Tuesday, 31 July 2018

'But How Do You REALLY Feel'...

…About Hypocrisy

I don’t watch television.  I have better things to do with my time.  Like, pick my nose.  But the latest issue of the Media Research Center’s monthly newsletter, Watchdog, has caught me up with quite an eyeful, and earful.  (And which has confirmed the wisdom of my lifestyle choice.)

I see that a so-called comedienne and sometime political commentator, one Samantha Bee, took after Ivanka Trump to “do something about your dad’s immigration practices, you feckless cunt.  He listens to you.”

A couple of observations.  First, those would be his predecessor’s ‘immigration practices,” I presume?  With the pictures that got flooded into the MSM (yes, I see some of all that, on the alt media) having come from BHO’s time in the office??  (His purloined time in the office.  But to continue.)  And secondly, I presume that that is what goes for humor in liberal circles these benighted days?  A rather raunchy form of humor, that relies more on shock than on cleverness???

But then the article also pointed out how the liberal media made it all out to be - drumroll for the punch line - Trump’s fault.  For having coarsened the public atmosphere with his “earthy demeanor”.  Umm.  That would primarily be directed at a private conversation that he had with a fellow bloke, who was unmanly enough to leak it to the press?  All’s fair in love and politics, and all that??  

And so who else of you wishes to cast stones??  And have what you have said or done in private become public, to be used against you???…

Ah.  But that isn’t all that this is all about.  An old canard has surfaced in the matter.  The article quotes one of the liberal media’s talking heads, NBC’s Chuck Todd: “At the end of the day - how is it that the president is not responsible for this tone?  You know, you can’t help and say it starts at the top.  He regularly berates and mocks the looks of any of us.”

Ah yes - that ‘mocking’ business.  Which the MSM is still using, and hanging on to, I see, to berate the president with, long past its disclosure date, for having been a false charge.*  That story: Candidate Trump made a campaign speech in which he fluttered his hands in describing some people getting all uptight about something or other that he said, and doing so in a way that is a characteristic of his way of talking, which some of his liberal media enemies seized on, in constantly looking for ways to spin stories against The Donald, by accusing him, in doing his rather trademark thing, of “mocking” a disabled reporter (who, in the event, has a permanently bent wrist; no fluttering of hands involved).  But as they say, a lie can be half way around the world before the truth can get its shoes on to try to catch up with it; and in this case, Meryl Streep, in accepting an award on prime-time TV for something or other at that time, used that story to beat Trump over the head with.  She may have some excuse for not have found out about the truth of the matter by the time that she used that club on Trump; but a year later, when she was again on prime-time TV for another award ceremony, she had the opportunity to set the matter right.  And she failed to.

Now, there is a feckless cunt for you. 

And that goes for all the media bitches on the Left who are spinning the truth of matters to berate Pres. Trump with, just because he beat out their gal, Hillary, for the office.  

Whom it is taking some time for the truth, in all its shocking colors, to catch up with.  But catch up with her, it will, and is.

And not before time.

But then, not much of a story there...... 

* And as chimed in with by Ten Media’s Larry Hackett on ABC’s Good Morning America when he told host George Stephanopouios “that Trump’s failure to apologize in the past is ‘one of the reasons that we’re in this place we’re in now’.”


As to how I feel about how long it is taking the White Hats to get all their ducks in a row: 

from YouTube: ‘The FISA Push Is Here, It Will Bring Down The House - Episode 1626b’ - X22Report - July 31
(Close, but no cigar…)

1 second ago (August 1)

With all due respect, the Deep State can't be allowed to continue much longer.  They apparently have access to nukes, and, they seem also to still be in charge of the likes of Weather Warfare activity (think DEW weapons) and Chemtrails.  They cannot be allowed to hang onto power much longer, or extensive tragedy will ensue.  Bring them to justice with what we've got on them; it's enough to do the job, and to corral as many of them as necessary.  The rest then will be out of power, and can be dealt with with mopping-up operations.


But then, what do I know.........

On Doing One's Civic Duty

I have just come back, with a stop off first at the supermarket, and a settling back in at home, from an early evening Town Hall meeting with our Congressman, which turned out to be a very liberal love-fest for the very liberal man.1  At least it was conducted civilly.  We had all signed up with an RSVP, since seating would be limited - it was held in a local (somewhat for me; nearly an hour away by public transport) high school's auditorium - and we were all given the chance to submit comments/questions ahead of time,2 plus they allowed people to line up for the two mikes available, and alternated between each choice of engagement with the process.

Congressman Alan Lowenthal was very forthright with his replies, which I am sure was enhanced by the fact that he knew that this section of his District was very liberal.3  And I found myself soon very out-of-step with the vast majority of the audience (the auditorium was not full, but was still a good turnout for the occasion), when his replies invariably made me cringe.

The question of Voter Fraud/Electoral Integrity?  'Voter suppression.'  (Shame on you, Alan.  You're being dishonest in the employment of this obvious party-line poop, and you know it.)  Illegal immigration?  Very pro-Dreamers.4  The issue of 'cyber-security' - which was presented in relation to the Trump-Russian Collusion drama (with the House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) getting boos from the audience, for 'deflecting' the Collusion caper into an area that might well show Hillary's involvement with 'cyber' issue criminality).  Alan steered a little wide on that one, not wanting to get into it too deeply; for partisan reasons becoming more and more obvious as time, and investigation, proceed.5  And he was also a bit evasive when it came to the subject of a paper trail of ballots in states that don't have that requirement.  And he failed to say anything at all about California's abysmal lack of Voter Integrity measures altogether.  Guns?  He largely stayed out of the fray on that one too, beyond pointing out that he has always voted against anything that the NRA is for, unless it brings in further safety measures.  (Big applause.)  To his credit, he pointed out that we really need to look more into the mental health matter regarding 'guns'.  I will say that something that I could very much support him on was his strong support for environmental issues.  Just as long as it doesn't stray over into the Global Warming/Climate Change scenario; which is really the hobby horse of the NWO Technocrats, using it as an excuse for totalitarian corporate control over us.  He unfortunately did pay them his respects when he came out for a carbon tax, as part of "incentivizing alternative energy" measures.  (Look into that matter a little further, Mr. Lowenthal, as to actually who is behind it.)

All in all, we have a long way to go to be coming closer together in this country on a lot of issues.  But fortunately, my Congressperson isn't a really far leftist.  Between a Social Democrat and a Democratic Socialist, I'm not sure of much difference there; but between one of those categories and an outright socialist veering towards communist, I would place him in the former camp.  He really does dislike anything that smacks of dictatorship.

At least, that was my impression.  Now if it were a dictator from the Left............

As he said at the beginning of his sharing, before digging into the Comments/Questions from his audience (words the effect): "It's very difficult to get Change in this country."  Just how far would you go to get it, Rep. Lowenthal???  And what is 'it,' precisely, anyway?????????  



1 He - name of Lowenthal (quite a family name in politics in So Cal) - is not a far lefty.  For example, when someone in the audience took to the mikes to ask if he felt the Democrats should go for the impeachment of Trump "at least to get Pence in there," his position on the issue was honorable, to a point: his point being that impeachment is a major process for major issues - "high crimes and misdemeanors" - not just because you don't like the policies of the person in the office; that if the latter were the case, they would need to impeach both Trump AND Pence, since Pence is following the policies of Trump.
   Applause.  To impeach them both...I think a fair number of the audience were disappointed in his stance on the issue; it would appear that those extremists believe that you can impeach a president simply because you don't like him.  Weird.  But that's the far Left for you; for whom the end justifies the means.  Any and all means.  Take no prisoners.    

2 Mine, which it became very clear very quickly was not going to be one of those selected, for being  rather contrary to his position on the issue of 'immigration,' was the following:
   'Comment: The U.S. has a front door.  With a nice big Welcome mat, to those who qualify.  People from all over the world, coming here, and very welcome to.  Through the front door.
   'Question: What is your position regarding illegal immigrants - especially given that a number of cities are now allowing illegal aliens officially - officially - to vote in elections.'

3 He made a bit of a caustic remark about "those people over in Orange County," whom he was forced to represent as well because of the way that his District has been drawn up.  An issue - i.e., of gerrymandering - that he also touched on.  In a nutshell: He is agin its being used in a very partisan manner, by legislators.  It was obvious, by his demeanor and his replies, that he would prefer to represent his own kind, in a more democratic, people-first fashion.  So I kept my peace, in that audience.
   As, possibly, did some other Republicans/Independents present.  Not all of the audience applauded his liberal replies to questions; but a good majority of them did.
   So I saw the misleading nature of 'Town Hall' meetings.  They seem to have come to be just for the majority voters in the area.  At least that seemed to be the case in the one that I went to.

4 He of course is entitled to his opinion - which is colored/flavored with a passion for people "fleeing oppression" in their home countries - but he was unfair when he faulted Trump with wanting to bring the immigration process into the likes of other countries (Australia for one) which limit it to people who have some sort of skill to offer.  Here his passion for the 'oppressed,' and his very partisan digs at Trump, made him conveniently forget that a basic immigration policy does not exclude the additional issue of refugees and people fleeing oppression, to be considered on the merits of the individual case.
   As to his digs at Trump: He said, that, as a former psychologist in his academic days, he feels that  Trump's case is 'hopeless".  Applause, for the meat thrown to the wolves.
   (And as for the brushed-over issue of illegal immigration -which also includes the not insubstantial matter of the likes of MS-13 gangs and ISIS terrorists and gun and drug runners and child sex traffickers; my message to my representative in Congress:
   Rep. Lowenthal, a little advice: You don't reward wrongdoing, or you will get more of the same.)

5 For those who need to get up to speed on what is going down these days: Rep. Nunes is doing good work in ferreting out the truth about the Obama FBI's use of a dodgy, and Clinton campaign paid-for, dossier on Trump to have an excuse to go to the FISA court and obtain authorization to put surveillance on the Trump campaign team.  In the form in part of a couple of plants on the team.
   But hey - Whatever It Takes, eh, gang???

Monday, 30 July 2018

How To Gain Control Over People:

It's Very Simple, Really

from thecommonsenseshow.com: ‘MSM Is On Life Support - Expect More Censorship and False Flags’ - Dave Hodges - July 28/9
(Hodges, in listing the power of TPTB over the MSM in this country, asked his readers if they had any ideas as to how ‘they’ got so much control over us.  My response:)

Stan: July 29, 2018 at 11:20 pm
(Your comment is awaiting moderation.)

How did they get so much control? Long-term planning. Having a vision. Their vision: Control over the world. One technique: Control over Central banks. And in the U.S., they managed that to the extent of blocking any audit of their Federal Reserve System (which is neither federal nor with any reserves; but it sounds soporifically nice). Control of the printing presses of the nation’s currency with no oversight? What could go wrong?? Or right for the powerful families behind the scam.

America has been living in a dream for a long, long time. And it has been a dream concocted for the citizenry, that is about to turn into a nightmare. Fortunately, SOME have been awake enough to head this long-planned-for disaster off at the pass. But it is going to be a rude awakening for far too many Americans, who forgot what their responsibilities were, in a self-governing republic.

Sunday, 29 July 2018

On Which End Of The Dog To Believe

On The One Hand...

we have the bark - as exemplified by the likes of Dave Hodges of his The Common Sense Show; who sees civil war happening at any time, and is prone to indicating how the Red Chinese and the MS-13 gang members and ISIS sleeper cells are likely to be involved, in both a Red Dawn scenario and a Blue Dawn one, i.e., in regards to the latter, insurrection - violence - from within.*

And On The Other Hand...

we have the wagging tail of the likes of Steve Beckow's The Golden Age of Gaia, with its very upbeat take on things, from a spiritual point of view, as exemplified by various channelers, in preparing us for a, well, golden future.

How can both scenarios be right?

Can both scenarios be right?

Well - in a word: Yes.  In a free-will realm of possibilities and probabilities.  Like the one that we are in as we speak.  And as part of a Process, unfolding, into a Synthesis, and Completion.  If the high road is taken by, and for, humanity.

What's my take on it all??

A hint:

I didn't incarnate at this time to waste my time.

And make of your options - your possibilities and probabilities - what you will.

But you had better be quick about your decisions.  Because

things are coming to a head.

Or the end of the 'tail'.

Take your pick.


* In relation to part of that overall scenario; this:

from thecommonsenseshow.com: ‘The Blue Dawn Will Precede the Red Dawn Invasion of the United States: Trump and Putin Are Both In Danger’ - Dave Hodges - July 27/8
(The Red Dawn being an invasion of the Chinese flowing through their ‘beachheads’ in such as California’s ports and farmland, the latter being bought up by the Chinese at sale prices because of all the fires and drought (Weather Warfare, anyone??); and the Blue Dawn being a state of chaos in the States with all the MS-13 gangs and ISIS sleeper-cell terrorists and Soros-financed Antifa goons and Hollywood attempts to start race riots leading the way for societal disruption.  All to pave the way for the UN to come in, under the Kigali Principles.  See my comment below.)

StanS July 29, 2018 at 12:17 am
(Your comment is awaiting moderation.) 

One thing it would pay to clarify, Dave, is regarding “the Kigali Principles”. You say that BO made us a signatory to a treaty there, that no subsequent president can undo. That doesn’t seem to make sense. 1) If it’s a treaty, it needs to be voted on by the Senate. 2) If it’s an Executive Order, it can be rescinded. Please explain.


N.B. We are actually already in a state of civil war.  When President Trump's Commission on Election Integrity attempted to obtain the voter registration rolls in each state, which would show how many illegal aliens were in fact voting in elections, they were blocked by the states with a Democrat Party government.  (And so the liberals can claim that the charge that our voter rolls are packed with the names of illegal aliens - and other ineligible voters - cannot be proven.  Sweet.  And as corrupt as things can get.  Need, to get.  For sterner measures to come into play.  And only so to speak.)
     What needs to happen is one step at a time: the federal government first declaring that any state that will not allow the federal government to check their voter reg rolls for non-citizen and other unlawful names on them (there is already a law on the books that requires the states to cleanse their voter rolls; which some of them are flouting, and so are in a state of criminality) will forfeit their votes for federal offices and issues, and thus incur lawsuits by their lawful American citizens, for being disenfranchised, through the actions and fault of their state government.  And the federal government will support said lawsuits.
     And no court of law that has Obama appointees on it shall be sitting in judgment on the matter, because that state of criminality will be taken care of at the same time.  Another, though allied, aspect to this matter. 
     This matter, of a state of insurrection/insubordination going on in the country, and which has been going on, for long enough.  Time for things to be set to rights in this country.
     As part of the setting-to-rights of things in the world in general.
     But to continue.

Friday, 27 July 2018

On Things Heating Up

1) from YouTube: ‘Part 2: Q+Trump: Severing [sic] Up A 2nd Special Council [sic] #House Of Mirrors’ - You Are Free TV - July 27
(Things are hotting up - and literally.  The YAFTV gal was sweating profusely, in the heat wave in her area.  Same as here in So Cal, and the S/West in general.  HAARP, anyone???)

1 second ago (July 27)

I think that things are getting so crucial now that the Deep State will attempt to take down DJT before they all go down.  They have a couple of ways to go on that scenario: 1) Play any card they may have that uncovers any dirt on DJT, possibly involving  Epstein's Island; or 2) a wet operation.  Even if there is some dirt card to play on him, he has done an excellent job on Reclaiming the Republic, and needs to be commended for that.  As for their option 2: They need to be taken down before they attempt such a terrible action.  So I don't see this Play being drawn out much further.  The (logical) plot won't allow for it.  Draw it to a close, folks.  Time to move on.  Into a New World.  Just not the NWO.

2) from thecommonsenseshow.com: ‘Contrived Water Shortage Leading to World War III - 50 American Cities Set to Run Out of Water’ - Dave Hodges = July 25/6

StanS July 27, 2018 at 3:33 am
(Your comment is awaiting moderation.)

Effective water desalination technology already exists. Our erstwhile masters just don’t want us to know about it. Like so much else. It’s all about power. Power Over Others. POO for short.


3) As for the Whoopi Goldberg - Judge Jeanine dust-up (as part of the heating-up process going on, to bring things to fruition):
I don't know the details on that, having had other things to keep my attention on.  Apparently Whoopi didn't treat a conservative guest very nicely on the show and afterwards.  But knowing Judge Jeanine, from her feisty 'Opening Statements,' she can hold her own, even with bad-mouth Whoopi.  And 'the people' can always vote with their remotes.  And with letters to the sponsors.  And even a petition of protest, I understand.

Let's not overreact, folks.  The Left wants nothing more than a shooting much - rather than just a shouting match - by the Right, in order to activate their desire to take away the people's guns, and call in the UN, to 'keep the peace,' under the so-called Kigali agreement, signed by BO.

That's the Usurper BO, mind you.  And so, everything that he ever signed into being needs to go with him, into the dust bin.  As I have remarked on in these pages before.  And which is another story in its own right, for another time.   Only soon.

Very.  Soon.

Thursday, 26 July 2018

I Have Heard It Said...

…that we should go easy on the illegal aliens; that after all, even if a lot of them are on welfare rolls of various kinds, others are working and paying taxes, doing the kinds of work that ‘others’ - meaning American citizens - won’t do.  There are a number of responses that a person of interest - meaning an American citizen - could make to these sorts of argument; but I want here to concentrate on just one aspect of this whole caper: how IAs are being flooded into this country and onto voter registration rolls, and thereby are skewing our electoral results, towards a permanent leftist bias.* 

The bottom line: The New World Order crowd needs them, to establish their totalitarian state in and on this country - 24/7 surveillance, EMFs keeping the populace mentally pacified, and even physically weakened, and even killable outright - all this and more going on, at the behest of our erstwhile masters.  Who are not of this world; are just using some totally co-opted humans to run their show for them.  Who have lost sight of the fact that 

We Are All One, in essence.  On individual missions; sent out to learn various lessons.  And then bring the fruits of those missions back to 

the Whole.  To make it stronger for the experiences of its parts.


And wiser.      

And hopefully, we are at a major point of having learned major lessons, now.  One of which is

not to give our personal power over to others.  Our power, as ‘pieces of the continent, parts of the main’.  Of our 

Most Holy Being.  Having given us the opportunity to go exploring, on our seeming own.  And then return to the fold.

Or not.

Our choice.  

The Whole the greater for the exercise, in some ways.

And the lesser in others.  

The particular of that outcome being up to


*As James O’Keefe of Project Veritas has just pointed out in a letter to his supporters, one of their “hard-hitting investigations” showed:
   “High-powered Democrat operatives openly discussing a massive voter fraud scheme in 2016.  As everyone who watched the videos saw, they were scheming to take advantage of Wisconsin’s lack of a voter ID law to rig the results of the election.  They even bragged about bussing in people from out-of-state and renting cars with local license plates to avoid looking suspicious!  (Emphases in original) 
    And then there are the outright ‘illegals’ who infest the voter reg rolls in my home state of California, having disenfranchised me and other American citizens living in this state, because of this state’s lack of a) voter ID requirement, and b) proper cleaning of the voter reg rolls.  As required by federal.law
   (O’Keefe again: “In 2016 alone, some reports estimate that three million votes were casts by illegal immigrants!” )
   So much for the left’s argument about ‘voter suppression’.  Right.  You mean illegal voter suppression.  Your forgot a qualifying word in there, gang.
   N.B. And to note that the ‘leftist bias’ bit is just a tactic.  The real PTB are the statists on the other side of the political aisle.  The comparatively few families who have wanted to dominate the world - and have been angling towards that goal - for a very long time.\
   And thus, to continue.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

On The Sweet Mystery Of Life

Posting yesterday, now, to a friend across the pond about a particularly intriguing facet of Life In These United States:

I have realized that you over there in the Auld Country may well not know of a fascinating phenomenon going on over here in The New World Same As The Old One.  It has to do with a poster on the Internet, stage name of 'Q,' who purports to be involved deeply in the Trump administration, with many bits of evidence coming out to that effect, and who drops curious breadcrumbs in his/their posts that lead often to events that come true in 'real' time, and keep his/their followers believing that beyond all the dark stuff going on, all is well, that the Deep State is being taken down, that it is all a matter of right timing, and "power will return to the people".  But that isn't the half of it.  He has/they have left clues that lead to the startling conclusion that he - as very possibly one of a few people posting under that handle (with one having access to the Oval Office; I suspect that it is Donald J. Trump Jr.) - is none other than JFK Jr.  

That background: In 1999, when JFK Jr. - a very charismatic guy, w/great looks, and an easy and sincere style much like his father - was a few months short of 39, he was being touted for political office, and a position as federal senator for the state of New York was coming up in 2000 (with who knows what beyond that; a run for the presidency itself???).  But in looking at life beyond the Oval Office with partner Bill, who was finishing his second and constitutionally last term in the presidency at that time, Hillary was apparently looking to go for that seat as well.  And so, of course, were the Powers That Be considering her for that office, and possible stepping-stone to the Oval Office for herself, as one of the Cabal, Illuminati, take one's pick of names for the Dark side's erstwhile rulers of this planet.  By then, JFK Jr. would have known of such a group of The Big and Powerful who were behind the assassination of both his father and his uncle, Robert.  What to do?  (His decision very possibly enhanced by the fact that his first love was acting; but which he was discouraged from following by his mother, as a poor career choice.)  'I know!' he thought - and, apparently, did: Stage his fake death, in a (private) plane crash.  And with his wife and her sister to boot.  

He was flying them to a family wedding off the coast of Massachusetts one evening when his plane went off the radar, and, when nothing more was heard from the plane, the authorities instituted a search; which took quite a few days to get organized, and activated.  Whereupon the plane was found on the ocean floor some five or six days later, and their bodies were taken to the county medical office and autopsied (cause of death: instantly in the crash), and then transferred to the place where they were cremated.  All, as we were told.  Nineteen years later, evidences begin to appear on the alt media that he, and his wife (and some evidence that the sister figures into the picture, too), can be seen directly behind Trump in a couple of his campaign appearances, whooping it up for him.  (JFK Jr. in a clever disguise.)  

The link: They were friends in the 'old days'.  They would have talked about what all was going on in the country, and the world.  Result: DJT started talking about running for the presidency even back then.  A long shot; so, nothing for TPTB to worry about.  All was still well, in their NWO attempts to take over this country, as the key to taking over the whole world.  With, apparently, a couple of buddies determined to rain on their parade.  God moving in mysterious ways, and all...

This doesn't do all the bits of evidence to this conclusion justice.  But at least it should act as a good taster.  For more to come, from over here on this side of the pond.  But just to say, and conclude for now: If this is true.  As it very much seems be.  We are in for some fascinating times on the old - well; whatever this Earth is.  In its truth.  


Tuesday, 24 July 2018

The Big Heat

A friend has forwarded me a link to a MSM article on the major heat wave going on in the northern hemisphere and asked me if I thought it might have anything to do wiih weather management/modification.  My response:

Monday, 23 July 2018

On Disinfo And Other Operations Of War

1) from YouTube: Meet Vincent Fusca and his TRUMP MOBILE!’ - Reasonable Insanity - July 21 
(Iv w/Vincent Fusca talking about his Trumpmobile.  Feels staged, to try to lead people away from the JFK Jr./Q-R idea.)
1 second ago (July 23)

I think we're into disinfo here, of some sort.  This isn't the same guy as the one sitting behind Trump in the campaign shots, and as seen in the composite photos that someone has posted.  And the woman, with the very same facial features as wife Carolyn?  What are the chances??  And all the breadcrumbs in the Q posts???  Keep on the story.  Something going on here.

2) from thecommonsenseshow.com: ‘Bay Area Filth Comes to Portland - Locals Are Furious’ - Dave Hodges - July 21/2
(Portland is going the way of San Fran, w/the homeless and excrement all over their once-fair city.  Portland also has ‘housed’ the anti-ICE sit-in, with the mayor telling the police to stand down against their closing of an office site, and taking down the U.S. flag and putting up a sign in its place saying ‘Refugees Welcome’.  Grrrr……)  

StanS July 23, 2018 at 1:13 am
(Your comment is awaiting moderation.)

Dave, you really shouldn’t be advertising that your heart goes out to illegal aliens. That makes us a honey pot. Your sympathies should rather be advertised as with those erstwhile citizens who are patiently waiting their turn to come into this country via the front door. A country without borders is not a country, but rather will be inundated with boarders.

And call the Portland authorities on allowing the anti-ICE activists to get away with calling the illegal aliens “Refugees”. That is a deliberate canard. Don’t let them get away with it. Give them an inch, and they will take a mile.

This being a war that we are in, and all.  

I have seen the video clip on CNN where some former CIA guy under Obama (his name is Mudd - and literally), asked by the CIA-asset talking head on CNN (that would be Anderson Cooper) his thoughts on the Trump-Putin summit outcome, responded bluntly: “When will we see a shadow government stand up to the government?”

If that wasn’t a call for an uprising and revolution, I don’t know what else would be required to fill the bill. We need to face the facts: The NWO crowd are feeling their best-laid plans slipping away from them under the aegis of Trump and his populist/nationalist movement, and would appear to be gearing up for a takeover attempt. 

As I say:

We need to not give them an inch.

Trouble ahead.  The clearer we are, the better.  No signs of weakness, of chinks in our armor.

The New World Order agenda: Over and done with.

The right New Order Of Things: 




And a late addition, to round out this post:

3) from jamesfetzer.blogspot.com: ‘The Coming Coup to Overthrow President Trump?  Sedition at the Highest Levels’ - Paul Craig Roberts
(“We are currently experiencing sedition at the highest levels as the military/security complex unfolds its coup against the elected president of the United States…”)

Stan - July 23

Let’s see what the Alliance has up its sleeve.  And at the least, Pres. Trump has the Marines having his back.  Time will tell.  And soon.  Very.  Soon.

Sunday, 22 July 2018

On Watching A Play Drawing To Its Conclusion

1) A former CIA guy turned whistleblower, and particularly going after the corruption of Hillary and her Pay for Play doings with the Clinton Foundation, is being harassed and threatened by parties unknown.  Well, so to speak.

2) Fw: The Memes Explain Russiagate better than the Media Does

(An article, appearing on a few of the conservative sites that I take, showing some cartoons etc.  Forwarded to a friend who is interested in all things going on these days.  My comment:)


3)   And an oldie but goodie, and still, of course, in play:

from YouTube/X22Report: ‘A Week To Remember, Dark To Light - Episode 1620b’ - July 21
(A general discussion on what is going on politically, including an immunity deal offered to the Podestas.)

9 hours ago (July 21)

if Obama was an illegitimate president than all the immunity isn't valid.



June Martin great! How so?



5 hours ago (July 21)

It would mean his entire Presidency was invalid and the actions of the administration were invalid. All actions.


1 second ago (July 22)

Absolutely.  Fruit from a poisoned tree.  All the legislation that he signed into law, all the E.O.'s and P.D.'s that he issued, all the appointments that he made - including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts (and thus all the decisions that his appointees figured crucially in) - all erased.  To go with him into the dust bin.  For it to be as though he had never been in that thus-dishonored office.  For, he was never there legally.

How so?  Because he was/is not a "natural born" citizen.  Which is a higher mark for a candidate for the office of POTUS to have to merit than other federal offices; for good reasons, mostly to do with being as well, then, the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces.  The definition of a NBC as understood by the constitutional Framers (for which there is ample historical evidence) is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof.  The whole POINT of the exercise being to make sure that the occupant of that office has NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES.  Has SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the U.S. (in this case).  And The People having let the usurper Obama slip in there has proven the wisdom of the Framers on the issue.  

The consequences of which include the need for both major political parties to be brought to (proper, Common Law) court on RICO-statute charges, for colluding in the matter, found guilty, fined, their authorities imprisoned, and the parties themselves dissolved, for being the criminal entities that they have proven to be (and not only in this matter).  And Congress dissolved as well, for failing to do their constitutional duty, as regards the illegality of one of the three branches of the federal government.  And we go from there, in re-establishing the federal constitutional Republic of the U.S. of A.  On a better base than before, in rooting out all corruption.  That's how big a deal this issue is.


And we wait.  For the next shoe to drop.

Not that it's a shoe-in thing.  We do, after all, have free will in this realm. 

But regardless:

the Light wins out in the end.


Because it is

the Light.  

And everything else is but of the shadow.

Of, in a word:

the Play.

Saturday, 21 July 2018

On Tangled Webs - III

'Still, What Are The Chances?'

It is now 5:00pm PDT.  That would make it 8:00pm EDT.  And I see nothing in my emails to indicate that there has been any sort of 'outing' regarding the 'Q-into-R' phenomenon.  Am I disappointed?  Will I give up this cockamamie idea, of a 'return' of JFK Jr.??

Not with the breadcrumb (besides those in the Q posts themselves; of which there are a considerable amount) likes of:-

* the 'leading character' in this story/Play having a name - Vincent Fusca - that translates from the original Latin as 'conqueror of (the) darkness'.  (And this from - the supposition is - a person who understands Latin from both the liturgical material of the Church that he grew up in - i.e., the Catholic Church - and from the profession that he studied for - i.e, the law... ) And who, besides cheerfully waving a 'Women For Trump' sign behind the candidate in the campaign shots that he has been spotted in, has also come out in other public sightings, and even interviews with this crazy guy from Pittsburg with his 'Trumpmobile,' as advocating 'Democrats For Trump'.  And

* the woman sitting next to this 'character' - with his thick glasses, and unshaven condition, and wearing a (possibly tell-tale hair-concealing) fedora, and generally looking to be in a disguise - having extremely similar facial features to JFK Jr.'s wife Carolyn.

As I say...

P.S. A word about the sister-in-law involved in this 'story'.  And to get into this aspect of it, a personal anecdote:
     At one of the internet/YouTube sites that I have been monitoring on this story, a poster asked about "the sister" (Lauren Bessette).  I very possibly misunderstood the comment, thinking that the poster wondered why there hasn't been anything said about her, and I somewhat foolishly posted a quick response-reply saying "Um...because she is supposed to be dead?  Do you think??"  Afterwards I realized that the poster more likely had a different point than what I spontaneously thought was meant by it - a good point; namely: If that plane crash was a fake, for JFK Jr. to play out a scheme to attempt ultimately to undo the killers of his father and Bad Guys in general, and the wife went along with it, in order to stay with her husband in his choice in life (who was missing his real love in life anyway, which was to be an actor), why rope the sister into the 'act'? and make her play out her life in an act as well??
     My thought on that angle: Because Carolyn needed some support in the matter.  And the sister was big-hearted enough to go along with the charade.
     And, of course, this could all be wrong, and Occam's Razor applies; i.e., they all died in the crash, due to pilot's error, on a hazy night over water.
     As I also say:
     We'll see.
     With another date in mind:
     The date of a memorial service for JFK Jr.  That was on July 23.
     Let's see if he 'rises from the dead' then, and makes his remarkable, plot-twisting entrance.
     It would have to be soon, if it is, indeed, going to happen at all.  Because TPTB are showing signs of attempting, not just to impeach DJT.  But assassinate him.  And they need to be stopped in their satanic tracks.  And soon.
     Very.  Soon.

P.P.S. As to this sort of thing: It wouldn't be the first time that deaths have been faked.  There are undoubtedly a number of 'dead' people clandestinely living out their lives in South America, or Tel Aviv, say, for a number of reasons.
     Another story, in itself.

On Tangled Webs - II

The story unfolds further.

Today is July 21st.  On this day nineteen years ago we were told that the bodies of John F. Kennedy Jr., his wife Carolyn, and her sister Lauren were found in the wreckage of JFK Jr.'s plane off the coast of Martha's Vineyard, after his plane disappeared five days previously from the radar while it was approaching its destination.  The bodies, we were told, were taken to a nearby county medical office where they were autopsied, the cause of death being determined as "upon impact," and later that day were cremated, with memorial services held for each of them the following day.  And that was that.  Or so we were told.

If we have found out anything since those days, and earlier for the more observant, it is that you can't believe anything that the MSM tells you; that it is in the hands of the CIA and the owners of the corporations behind 'the news;' that we are being fed not 'the news' so much as what those who are behind 'the news' want us to 'know'.  All of which has gotten worse over the years, until we have come to this day, when TPTB are now going all out to propagandize us against anything that would thwart their control over us.  The purpose: To lead the human race into a prison, under the totalitarian control of our erstwhile masters and keepers.  Those of us, that is to say, whom they still want to keep alive, in order to help run their prison for them; the rest of us being 'useless eaters' to them.  It is in this context that we come to this moment, and the curious phenomenon of, in a letter: Q.

On Thursday I touched on some of the points of this matter; how some people on the Internet have been uncovering bits and pieces of info that has led them to believe that JFK Jr. a) is still alive, and b) is the person behind the 'Q' phenomenon, in support of the Trump presidency.  Additional pieces to that story: The fifty-something man behind Trump in some of his campaign appearances,  enthusiastically waving a 'Women For Trump' sign (and displaying some other things that tie in with this whole story),* has a jacket on with five stars on its lapel.  A poster to one of the videos on the Internet on this whole curious story has pointed out that that is in the form of a folded flag as presented to the next of kin when their loved one is being buried with military honors.

I'm not going to go any further into this story here and now, except just to point out how a number of people on the Internet into numerology have come up with the intriguing fact that 'Q' numerologically relates to 17, the same as JFK, and Q's successor starting to appear on the Internet after a hiatus since July 4th - please note that special date for Americans - is self-identified as 'R,' which numerologically adds a 'Jr' to the title.

That is to say, in - possible - other words, that JFK Jr. is now coming out from behind the scenes, to be clearly identified as such.

And with today being the anniversary of his first 'finding,' I wouldn't be at all surprised - given the whole nature of this 'Q' thing (complete with bread crumbs), and including JFK Jr.'s passion for acting, before he was talked out of it by his mother as not being a suitable career move -

if he will make his second appearance, on this unique day in his, er, life.

Time - as always - will tell.

And rather soon, in this case.

P.S. The voice of the narrator on the powerful video entitled 'The Plan To Save The World' - in support of Donald J. Trump, and his desire to Make America Great Again, in a battle against the Dark forces who have kept the world in such a mess for a very long time - sounds very much like his, as well.  But - as I say:
     We'll see.
     And may we turn out better for the experience.
     All.  Of it.


* and whose partner sitting next to him, a lovely-looking woman of roughly the same age in a pulled-down hat sporting patriotic colors, has the very facial features of JFK Jr.'s wife Carolyn

Thursday, 19 July 2018

On Tangled Webs

The background.

JFK Jr. was born in 1960, and thus was (just turning) three years old when his father was assassinated, and then his uncle, Robert/RFK.  He would have grown up wondering about all that.  Chances are he engaged in a goodly amount of investigation into it all - wouldn’t you?? -  including, perhaps, hiring private detective sources.  In any event: He grows up, and - after a fling at acting (which he very much enjoyed, but which his mother discouraged, wanting better things for her handsome Kennedy son, albeit obviously somewhat fearful for any future for him in politics) - becomes a lawyer and journalist, and starts a magazine - called, curiously enough, ‘George’ - and reaches a goodly age of maturity in fine shape.  When, in 1999, he - not only with the ‘charisma’ of being a Kennedy, but having it, with very good looks - is beginning to be touted to run for the U.S. Senate from the state of New York, and - who knew? - possibly using that as a stepping-stone for a run for the presidency.  All of which whoever killed his father - and his uncle as well, very possibly; both from behind the curtain of the ‘official’ stories - would, shall we say, take offense to.  To let sleeping dogs lie, and all that.

And Hillary was also being touted for a run for the Senate for that very same seat…

Hill and Bill.  A very ambitious couple.  Politically.  And financially…

Bill just having finished his two-term stint in the Oval Office.  For, it was beginning to appear, the very same gang - call them the Cabal; aka the Illuminati - that the Bushes were affiliated with.  And the father - George H.W. (there’s that ‘George’ again….) - having been mentioned in a memo from FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover in relation to his father’s assassination (as with the CIA, and giving a report on the 'incident').  And the son, George W., being touted for a run himself at the presidency in 2000.  

Neither the Clintons nor the Bushes very keen about substantial competition for the offices that they were looking to run for.  And especially not competition that might well not let sleeping dogs lie, regarding the death of JFK especially…

Now.  Two stories, on the Internet, aka the (admittedly CIA disinfo-prone) alternative media.  Both involving the same event: that being a trip via private plane that JFK Jr. was going to take, and as the pilot thereof, with his pregnant wife and her sister, from the state of New Jersey up to Martha’s Vineyard, off the coast of Massachusetts.  A factor here is that JFK Jr. had broken an ankle and was just coming off crutches.   The first story on the alt media: George H.W. and Bush Jr. were (purportedly) seen hanging around JFK Jr.’s plane before he and his party arrived at the airport for their trip.  The conjecture: They could have attached an explosive device to the plane’s undercarriage, set to detonate when the plane descended to a certain altitude on its approach to its destination. 

An important footnote at this point, in two parts: First: The secret society that both Bushes had been members of at Yale during their college years, i.e., Skull & Bones, required its members to engage in some sort of illegal activity, as a form of initiation rite, in order that they could always be under the thumb of The Society in the later, very successful (as manipulated) years of its alumni.  So the Bushes would not be above any activity to advance their ambitions.  Lie, cheat, steal.  Even kill.  Were categories of activity all in potential play for the Bushes.  And secondly: JFK had, shortly before his assassination, in a speech railed against "secret societies," as being “repugnant” to a free society.  

Quite a one-two combination going against the fallen hero’s son…

The other story is even more intriguing.

It is based on the idea-presented-as-fact that JFK Jr., (as I said above) just coming out of a cast on a broken ankle, and being known to be a very cautious pilot, had arranged for another pilot to take him and his party on the trip.  The story here is that with that pilot somehow under Mk-Ultra control (those mind-control abilities starting to be more widely known about at the time), as he started the plane’s descent into the landing pattern that evening, he instead took it into a sudden dive into the water, just off the coast.  The story descends further into the realm of improbability, but still possibility, given the circumstances in life in the U.S. in those dark days - and continuing into our time - by stating that a naval vessel was off the coast, at the ready, and when the plane went into the sea, (a segment of) the U.S Navy sent frogmen after it, who took the pilot out before rescue ships got there, to make it look as though JFK Jr. was at the controls when whatever happened, happened.

Supportive facts to this take on the event: 1) Rescue ships were delayed in getting to the site, for quite some time, for somewhat suspicious reasons.  (And also: the U.S. Navy had already proven its susceptibility to being corrupted at the Gulf of Tonkin incident, when and whereby LBJ - also involved, at least peripherally, in the assassination of JFK Sr. - succeeded in taking the U.S. into war with North Vietnam.  To the delight of our erstwhile masters, the New World Order crowd.  Part of which is the MIC; and part of which is the ‘secret society’ crowd, that JFK started warning against.)   And 2) A switch on the control board of the plane involved in its dive was reportedly found set in a position that would have required the pilot to do it deliberately, not as human error.

Unsupportive fact: It would hinge on the testimony of the air traffic controller at the small airport from where JFK Jr.’s plane took off; a potential weak link in the plot.  But then, these things can be arranged, too.  For example: What was the testimony of the fellow in the control tower at the parking lot adjacent to Dealey Plaza in Dallas when the president’s motorcade passed through it?  He would have had a bird’s-eye view of all that went on at the instant of the assassination, and leading up to it, as regards potential human movement behind the fence at the well-known grassy knoll; and in its aftermath, with a perp potentially climbing into the trunk of a car parked there, and being driven off unobtrusively later.  Or whatever actually took place there at that nation-shaking time.  So: important evidence, either way.  But nothing was ever made of whatever that person might have shared with some inquiring reporter at the time, or afterwards.  And thus is the power of the MSM to control the narrative…*

Will we ever know the truth about any of this??

- With a new factor now having entered the picture, as regards the - supposed - death of JFK Jr.  Are you sitting down???  Try this on for mental size.

To appreciate this, you need to be aware of the business on the social media about a source calling itself ‘Q’ - individual or group - as apparently having an inside ‘seat at the table’ of the Trump administration, with plenty of evidences pointing to that fact.  (E.g., closeups of the pen on Pres. Trump’s desk in the Oval Office with which he has just signed some piece of legislation or E.O. or other; photos taken from Air Force One; etc.)  The ‘Q’ posts have made an ‘issue’ of repeating the refrain ‘Where We Go One We Go All’ (WWGOWGA).  Where is that salutation from??  

It turns out that it is associated with JFK Sr.'s boat. 

So far, no big deal; right?  I mean, it has been known -with photos to attest to the fact - that Trump and JFK Jr. were buddies, at least of a sort.  But then…but then……

Let’s back up a bit, and take a look at this whole thing from a short distance, to see beyond the dots to the picture.  If you were JFK Jr., and had come across enough info to know that some very powerful people were behind the assassination of your dad - and that it was all part of an even larger plot, involving the entire world - and you were both outraged and stunned by the largeness of the ‘plot’ - what would you do?  You might want to get even, of a sort - at least to bring the perps to justice.  And you had good looks, and ‘the Kennedy charisma,’ and could try to get into a position of power via the political process.  But with their obvious power, you may well not be able to be allowed to even get your first political venture off the ground.  So - what do you do about the matter??  

You know you need political power to bring justice to bear in the matter - the specific matter, of the assassination of your father (and your uncle), and the larger matter, of these evil people’s attempted takeover of the entire world, in their heinous totalitarian New World Order, long planned for.  But you undoubtedly would never be able to bring about the desired result directly.  

So, you would need a surrogate.

Someone you could trust.

And that the U.S. military would trust.  Those parts of it that you could trust, to honor their oaths, and come to the defense of the United States, against all its enemies, foreign and domestic.  

And someone who was strong enough to bear up under the expected ‘slings and arrows’ of this very powerful bloc of people, who had - obviously - the control of the main part of the MSM behind them.

Enter Donald J. Trump; and the alternative media.

And enter you, behind the scenes.  Having faked your death, to live to fight another day.  And hiding behind a nom de plume, that happens to be in the shape of your father’s gravesite.  But giving out just enough in the way of hints, to have some fun out of it.

Out of helping to take down some very evil people on the planet.

And even ‘hiding in plain sight’, by taking the risk of 'appearing' behind candidate Trump in a campaign event (which the frustrated actor in JFK Jr. would have enjoyed immensely).  In disguise, of course.

The disguise of a man nineteen years older than the public last saw.  In his young adulthood.  As a vibrant, and obvious, Kennedy.  With all that going for him.

And against him.

At the time.                       

But, given some time.  And work behind the scenes.  To bring about a better world:

Enter - amazingly - and very possibly - 

John F. Kennedy, Junior.  Ready, now, to come forward.   Now that enough evidence has been accumulated, to put away these denizens of the Dark side for a good long while.

And let the light shine.  On not just a new America.

But a New World.

P.S. And yes, what about the wife and sister-in-law.
     We’ll see.
     But it makes for a cracking story.
     And a desire to see these evil people at the helm of our ship of state get theirs.  Who are engaging - having been engaged, for long enough - in the likes of lying.  Cheating.  Stealing.  Even killing.  And even child sex trafficking, and ritual sacrificing.  To assuage their satanic bloodlust.
     If JFK Jr. has, indeed, ‘risen from the dead’ to avenge all this:
     More power to him.
     Or, at the least,
     to his spirit.

P.P.S. Am I, like the person on the alt media to whom I am indebted for the lead on this potential story-with-legs, blowing JFK Jr.'s cover??  I don't think so.  Because, you see,
     it's time.

* I trust that you have read enough about that incident by now to know that the truth has yet to come out about it; with many books on the subject, and many posts on the Internet regarding it and the falseness of the official narrative.
   These people whom we are up against, wanting to take over this country, as a key part of their plans for a totalitarian superstate controlling the entire world, being very powerful, to the point of controlling the bulk of the MSM - and now, making moves to control the ‘social media’ as well, and censor any even just ‘conservative’ postings.
   It’s outrageous.  And it will not stand.
   So to speak.
   And speaking of the air traffic controller at the airport: It has beeb reported, on the alt media, that the JFK Jr. flight was delayed for forty-five minutes in wait for the pilot to get there.  This should be easily checked out with said controller.  Would have been, at the time.    Any report in the MSM on this matter?

On Daring To Call It Treason

“Treason doth never prosper; what’s the reason?  Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”  
   - Sir John Harrington
(An epigram employed to good use by John A. Stormer in his book of the same name)

from rickwells.us: ‘Mark Levin On Media Freakout Over Trump-Putin Summit’ - Rick Wells - July 18/19
(Levin talked a lot about ‘the left’ and its history regarding standing up to Russia, so they have no call to call Trump a traitor.  But he bought into some of the little intrigues of the left.
(P.S. It took me three tries to get the site to ‘accept’ my post.  I really have some serious gremlins at work in my equipment…)

Stan // July 19, 2018 at 2:46 pm // Reply (act. July 18 PDT)
Your comment is awaiting moderation.

Some fair-enough points by Levin, but he is being disingenuous about “the annexation of Crimea” and “the invasion of eastern Ukraine”. Crimea, seeing ‘politics’ going on in Ukraine, voted overwhelmingly to associate with Russia; the same w/eastern Ukraine. Victoria Nuland and the CIA were up to their eyeballs in attempting a coup and takeover in Ukraine. The NeoCons were mad at Russia for ‘interfering’ with their best-laid plans. It’s the same with the 2016 elections. The only ‘Russian collusion’ going on was their financial support to Hillary, for her being involved in the Uranium One deal. (To the tune of $140 million; plus $500 grand to Bill for a Pay for Play talk.) There is a difference between American interests and NWO interests. Levin needs to clarify the difference.

Mark also referred to Obama’s failure to engage in “pushback from Russia’s criminal shootdown of flight MH117”.  I didn’t want to get into that subject there; but from my reading on that matter, there was serious question about who did it, with some good evidence pointing to the bad guys, not the Russian-speaking eastern Ukrainians, fighting to keep from being submerged into a coup-overtaken Ukraine central government.  Levin is playing right into the hands of the narratives-setters there, too, it would appear.    

It really is time to move on, and leave all these pieces of The Play behind.  Trump has major pieces to play.  He needs to put them into play.  The NWO crowd are getting just too arrogant, now, with this ‘traitor’ crap.  You want treason?  We’ll show you treason.
