The family in whose home I am currently residing are in the front room, engaged in an activity dutiful to their current level of spiritual awareness, in watching on the telly a weekend of talks as part of their church’s semi-annual ‘General Conference,’ emanating from the church’s headquarters, a short ways up the road from here, in Salt Lake City (which is being held in ‘double’ electronic mode because of this state’s coronavirus quarantine requirements, thus being held before no ‘live’ audience). Having left this church behind many years ago, in my rather earnest/sincere/dedicated search for Truth - as befitting my current stage of spiritual awareness and development; and not, then, being a Christian, let alone a Mormon - I am not ‘with’ them; although, and as I have told my niece, I would like to go in and listen to what the highest authorities of the Church have to say when their turns come before the camera.
Where am I at, in this whole ‘religious’ business? I ‘have’ no religion. I AM my ‘religion’. The closest actual ‘religion’ that comes to where I AM at is Buddhism, with its emphasis on living a life of compassion and service, in the context of a belief in reincarnation - that is, that we incarnate souls are on a Journey, which involves our clearing ourselves of ‘karma,’ to say, of the consequences of our actions, and thereby coming to a state of Balance, from which we can then move on.
To where, exactly?
My belief, in a nutshell:(1)
We incarnate souls need to come back into a state of Oneness - to At-one ourselves - in order to progress; need to reach that state of consciousness, that level of awareness, of awakeness, in order to achieve our Return. Awaiting us, just beyond this ‘vale of tears,’ this classroom for apprentice gods. Being nascent creators ourselves, for having that ‘status’ as part of our basic natures, as facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of our Creator Source; Itself in turn in perfect alignment with, perfect resonance with, The All That Is.(2)
And we will start to awaken to that potential in us when we start using our ‘God-given’ abilities to do such things as think our way to wherever we would like to go (in this hologram). As mentioned by the likes of David Wilcock, where he has described (and very recently, in a video series) the sorts of things that were discovered in the wreckage of a UFO in the New Mexico desert in 1947. But that reference is to begin to open this particular blog up to a whole ‘nother subject. Suffice it to say here, for now, that we are about to embark on a voyage into a New World.
A voyage that will leave the darkness of this one behind. For its not being compatible with the New World’s frequencies.
As ‘related to’ by all those souls who are ready for it. On their Journey
(1) I might as well give my detractors their chance at ridicule right up front, and get that silly response out of the way. Silly, especially for the seriousness of the situation that we are in, at this time, on this sorely beleaguered planet. Beleaguered in many ways. Which is actually a bit of a euphemism for the actual state of things here. In the way of such ‘practices’ as pedophilia. And child torture. And their satanic-cult treatment in general. Including the harvesting of their ‘life force’. And then their slaughter. And even eating.
Free will run amok. And into the muck.
But only for a short while left.
And as part of my belief. For more on which,
read on.
(2) Thus part of my ‘attraction’ to the Mormon faith. I believe that they are on to something with their church’s teaching that ‘As Man is, God once was, and as God is, Man may become’. That ‘position’ makes eminent sense to me. After all, we have to be on a Path to somewhere. Or there is no sense to the whole shebang. Unless you believe either that our ‘role’ is to ‘adore’ God the Father and His Only Begotten Son (forget all those other Only Begottens all through the ages before the Christian period) forever and ever, amen (thus making of them rather nauseous narcissists) or that behind it all is an outright malevolent Being. But our ‘highest’ - near-transcendent - feelings are benevolent. Not malevolent. Of Love. Not hate.
Unless you are talking about those poor benighted souls who could, in all fairness, be called ‘fallen’. But to continue. With my particular caveat at this time: which time is this church’s 200th anniversary of what is called the First Vision. (To its - purported - founder, a teenager in New York State named Joseph Smith.) Which is purported to have been of two male images - in white robes. And with beards - which he understood to be (of) God the Father and His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. But which Vision has, unbeknownst to the faithful all these intervening years, more than one Version; Smith apparently either forgetting precisely what he had said in earlier interviews or engaging in ‘gilding the lily a little’ as time went on, in his ‘treatment’ of gullible farmers. With his family also having been known for being ‘gold diggers,’ and into ‘the magic arts’. Or so the other side of his ‘story’ goes.
Everything having at the least two sides. A good lesson to learn in this classroom; this realm of Duality. And seeming Separation. For the lessons to be learned therein, and therefrom.
The lessons, in their ultimate nature, of discernment.
P.S. A ‘wrinkle’ in this whole business: Chinese ‘infectons’ having come into this country (over a thousand having been apprehended at the border, but an untold number having made it through) to spread the cv, with their comrades in this country - and all of this according to Marxist theoretics - all primed and quick to label anyone warning about that situation as a ‘racist,’* to help the process along. The process of spreading the virus into this country. For what purpose? To take it over. Bodily (so to speak). From its thus weakened state, physically, mentally, and economically; and while in that enervated state, to be invaded. And thus colonized. By agents - cannon fodder; some to die in the process - of the NWO crowd. Who want the world to be run - by them - like the totalitarian Red Chinese regime, with its Social Credit schema, whereby the citizenry - the subjects - are at the total, er, mercy of the state.
1984 writ large; onto the entire planet. And thus, ‘triggering’ the end of
the Exercise.
What Exercise?
The Exercise of attempting to live without ‘God’. To say:
Without comprehending that
Life has Purpose, beyond just in and for itself only. And that Purpose is
And so, shouldn’t we - isn’t it about time that we now drop that signage on our buses which the atheists have championed and put about in this country, about how ‘There is no God. But ice cream is great’? And just accept ice cream tor what it is?? Which is one of the treats of
the Creation. Which notion presupposes
a Creator. After all. -
* Plus, as part of the operation, likewise labeling anyone warning about people deliberately coming into this country from Central and South American countries having been infected with the virus via injections. Any open-minded person could see what was going on, with the far Left at the same time mounting a campaign against ‘white supremacy’ and for ‘people of color’. All, a con job. With the same intention: the overthrow of the U.S.A. As I continue to reference here; but just, here, to draw particular attention to this classical Marxist tactic. For total awareness's sake.
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