I sere an association between my last blog and an article in the current issue of TNA that I have just gotten around to reading. Entitled ‘Falwell And The Political Awakening of American Christians,’ it is about the rise of ‘the Moral Majority’ in the ‘80s inAmerican politics, under the main direction of a Baptist minister named Jerry Falwell.
To set the stage for this sharing:
Falwell was, as the author of the article says, “an unlikely candidate to lead any sort of Christian movement as a youth. He came from a rather unChristian family, and himself “was quite worldly until his conversion in his college days. He started a Baptist church on Thomas Road…in Lynchburg, Virginia, with only about three dozen members. Within a month, tehchurch has grown to a hundred. In a year, the church’s membership was approach a thousand.
“For several years, Falwell concentrated on his preaching at Thomas Road Baptist Church and his radio and television ministries…During these years, he never interjected politics into his sermons, explaining that, at that time, he figured the country could take care of itself,’” feeling that “‘(t)he gospel does not clean up the outside but rather regenerates the inside.’…
“By the 1970s, Thomas Road and its pastor were quite will known across America…he most likely would have lived out the rest of his days at Thomas Road Baptist Church if not for Roe v. Wade.
“Then came the Supreme Court’s 7-2 decision — a decision denounced by one of the dissenting justices, Byron White, as an exercise in ‘raw judicial power’ — which somehow ‘found’ a ‘right’ to abortion in the U.S. Constitution, declaring the laws of those states making the practice illegal to be ‘unconstitutional.’
The hell you say. But to continue.
“Falwell immediately began to denounce the decision — publicly and from the pulpit…
“As Falwell entered the political fray, some seasoned conservative political activists…took notice. They asked for a meeting, a meeting that led to the creation of the Moral Majority in1979…”
And the rest, pretty much, is, as they say, history. But a personal note at this point:
By that time I had withdrawn from the political battles in the U.S.(1) and gone to live in a spiritual community in the north of Scotland; where I lived, including nearly eight years living onward in Australia, until returning to the States, in retirement mode, in the spring of 2012. Whereupon I discovered just how bad things had become in my home country, and State. As per reference in my last blog.
Let me cut to the chase here. The Chase after Truth.
The bottom line (of the constitutional contract between the several States; to begin with):
If something, some social or economic or purely political matter, is within the law of the State, as defined by its constitution, and is not an enumerated power of the federal government to regulate or administer - i.e., a limited power delegated by the States, in this federal constitutional Republic - then it is legal. That is to say, is a matter for the People of the several States, through their elected representatives (and as citizens of said federal constitutional Republic)), to determine for themselves.
That’s no. 1. No. 2 is: that If you want to make it a federal issue, and thus binding on all of the States of the Union, then you need to work to pass an amendment to the federal Constitution to that effect.
As with the right to vote, under the 15th and 19th Amendments. To the U.S. constitutional contract.
And, it’s all about to become moot anyway. Because
it’s time.
For graduation. From this material level. This hologram. This classroom for apprentice gods.
Or not.
Your choice.
And somewhat surprisingly - to keep all the Players in the Drama on their toes(2) - not in the way that Christians think. Or atheists either, for that matter. But in a way that all can relate to. From thier inner
As spiritual beings having a human experience.
Chips off the old block.
On their way -
and especially now, as we turn a Corner, and move into the Home Stretch - back to
The sky no longer our limit.
(1) My main note of peeve at that point being the hijacking of the U.S. dollar by TPTB, and their sinister, step-by-step attempts to take over the country, building on their ‘Deep State’ inroads into the federal government from especially the ’30s. The Powers That Be being players on both the far Left and the far Right, in a pincer movement to gain control of the country; the entire agenda being controlled by the same nest of vipers at the top of the pyramid of power. My line of defense of the Republic at the time was to become a Tax Resistor, awaiting my day in court, to attempt to prove to an honest judge that the Federal Reserve Note was not, by coded definition, a U.S. dollar, and thus We the People had not been paid in dollars (but rather in unbacked fiat currency), and thus had no proper income to be taxed on. But Fate intervened at that point. As continued above.
(2) To paraphrase the Bard (whoever he was really):’The play’s the thing, in which to catch the consciences of the Players.’
P..S. And speaking of the sides of the Process coming together at The End:
From Benjamin Fulford’s Report for April 13 (titled ‘Elites fighting desperately against Global Slave Revolt’):
“Chinese Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai says:
“‘Let’s work together to respond to this global crisis, to save people’s lives, to save the future of the global economy, and to save the future of the global community. This is our paramount task.' Cui calls for 'a new and effective global governance system…based on mutual respect and…full recognition of diversity.’”
Fulford closes his Report by saying:
“The goal is to have a world in harmony with nature, where everybody has a healthy and happy standard of living. This planet can be a turned into a heaven intended for all, including an immortal spirit for those who wish it. Remember that even though humanity is winning, the battle for Planet Earth is not over. We all need to do our part.”
…And then - that is to say, after the U.S. finishes its internal process, of Declass and the unsealing of all the sealed Indictments, and other releases of information regarding what has been going on behind the scenes in this country - and after we have Disclosure, and the establishment of NESARA/GESARA, and their concomitant establishment and reign of Abundance on the planet, we can have Ascension.
Totally out of the Old. And into
The New.
The long Play
Having accomplished its Purpose.
a Harvest.
Of souls, ready to move up a notch or two, on
the spiral stairway to
the heavens.
Far above our simple exploring of our material neighborhood.
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