Wednesday, 1 April 2020

On Reflection

In reflecting on House Speaker Pelosi's audacious and troubling call for vote-by-mail and in conjunction with elimination of the voting requirement for a photo ID - and at a time when there are already millions - millions - of non-citizens on our voter registration rolls (thanks to the Dems) - I have concluded that she is in fact a worker for the Light.  For, how better to 'help bring things to a head' - to awaken the flock of sheep, than to (brazenly) 'announce' that the wolf is not only at the very edge of the field, but is already amongst them?  And just about to pounce, at that??

Another player of a part, in The Drama???...

...setting the bar higher and higher, for a response from the patriots -

in order to 'prove' themselves???......

...and coupled with a) a weakened U.S. - morally, economically, and physically, and b) an imminent threat of war......

the better the higher the bar, perhaps...

to win more souls for this Harvest............

If so, we need to be careful how we treat these - seeming - traitors amongst us, when all is said and done.  They may actually be


In a sort of

April Fool's joke.

P.S. And to clarify: This take on the matter, of course, has the qualification that the traitors, who are true believers in their current mental orientation - i.e., the (secular/satanic) NWO crowd - are actually in the service of the Light
     whether they are aware of that or not.
     And awaken to that fact.  Or don't.
     And receive their reward

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