Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Time's Up

The Next Step

So let’s look at a where we are at, on Planet Earth in general, and the U.S. in particular.

TPTB are using the CoVid-19 pandemic to put the U.S. citizenry as far under their control as possible, in order - as is becoming more and more clear - to establish a ‘Papers, please’ regime on the populace, wherein and whereby the public will have to show proof of having had the upcoming vaccine for the pandemic virus in order to do al manner of things, including travel.  The point being  to get as many of the populace, not only of the U.S. but of other countries as well, chipped via the vaccine.

Proof of this contention is, at a minimum, two-fold:

1) In 2009 the DHS ran a beta test in Colorado (site of the Continuity-of-Government capital in case of a problem with the governing structure(s) in Washington, D.C.) involving the setting-up of checkpoints (complete with tire-shredding inability to turn around and avoid them) for travelers (crisis actors playing the parts) to have to show their ‘immunity certificates,’ and if they do not have such, to be administered their required vaccine on the spot; and if they refuse, to be herded into one of three waiting buses - one each for men, women, and children (thus separating family units) - and taken to quarantine camps.  Called in the literature for all this sort of thing ‘Medical Martial Law’ camps - but which have no medical arrangements in them.  They are concentration camps, pure and simple.*  

2) The next year, in 2010, Canada’s chief Health advisor - a Chinese woman - called for everyone in that ‘sister country’ to the U.S. to have to have a bracelet containing info on their vaccine status in order to be able to leave their cities of residence.  
     I don’t know what the outcome of this totalitarian measure was; but it was in the nature of a beta test, anyway.  To prepare people for later application.  When things were completely ready.

All any of this (and crucially including the Takeover Exercises of 2015 and 2016) needed to be applied, then, was the proper circumstances.  Which includes, in our day, and at this time of the novel coronavirus pandemic:

the technology, not only of a Smart Grid (capable of controlling our use both of energy and food), but of what is called ‘Dragon fly’ drones, which can detect human temperatures, fluid retention in their lungs, and even Social Distancing,  Technology which can be used for good.  Or not.         

And last (for this particular blog), but not least:

The UN’s Secretary General has now announced, for the record, that the main purpose for/goal of the CoVid-19 pandemic is (to paraphrase) ‘the Deindustrialization of the West and introduction of the Green Energy agenda’.  Complete with Carbon Credits, and a Smart Grid infrastructure that puts a total(itarian) control on The People, managing their energy use, making sure that they have their vaccines, etc. etc.  A Technocrat’s - and Satanist’s - wet dream.

And on the other side of this recipe for Ordo ab Chao:

a) President Donald Trump.  Raining on the parade of our EMs into their totalitarian New World Order; a dystopian future for cattle, er, The People; and

b) A cure, or at least a very successful treatment, for the pandemic virus, that obviates the need for a (People-controlling vector) vaccine structured precisely for The (that) Cause.

Said cure/treatment consisting of a major modality and then followed by a number of optional, tailored pieces.  The first:

* the cocktail of hydroxychloroquine, the antibiotic azithromycin, and zinc.  And then:

* the (knowledgeable) use of intravenous vitamin C;

* ditto of colloidal silver;

* ditto of MMS;

* ditto of interferon;

and other, immune system-enhancing measures.  (See a good naturopathic or complementary/holistic-medicine-trained allopathic doctor about all of this.)

N.B. There is also a drug, called remdesrivir, which the FDA has cleared for use against this virus; but it is extremely expensive (plus the FDA is in the pocket of Big  Pharma, so you can't believe anything they say anyway), whereas the first item on the treatment list above has elements which are generic, and thus off-patent, and thus extremely more inexpensive.  So that a cure/treatment for this particular virus (and remember, viruses can easily mutate, and thus a vaccine for one form is not necessarily applicable to another version of it) is available.  Now.  And thus we don’t have to wait for the vaccine that our EMs want us to have to take, in order to live in their New World Order.

And under their boot.

And so now comes the coup de grace to their best-laid plans: 

Declass.  And the unsealing of a prodigious number of Grand Jury indictments.  Reflecting the disgusting degree of degeneracy of souls thinking that they are ready for godness - a condition requiring a consummate amount of goodness - before their time, of graduation.

Speaking of coronas.

As we engage  - 

after all -

in the creation of a -

the -

New World.

Moving out of this one of darkness, and into the Light of

the New Day

on a higher turn of the spiral.   

* And there have been other, similar beta tests run in recent years, involving the busing of children from their schools to holding sites, like sports stadiums, where their parents have to come to pick them up, and ‘pass the test,’ whatever the specifics thereof.  Their children, then, to be used as bait.  
   Rather in line with our Erstwhile Master's use of our children in their indoctrination centers, to be confused with education systems, as guinea pigs for the establishment of their Brave New World.


P.S. I have been informed, by a friend, that my use of the word 'erstwhile' is in error.  I could have sworn that it meant 'desiring,' as in wannabe's.  But according to the dictionary, it means a) adv: in the past; b) adj: former.
     But then, perhaps I have just tuned in a little further along the timeline that we are on.
     We will know.

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