Sunday, 12 April 2020

So, Here We Are

So, here we are.  At a crossroads.  We either go up, into the Light. Or we go down, into the Darkness, of totalitarianism, run by our EMs, the Powers behind the NWO cannon-fodder crowd.  At a time when a severe quarantine caused by a man-made virus is bringing on the potential likes of global food wars.  All of this meaning that ‘affairs are now soul-size,’ as the playwright put it.  But then, who believes in souls these days.  Or at least acts as if it were a truism.

Which brings up a major issue in this whole thing.  And especially on this day, of Easter, in the Christian, and Western, calendar.

To clarify right upfront: I am not a Christian.  Anybody who has been following my blog site for any length of time knows that.  But that does not mean that I don’t believe in ‘God’.  I just don’t believe in either the Old Testament god or the New Testament one.  Let alone in His Only Begotten Son, or The Messiah.  From my research into this whole subject, there is fraudulence galore involved in both of those accounts.  But since when did a disbelief in any particular religion mean that the unbeliever was an automatic atheist?  Such a person may well have a higher vision of things than that contained in any particular religion.  And thus, be ‘spiritual’ rather than ‘religious’.

Case in point, as brought up for me in the pages of the current issue of Whistleblower (monthly) magazine, which, though having been delivered just a few days ago, is their February issue.  Entitled ‘The World’s Deadliest Religion, and subtitled ‘Posturing As Enlightened And Moral, Leftism Actually Amounts To A Bizarre Cult,’ its articles concentrate on the theme of how ‘Leftism’ has risen as Christianity - at least in the West - has declined, and the overriding theme to the issue is how that is detrimental to humanity.  But is it?  Really??  Or is it part of an evolutionary Plan???…

In the last article in the issue, the author bemoans the fact of how so many Gen Zers* are atheists, and gives some bullet points for why that is so, and further such points regarding what Christians could and should do about it.  Part of the problem referred to is the observation of how so many Christian preachers over these ‘latter-day’ years have inculcated “a iightweight, me-oriented, prosperity-type gospel” - and thus milk rather than meat, which doesn’t satisfy one’e soul; and the author’s recommendation, after asking, and setting the challenge of, “What is the cause?”:

“Here, too, the lesson is simple and clear: If you want to make real disciples, set the bar high, not low…”  By which the author, Dr. Michael Brown, means a return to a vibrant Christianity,  But the history of which has also included a huge amount of low-consciousness excess.  And which in any event is not the answer, to the Process that we are in.  Which is to move on, from these pieces of the Process, to their culmination.  In Truth.  Which I would summarize thusly:

Indeed, let’s “set the bar high”.  For, we have been set the bar high by the NWO crowd, and their Masters.  They want total, and including planetary, Darkness, weighing on the human spirit.  That scenario needs to be met - seen, and ‘raise you One’ - by the establishment of total Light on this planet.  The Light of total Truth.

Coming to a theater of operations very near


With you.

Or without you.

Your choice. 

And let’s see who can withstand that energy field.  Which, of course, is part of

the Point to it all. 

Dr. Brown finishes his article thusly:

“So, rather than looking at how bad things are—and they certainly are bad—let’s look at how ripe the harvest is.

“It’s time to reap!”

Indeed, Doctor.  Indeed.  But apparently in a different way than is dreamt of in your philosophy.

* As the author clarifies, that is a description of those born between 1999 and 2015.  Who are ”the first truly ‘post-Christian’ generation,” according not just to his opinion, but to that of many other commentators on such cultural subjects.

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