Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Out Of Control

From westernjournal.com: ‘Gun Store Owner Relays Epic Stories As Libs Become Victims of Own Gun Control Laws’ - Jonathan Jones - April 14 
(Libs are going to gun stores to purchase weapons of self-defense during the quarantine amid concerns about deteriorating levels of food supplies possibly leading to riots and break-ins to people's homes and many are stunned to find out how difficult it is, after the Dems have taken over the state’s government and set stringent laws on their attempt.
I am OrangeBee.)

Lara - April 14

I do NOT feel sorry for them.  They either voted for this tyranny or they didn't vote at all, which means they are even more responsible.  People the only way freedom remains is either through votes or blood.  Pick which one you want.


OrangeBee - April 14

There is voting and then there is voting.  When I returned to my home state of CA to live after having lived abroad for many years, I was stunned to find that a) they didn't require voter ID, and b) the LA County Voter Registrars Office told me that they don't check the Voter Reg Rolls "because people would perjure themselves if they signed up and weren't eligible to vote".  (And if they know that your policy is not to check on that little matter???...)  As far as I was concerned, it was, then, a crime to vote in that state; would be to aid and abet in the commission of a crime, with the millions of [illegal aliens and other] non-citizens that it is known reside in that state now - and where it is now legal for illegal aliens to apply for or renew a driver's license, when they are automatically registered to vote.  ('Hint hint' says the Democrat-led state government to all the IAs that they let invade the state, besides all the other non-citizens there.)  So I refused to vote there, and give it an appearance of being legitimate.

What needs to happen is that the federal government needs to go into all the states and Clean House, by sequestering all the voter reg rolls and having teams of CPAs go through them with a fine computer 'comb,' cleaning them up completely, before at least any more federal elections will be allowed to happen - and the American citizens of each state should demand that the same procedure be applied to state and local elections.  It's time to clean up this corruption.  NOW.   


And to include a requirement that all of the states mandate photo ID to vote (as people have to do for a huge number of social transactions).    

How would I accomplish all this?

Well, under the terms of NESARA, a lot is going to be accomplished, anyway.  So we might as well go for broke.  As it were.

Not only break the age-old hold of the global monetary and financial systems on us.  But leave all of the Old behind.  And move into the New.  To say,    

beyond the Drama  And into

the Real Thing.

As we prepare as well to head into Space.

Free from that quarantine as well.

Imposed on us, until we could prove that 

we were ready for that leap.

In consciousness as well.


The bottom line:

We have to accept the world as it is -


Rather, it’s time to 

Change the System.

Into one that we can live in

in our adulthood.

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