting for Power Over Others (POO for short) for a very long time.  Including generations.  It is almost as if they have sold their souls.
   But to continue.