Yesterday in my mail I received two letters in particular. One was from an outfit called Impeach Obama Campaign, listing all the - good - reasons that Obama should be removed from the office. ("(A)ny reasonable person can see that through his actions and deeds Barack Obama has betrayed the general principles, good will and integrity of the Presidency of the United States," etc. etc..) My response to the Project Director:
"Dear Doug,
"With all due respect: I can't support impeachment. That is for legally sitting presidents. Obama is not a legally sitting president.* & thus needs simple removal. & that way, all the legislation that he has signed into law, & all the executive orders (ordures…) that he has issued, & all the appointments that he has made, go out the Oval Office window with him.
"Please correct your approach to the job we patriots have on our hands. & then I will support you.
"* Since he is not a bona fide 'natural born' citizen. Which requires the citizen to have been born at least of 2 U.S. citizen parents.
"This is not rocket science. The whole point of the 'exercise' on the part of the constitutional Framers in putting that requirement into the contract for that particular office was to make sure that the candidate, if elected - who would become then as well the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces - would have no DUAL LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES. Like a naturalized citizen. & like a DUAL CITIZEN. Like Obama.
"See John Jay's letter to G. Washington as Chair of the C. Convention. ('No foreign allegiances.') See A. Hamiton's proposal that the presidential candidate need only be a 'citizen' - & his proposal was expressly turned down. I rest my case.
"(see for more particulars.)"
And as if to emphasize the point, lest I waver in my resolve to support Truth on Earth…
The other letter that I want to refer to here (I get a lot of mail, on various subjects, as 'worthy causes' asking me to support them, too) was another solicitation to draft Ted Cruz to 'RUN, TED, RUN' for the presidency in 2016. It was chockfull of all the good reasons that he should run: the American Dream, etc. etc. (That one being the same with the letters from Marco Rubio and his camp that I get as well.) Yes, Ted Cruz is a good man. And in many ways, it is a shame that he is not eligible for the office. But in one way, he is a - veritable - godsend. He, alone, could bring the despot Obama down, by coming out against him for not being a "natural born" citizen - just like him.
As I said in a note back to Raz Shafer, his campaign manager & the author of the solicitation letter:
"Expose, Ted, Expose
"…Obama for not being a 'natural born' citizen - just like you are not; & can Bring Him Down for the same reason. His father was not an American citizen either when he was born - thus he is ineligible for that particular office. Think of your power, Ted, in this matter. Go, Ted, Go! on that front - & do America that favor."
P.S. According to my understanding of such things, there won't be any election in 2016 for the presidency anyway. So it is a moot point. And which is why I ignore the solicitation letters from the Ben Carson camp as well, for the same thing.
…and a closing note, on the same general subject, of the Usurper in power, and his (ideological) overreach:
from 'Supremes Asked: How Long Will You Let Obama Make It Up?' - Dec. 30
("A team of constitutional-law experts filed a brief Monday with the U.S. Supreme Court asking the justices if they are willing to allow President Obama to continue making up the law as he goes.
"The brief by the American Center for Law and Justice asks the court to reject IRS regulations that illegally authorize tax subsidies for purchasers of health insurance on federal exchanges.
"The case is one of several that could create a massive roadblock for Obamacare. The law is written so that only those who obtain insurance through state-established exchanges qualify for federal subsidies.
"But the IRS, in violation of the plain language of the law, has allowed the granting of subsidies to people obtaining insurance through federal exchanges. A reversal could mean a loss of subsidies for participants in 36 states, where consumers would see immediate and massive rate hikes.
"The brief charges IRS regulations “are part of the administration’s ongoing efforts to rewrite or suspend portions of [the law], in violation of the separation of powers.”…")
Excellent of these groups to bring these suits.
Getting to the nub of the matter, of what's wrong with our government these days. Finally: Making the Fed answer for their overreach, out of the rule of law into a totalitarian, Soviet Union-style system.
Keep it up, constitutionalists.
from Tea Party C.C.: 'White House Says Courts have NO Power to Review Obama's Decision-Making' - posted by Asst Natl Dir Melony B. DeFord - Dec. 20 (orig. posted at
a late entry:
Reply by robert cosenza 3 hours ago (Dec. 31)
we the people,who are the real not impeachment thats a waste of time,because to impeach a president he has to be a legal president,and ovomit is not a legal president no for ovomit its treasonous acts against we the people,and the constitituion.and its never to late until they throw dirt on you.god bless all legal american veterans/citizens,
▶ Reply
Permalink Reply by Stan Stanfield 1 second ago (Dec 31)
Thanks for pointing out that fact, Robert, about Obama not being a legally sitting president. It needs to be reiterated, until patriots get the message - and realize that that is what will ultimately get him out of there.
Too many patriots think 'it will never happen'. Hey - just think: If Ted Cruz came out and boldly admitted that he is not a "natural born" citizen, and is therefore not eligible for the presidency - and neither is/was Obama, for not having had TWO U.S. CITIZEN PARENTS AT BIRTH - this nightmare that we have endured, for not paying attention to the detail of the Constitution (having had our attention to that detail diverted by BOTH major political parties, for their own purposes), will be over just like that. No long-drawn-out impeachment proceeding, nothing but The Truth.
And The Truth shall set us free.
I can't resist; it feels so appropriate to add in here:
from Tea Party C.C.: 'America Interrupted' - by Cal Thomas - orig. posted at - Dec. 30 - posted here by Asst Natl Dir Melony B. DeFord - Dec. 30
Reply by Stan Stanfield just now (Dec. 31)
Any analysis of 'America Interrupted' needs to include the deliberate actions of an elite group of erstwhile global overlords popularly known as the Cabal, whose presence and agenda is clearly described in Prof. Carroll Quigley's monumental opus 'Tragedy And Hope'. He was Bill Clinton's political mentor at Georgetown University; he also fingers the likes of the Rockefellers, and etc. in that vein. To say: these, our erstwhile Overlords are not divided by the popular notion of right vs. lett; they exist as a nest of vipers at the top of the pyramid of power on the planet. Their agenda, and for a long time, has been to break down the American society, including its 'allegiance to the flag,' in order to meld the U.S.A. into being merely a part of a region - called by themselves the North American Union (consisting of Mexico, Canada, and the former U.S.; hence the 'open borders' push) - of their vaunted New World Order; which is only partially economical in nature, is totally totalitarian in such.
The proper role of Tea Party groups is - would be - to give the U.S. citizenry a Choice. Not an Echo.
I am saying - pointing out - that things 'don't just happen,' as this author would tend to support, and sell, in his thesis. and otherwise valuable contribution to the great and grave discussions of our day and age.
A time when we need to go, neither to the Left NOR to the Right. But Up. To get to our true identity. And stop simply playing parts in a Drama that has well reached its use-by date.
Reply by Dewey Mason 13 hours ago (Dec 31)
Since Cruz my not be available by birth rites to be President he can be vice President with Mr. Carson in the name of "Getting it right" This time.
Permalink Reply by
…ah, well, In for a penny…:
from Tea Party C.C.: '16 for '16: The Most Talked-About GOP Presidential Contenders' - posted by Natl Dir Dee - Dec 31 (orig. posted at
..Reply by Dewey Mason 13 hours ago (Dec 31)
▶ Reply
V.P must also be NBC. If the P dies, VP must be eligible. 3rd in line is Speaker. Apparently it is not clear whether, if the P dies, the VP actually becomes P, or remains VP ACTING as P.!/articles/2/essays/83/presidential-succession
▶ Reply
Thanks for clarifying the NBC issue, Jea9 - at least as far as you did. As for questions regarding his birth 'rights': If conservatives can't read the Constitution, and understand common sense, who can we expect to amongst the populace at large??
The whole point of the exercise on the part of the constitutional Framers in putting that "natural born citizen" special requirement into the contract for that particular office (with the VP office logically added later by amendment) was to make sure that the candidate, if elected - who would become then as well the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces - would not have any DUAL LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES. Thus ruling out a naturalized citizen. And a born dual citizen. Like Obama. And like Cruz, Rubio, and Jindal.
If the law is to be changed, there is a proper procedure to go by. Which, incidentally, on this issue, was tried 8 times in the House between 2003 and 2008, by both major political parties (mostly the Democrats) - and failed to get enough support even to get out of committee each time. So what did both the Democrat and Republican party officials do? They went around the legal approach, and did a deal in a smoke-filled room. And have been blowing smoke in the eyes of the public ever since on the issue.
Don't buy into their schemes, Tea Partiers. The nation has been hijacked by a Usurper & his accomplices as it is. Don't compound the error, by totally destroying the rule of law in the country, by compounding the error. And find out the facts about the matter, to share with your friends.
You can start with the letter by John Jay - a respected statesman of the time, who went on to become the first Chief Justice of the new U.S. Supreme Court - to G. Washington as Chair of the Constitutional Convention, wherein he urged that the office of the presidency not be opened to the taint and possibility of foreign allegiances, thus requiring a "natural born" citizen, not just a citizen. And this position was further acknowledged when Alexander Hamilton proposed at the Convention that the presidential candidate need only be a "citizen" - and his position was SPECIFICALLY REJECTED by the Convention. Whose constitutional contract was ultimately ratified by the required number of States, as amended by the Bill of Rights. With the "natural born" citizen requirement still standing, after that whole process.
It's time for patriots to wake up, and take back their country from the internationalists who would merge it into a region of their New World Order (called by them the North American Union, with a merged Mexico, Canada, and former U.S.A.). That vision is not only one of economic blocs. It is one of a totalitarian Order; taking away The People's liberties, and leaving them slaves on the continent that their forefathers raised a nation of free people on. Sovereigns in their own right; not subjects of a king or a church or an oligarchy or a dictator - like Obama. Time to remove him from that position of illegally-obtained power.
No impeachment necessary. He is not a legitimately sitting president; thus, that is not the route to take with him. The route to take with him is the direct route. He has committed crimes in the office - including the one of ascending to it illegally. Thus, he goes, to be held for trial, in a court of REAL law, and honorable Order.
Enough bandying about. It's time for action. Before he and his cohorts in crime create a 'national emergency' Crisis in order for him to declare Martial Law, and take down the Constitution totally, in one fell swoop. Are you up to the job, Patriot? If you are feeling not: why do you think you incarnated at this time??? It's time to honor YOUR oath. Or regret it, for a very, VERY, long time.
Amen. And you are right. The fact that he is illegally in office does take impeachment off the table. And maybe treason. Treason is for a legally sitting President. But fraud upon the people, illegally appropriating the office of President all powers thereof, should be what is appropriate. Once the SHTF, or before if we are wise, THIS MUST BE THE ISSUE. FRAUD. DECEIT. DUAL CITIZENSHIP. USURPING CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY. ........DEATH......… .