With the official scenario of the pandemically-inspired Quarantine indicating a Final Stage of a three-phase Process including a degree still of restrictions on the people at least of this country (and thus a/the New Normal), and with a structure built into the three-stage Process designed never even to get to that final stage, we are afforded a clearer picture of what is going on with this ‘having gone’ viral business. Let’s take a look at what is really going on here.
A particularly virulent virus, which is proving more and more to have been man-made, and thus a bioweapon, and thus having been developed for a purpose, has resulted in a major lockdown of peoples all over the world (and thus a true pandemic). In the U.S. the lockdown has been used by the opponents - enemies, really, truth be told; in an outright war - of Pres. Trump as part of a widespread Resistance campaign to his term in office, the latter of which has resulted in a block to the best-laid plans of some very powerful people (call them the Cabal, the Illuminati, the Controllers; call them whatever you want) to take over the world, and control its peoples to within an inch of their lives; particularly using their foot soldiers in the Environment movement to further their iniquitous cause. (Iniquitous, for being based on Force.)(1) Who, being true believers, have been led to believe that the United States is a cancer on the planet, and, thus justifiably, must be stopped from Trump’s plans to return it to a state of Excellence. (Think the slogan ‘Make America Great Again’/MAGA - which drives some members of this Opposition army to outright violence - as morphed, under his ‘tutelage,’ into ‘Keep America Great’/KAG.) How to accomplish this mission. Ah - got it:
With the Russian Collusion gambit having failed, and then the Ukraine Connection also going down in flames (and, unfortunately to The Cause, highlighting, even further than did the Russian Collusion gone-wrong tactic, another side to the Ukraine ‘thing’ that threatens their team’s side in this war. How inconvenient, that. And how curious), and then the Impeachment fiasco, this tactic should do the trick: Keep his Deplorables from re-electing him in November, by keeping the pandemic going through the election period, so that their side can cheat their way into another win (than the one, largely, in 2018, after underestimating the strength of the Trump support in the country in 2016) by engaging in such vote-harvesting fraudulent measures as Mail-In Voting, and then keep it continuing through the very-possibly particularly volatile period between their success in the elections and the swearing-in of their presidential candidate (whoever that might end up being, in the wake of Biden’s predictable downfall) in January of 2021, and on into the Great Leap Forward New Year until the vaccine for the (man-made) virus can be administered to the sheeple,(2) at least to as many of them as possible. To keep them in a state of docility as long as possible. Until they can be herded into the FEMA camps already designated for them. And under the control (under the Kigali Principles put in place under the Usurper, Obama) of UN troops (U.S. troops not to be trusted to do in - er, guard - their fellow Americans). Until Madame Guillotine can be employed on them. Or hydrogen cyanide, in a mass dealing with the matter. The matter of disposing of objectors to our Erstwhile Masters’s New World Order.(3)
Thus, we can see clearly now the stratagem of the Dark side players in this Drama in which we are engaged - to test us, our commitment to the Light:
Lie, cheat, steal. Kill, even. Whatever It Takes. By Any Means Necessary. Because there is no right nor wrong bur thinking makes it so. Everything is relative, there are no absolutes. There is no Truth. Thus, we can see, rather starkly now, where they are coming from.
They are coming from the Dark side.
And thus, it behooves those of us on the side of the Light
to prove it.
And to such a degree
as to prove our full worth.
As apprentice gods.
At this Graduation time.
Within Time.
(1) And thus, the reverse image of The Real Thing.
But to continue. At this stage. Of
The (larger) Process.
(2) Any ‘cure’/curative measures for the disease having been played down, and even demonized, by their comrades in the MSM, in getting the sheeple to opt for the vaccine. (If only they can silence the likes of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Say, like they silenced his father. And uncle. Who threatened to rain on their parade in their time.)
(3) Both measures - i.e., guillotines and hydrogen cyanide - as appearing in official records for the establishment of and implementation in FEMA camps. And the bodies very possibly as well, er, ‘designed’ to be used as a source of protein for the food-starved inmates; whose food supplies had been controlled from back in the original stages of The Plan, when they had been led to believe in the goodwill of their captives - er, governments, in providing for them, while in Lockdown condition, when they opted for security over liberty. And as a substitute, for the dignity of a basic state of liberty, were provided, by the state, with a Universal Basic Income (UBI). Of feudal proportions. For them to be enslaved. Forever and ever. And thus they all - masters and slaves - lived happily ever after. The End.
But to continue.
P.S. You may be wondering: When The Play is over, how do we know who among the Dark side players has been just a player and who is truly evil, to say, has rejected the Light, in total or in part?
That is all ‘worked out’ as well. The answer:
Their aura tells the tale. Gives them away. So to speak.
Is a manner of speaking.
Is the way of
seeing clearly.
Is the way of
seeing clearly.
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