Monday, 27 April 2020

On The Business At Hand

In my last blog I 'invoked' ponies.  For this one I would like to invoke the likes of Toto, to pull back the curtain, and help us see what's behind it, regarding this 'novel coronavirus' pandemic matter.

For starters: The information seems to be that it was a cut-and-paste job, apparently by a very clever female Chinese virologist, or whatever her actual scientific expertise is, in splicing into a cv base elements of both the SARS and the HIV 'thingys'.  And I say 'thingys' because I have read material from 'experts' that says that there are no such things as viruses, only material, called 'exosomes,' exuded from cells in their protection against toxins.  I don't want to get into that whole subject here, would rather stay on the basic issue, of what the hell we should do regarding this, er, - call it the 'ncv,' or the CoVid-19 disease, or infection, for short, for the purposes of this particular blog.

Whatever it is, it has features which, it appears, are very dangerous.   Not only has it been engineered to stay latent for some time - which gives it a considerable amount of time to circulate before it becomes apparent, in terms of symptoms, and thus infects many people before it even begins to be noticed (I think that's called its 'velocity').  But it appears as well that treatment for it is complex; is causing medics to have to rethink their protocols for dealing with it.  For example, ventilators are dangerous with it.  It doesn't act like a normal lung attacker, like a flu or pneumonia; acts more like a high-altitude condition, with oxygen being suppressed (int his case, originating from within, rather than from the atmosphere).  As well, there are reports that the antibodies to its infection - which is the usual way that our bodies deal with these things - can act like a cytokine storm.  All very convoluted.

So I am not going to 'stay' with the recommendation for dealing with it that I normally would.  Which would be along the lines of the wisdom of many years ago, when, for example, a child came down with measles, and while in quarantine at home would be visited by members of their classmates, in the hopes of their parents that their kids would pick it up and get that 'rite of passage' out of the way, as a childhood disease that it is best to let the child's body generate antibodies to, and thus for the child to have lifelong immunity.(1)  And as for treatment for the condition, it is known in our time that vitamin A is a good prophylactic for it.  Simple.  But with this particular illness, we can't just assume that letting the body's immune system develop antibodies to it is the best approach to the matter, in conjunction with a treatment for it that is proving to be quite successful.

I'll get to that in just a minute.  First, just to summarize to this point what I am saying.  I am saying that letting as many people develop antibodies to this particular critter as possible is apparently not the best way to go about dealing with it; that there is danger in the development of the antibodies for it.  So, our best approach to the matter would appear to be to concentrate heavily on treatment for it.(2)

Which treatment I would recommend, as Pres. Tump has alluded to, consists of the hydroxychloroquine cocktail, with the antibiotic azithromycin, and - crucially - zinc.(3)   So: Best practice in this instance would appear to be:

Keep some degree of Social Distancing in place, but enhance it with (effective) masks, especially around older people or people with underlying conditions (especially to do with immune-system dysfunction), and engage this critter, immediately upon its detection, with the prophylactic likes of the HCQ cocktail.(4)

And let's get this thingy over with, as soon as possible.  So that we can get on with the business at hand.

Which is creating a -

the -

New World.  Where all this sort of 'thingy' will be a 'thingy' of the past.

To have learned lessons from.

On our spiral stairway

Home, again.



(1) Which they don't get from the vaccine that has been developed for the condition, and which thus causes more trouble that it's worth.  Except to the Big Pharma manufacturers.  And is doubly valuable in the case of a female thus 'primed,'' who can then pass on her antibodies to her offspring, before their own immune systems have a chance to mature and take over, and thus be protected in their infancy.  And the same with, e.g., pertussis/whooping cough
   But to continue.  But first to point out how, before the advent of a vaccine for measles, the disease was described in Merck's Index as a 'mild to moderate' childhood disease, whereas after the development of a vaccine for it, it magically became described as a 'moderate to severe' childhood disease.  Go figure.

(2) Along with beefing up the body's immune system, to help it not succumb to the infection in the first place.
   There are a number of such 'ounce of prevention' measures that one can take.  But as I amanita a decorator, perhaps I should not appear to be prescribing; so my best advice: See a good naturopath, or 'holistic'/complementary doctor.

(3) Apparently zinc was left out of the formulation of the cocktail that was tested by some outfit which was hired by agents of our EMs to attempt to downplay this HCQ approach to dealing with this pandemic.  Our EMS, and their toadies, wanting it to go on for as long as possible, for reasons that I have dealt with in these pages recently, so I won't bother going into all that here.  Jus to say here that zinc is a crucial constituent of treatment for this illness.  As with colds and flus, it blocks replication of the virus.  Or whatever the culprit really is.

(4) Unfortunately we can't go by the test(s) for it, at least those available at this time, since the tests are coming up with false positives, on the one hand, and are even spreading the critter on the other.
   That's the nature of this Beast that we are up against.  And I am not here referring to the ncv critter.
   N.B. Also, be aware that both the number of those infected and the number of those dying from the ncv infection have been and are being inflated.  The same varmints at work; in their increasingly desperate measures to gain totalitarian Power Over Others.

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