A friend emailed me yesterday on the dual subjects of a) making contributions to worthy online causes, and b) receiving the 'Pandemic Quarantine' check from the federal government. My response (with some typos cleaned up):
“I have been confused about the Quarantine Relief payment, because at first I had heard that it was going only to those people who filed a Tax Return, and then I think it was you who said that that had been changed, so I was going to wait until I heard that it had started coming out to check my account. I hadn't heard that it had started to be received by us small people, until this comment from you. I'll see what unfolds next week. I agree that outfits like News With Views and CE and GAoG deserve support. We need all the help we can get from the alt/Independent media, to know really what's going on. For example, I heard today that Twitter is going to block people commenting adversely about 5G and its relationship with the cv. They are apparently pretending that people are saying that 5G causes the cv infection, when what most people who have done some homework on the matter are saying is that 5G enhances the cv infection. Big difference. But then Twitter is looking to censor Pres. Trump's tweets too, so that's an indication of what side they are on. Read: Jack Dorsey.
“And speaking of links: I see that Tyson Foods is closing quite a number of their meat processing/packing plants, as part of a larger set of such closings. Tyson has links with the Clintons. Food is a weapon. "Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people." - Henry Kissinger.
“Trump should be putting National Guard troops into those meat packing plants to keep the food supply open to The People. But then he should be doing a number of things. For now, I will give him the benefit of the doubt, as to a Plan at work (and as Dave at X22 Reports 'reports’). But he needs to act, and soon, in the form of a number of announcements and actions. People are going to start taking things into their own hands, esp. in those Democrat-controlled states which have put on onerous Lockdown/Stay-at-Home measures, and that can cause a backlash - precisely what our Erstwhile Masters want to happen, so that they can activate their takeover plot. Quite a chess game going on right now. Coming down to the wireless, so to speak.”
And along this, er, wireless line is a report from a friend who just this weekend recommended to a friend the Golden Age of Gaia site and whose friend reported back a blockage of the site. The friend had attempted to access the site via Google Chrome (whose message of warning gave the link ‘Back to safety’ rather than allowing a Continue after offering/stating the warning), but then managed to access it via both Safari and Foxfire. All by way of saying that - as with 5G ‘over’ 4G - newer is not necessarily better.
To paraphrase Henryk Kissinger: Control the Internet and you control people.
And then another friend has just today sent me a link to a YT titled ‘COVID - LOCKDOWN - GLOBAL BANKRUPTCY - THE PLAN, involving the Rockefeller Foundation’s purported Plan for global control. Which brings to mind David Wilcock’s latest offering, highlighting a (purported) bit of a schism between the Rockefeller faction, centered in the U.S., and the Rothschild faction, centered in Europe. But they are both out for the same thing: Global control.
Which it is not theirs to have. Ultimately. Rather, just to be part of a -
the -
Coming, to a theater of operations quite near
With an additional warning having been afforded us, in the words of former Director of the CIA, William Casey; quote:
“We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
Now, around this point you might be wondering, Why do our EMs telegraph their punches, aka plans? As in the ’telegraphing’ of such as 9/11, via Hollywood cartooning??
The answer could be considered obvious, to one way of thinking.
That being, that the Dark side is subject to the same sort of Law that governs the side of the Light. Which allows for some degree of free will to take place, within a context of a grand Purpose at work.
But -
we will see. When The Drama plays its way out to its
Which can’t be long now. Considering the state of affairs. On Planet Earth. Our home
away from
P.S. As they say: ‘Breaking:’
There needs to be an explanation of Dr. A. Fauci’s $3.7 million to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (who is implicated in the payment as Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, an agency under the NIH umbrella), “at a time when that same Team Obama had banned the funding of any lab that was involved in virus experimentation,” in the words of the Washington Times, in reporting on a radio interview in New York City by Rudy Giuliani. The article - by Cheryl K. Chumley - goes on:
“Ouch. Politically speaking, the perception of one of this administration’s loudest voices on the coronavirus front—the one calling for shutdowns and shut-ins and contact tracing-slash-government-tracking of American citizens—well, it doesn’t look good to have him tied financially to Wuhan.”
Just so.
And my thanks to Larry Klayman’s ‘Freedom Watch’ site for bringing this April 27 story to my attention. I had heard of the charge before, but having it come directly from Giuliani gives it added credence, and clout.
I imagine that action - on this matter and others of a similar nature - will follow.
This week. Because
it's time.
it's time.
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