The background.
JFK Jr. was born in 1960, and thus was (just turning) three years old when his father was assassinated, and then his uncle, Robert/RFK. He would have grown up wondering about all that. Chances are he engaged in a goodly amount of investigation into it all - wouldn’t you?? - including, perhaps, hiring private detective sources. In any event: He grows up, and - after a fling at acting (which he very much enjoyed, but which his mother discouraged, wanting better things for her handsome Kennedy son, albeit obviously somewhat fearful for any future for him in politics) - becomes a lawyer and journalist, and starts a magazine - called, curiously enough, ‘George’ - and reaches a goodly age of maturity in fine shape. When, in 1999, he - not only with the ‘charisma’ of being a Kennedy, but having it, with very good looks - is beginning to be touted to run for the U.S. Senate from the state of New York, and - who knew? - possibly using that as a stepping-stone for a run for the presidency. All of which whoever killed his father - and his uncle as well, very possibly; both from behind the curtain of the ‘official’ stories - would, shall we say, take offense to. To let sleeping dogs lie, and all that.
And Hillary was also being touted for a run for the Senate for that very same seat…
Hill and Bill. A very ambitious couple. Politically. And financially…
Bill just having finished his two-term stint in the Oval Office. For, it was beginning to appear, the very same gang - call them the Cabal; aka the Illuminati - that the Bushes were affiliated with. And the father - George H.W. (there’s that ‘George’ again….) - having been mentioned in a memo from FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover in relation to his father’s assassination (as with the CIA, and giving a report on the 'incident'). And the son, George W., being touted for a run himself at the presidency in 2000.
Neither the Clintons nor the Bushes very keen about substantial competition for the offices that they were looking to run for. And especially not competition that might well not let sleeping dogs lie, regarding the death of JFK especially…
Now. Two stories, on the Internet, aka the (admittedly CIA disinfo-prone) alternative media. Both involving the same event: that being a trip via private plane that JFK Jr. was going to take, and as the pilot thereof, with his pregnant wife and her sister, from the state of New Jersey up to Martha’s Vineyard, off the coast of Massachusetts. A factor here is that JFK Jr. had broken an ankle and was just coming off crutches. The first story on the alt media: George H.W. and Bush Jr. were (purportedly) seen hanging around JFK Jr.’s plane before he and his party arrived at the airport for their trip. The conjecture: They could have attached an explosive device to the plane’s undercarriage, set to detonate when the plane descended to a certain altitude on its approach to its destination.
An important footnote at this point, in two parts: First: The secret society that both Bushes had been members of at Yale during their college years, i.e., Skull & Bones, required its members to engage in some sort of illegal activity, as a form of initiation rite, in order that they could always be under the thumb of The Society in the later, very successful (as manipulated) years of its alumni. So the Bushes would not be above any activity to advance their ambitions. Lie, cheat, steal. Even kill. Were categories of activity all in potential play for the Bushes. And secondly: JFK had, shortly before his assassination, in a speech railed against "secret societies," as being “repugnant” to a free society.
Quite a one-two combination going against the fallen hero’s son…
The other story is even more intriguing.
It is based on the idea-presented-as-fact that JFK Jr., (as I said above) just coming out of a cast on a broken ankle, and being known to be a very cautious pilot, had arranged for another pilot to take him and his party on the trip. The story here is that with that pilot somehow under Mk-Ultra control (those mind-control abilities starting to be more widely known about at the time), as he started the plane’s descent into the landing pattern that evening, he instead took it into a sudden dive into the water, just off the coast. The story descends further into the realm of improbability, but still possibility, given the circumstances in life in the U.S. in those dark days - and continuing into our time - by stating that a naval vessel was off the coast, at the ready, and when the plane went into the sea, (a segment of) the U.S Navy sent frogmen after it, who took the pilot out before rescue ships got there, to make it look as though JFK Jr. was at the controls when whatever happened, happened.
Supportive facts to this take on the event: 1) Rescue ships were delayed in getting to the site, for quite some time, for somewhat suspicious reasons. (And also: the U.S. Navy had already proven its susceptibility to being corrupted at the Gulf of Tonkin incident, when and whereby LBJ - also involved, at least peripherally, in the assassination of JFK Sr. - succeeded in taking the U.S. into war with North Vietnam. To the delight of our erstwhile masters, the New World Order crowd. Part of which is the MIC; and part of which is the ‘secret society’ crowd, that JFK started warning against.) And 2) A switch on the control board of the plane involved in its dive was reportedly found set in a position that would have required the pilot to do it deliberately, not as human error.
Unsupportive fact: It would hinge on the testimony of the air traffic controller at the small airport from where JFK Jr.’s plane took off; a potential weak link in the plot. But then, these things can be arranged, too. For example: What was the testimony of the fellow in the control tower at the parking lot adjacent to Dealey Plaza in Dallas when the president’s motorcade passed through it? He would have had a bird’s-eye view of all that went on at the instant of the assassination, and leading up to it, as regards potential human movement behind the fence at the well-known grassy knoll; and in its aftermath, with a perp potentially climbing into the trunk of a car parked there, and being driven off unobtrusively later. Or whatever actually took place there at that nation-shaking time. So: important evidence, either way. But nothing was ever made of whatever that person might have shared with some inquiring reporter at the time, or afterwards. And thus is the power of the MSM to control the narrative…*
Will we ever know the truth about any of this??
- With a new factor now having entered the picture, as regards the - supposed - death of JFK Jr. Are you sitting down??? Try this on for mental size.
To appreciate this, you need to be aware of the business on the social media about a source calling itself ‘Q’ - individual or group - as apparently having an inside ‘seat at the table’ of the Trump administration, with plenty of evidences pointing to that fact. (E.g., closeups of the pen on Pres. Trump’s desk in the Oval Office with which he has just signed some piece of legislation or E.O. or other; photos taken from Air Force One; etc.) The ‘Q’ posts have made an ‘issue’ of repeating the refrain ‘Where We Go One We Go All’ (WWGOWGA). Where is that salutation from??
It turns out that it is associated with JFK Sr.'s boat.
So far, no big deal; right? I mean, it has been known -with photos to attest to the fact - that Trump and JFK Jr. were buddies, at least of a sort. But then…but then……
Let’s back up a bit, and take a look at this whole thing from a short distance, to see beyond the dots to the picture. If you were JFK Jr., and had come across enough info to know that some very powerful people were behind the assassination of your dad - and that it was all part of an even larger plot, involving the entire world - and you were both outraged and stunned by the largeness of the ‘plot’ - what would you do? You might want to get even, of a sort - at least to bring the perps to justice. And you had good looks, and ‘the Kennedy charisma,’ and could try to get into a position of power via the political process. But with their obvious power, you may well not be able to be allowed to even get your first political venture off the ground. So - what do you do about the matter??
You know you need political power to bring justice to bear in the matter - the specific matter, of the assassination of your father (and your uncle), and the larger matter, of these evil people’s attempted takeover of the entire world, in their heinous totalitarian New World Order, long planned for. But you undoubtedly would never be able to bring about the desired result directly.
So, you would need a surrogate.
Someone you could trust.
And that the U.S. military would trust. Those parts of it that you could trust, to honor their oaths, and come to the defense of the United States, against all its enemies, foreign and domestic.
And someone who was strong enough to bear up under the expected ‘slings and arrows’ of this very powerful bloc of people, who had - obviously - the control of the main part of the MSM behind them.
Enter Donald J. Trump; and the alternative media.
And enter you, behind the scenes. Having faked your death, to live to fight another day. And hiding behind a nom de plume, that happens to be in the shape of your father’s gravesite. But giving out just enough in the way of hints, to have some fun out of it.
Out of helping to take down some very evil people on the planet.
And even ‘hiding in plain sight’, by taking the risk of 'appearing' behind candidate Trump in a campaign event (which the frustrated actor in JFK Jr. would have enjoyed immensely). In disguise, of course.
The disguise of a man nineteen years older than the public last saw. In his young adulthood. As a vibrant, and obvious, Kennedy. With all that going for him.
And against him.
At the time.
But, given some time. And work behind the scenes. To bring about a better world:
Enter - amazingly - and very possibly -
John F. Kennedy, Junior. Ready, now, to come forward. Now that enough evidence has been accumulated, to put away these denizens of the Dark side for a good long while.
And let the light shine. On not just a new America.
But a New World.
P.S. And yes, what about the wife and sister-in-law.
We’ll see.
But it makes for a cracking story.
And a desire to see these evil people at the helm of our ship of state get theirs. Who are engaging - having been engaged, for long enough - in the likes of lying. Cheating. Stealing. Even killing. And even child sex trafficking, and ritual sacrificing. To assuage their satanic bloodlust.
If JFK Jr. has, indeed, ‘risen from the dead’ to avenge all this:
More power to him.
Or, at the least,
to his spirit.
P.P.S. Am I, like the person on the alt media to whom I am indebted for the lead on this potential story-with-legs, blowing JFK Jr.'s cover?? I don't think so. Because, you see,
it's time.
* I trust that you have read enough about that incident by now to know that the truth has yet to come out about it; with many books on the subject, and many posts on the Internet regarding it and the falseness of the official narrative.
These people whom we are up against, wanting to take over this country, as a key part of their plans for a totalitarian superstate controlling the entire world, being very powerful, to the point of controlling the bulk of the MSM - and now, making moves to control the ‘social media’ as well, and censor any even just ‘conservative’ postings.
It’s outrageous. And it will not stand.
So to speak.
And speaking of the air traffic controller at the airport: It has beeb reported, on the alt media, that the JFK Jr. flight was delayed for forty-five minutes in wait for the pilot to get there. This should be easily checked out with said controller. Would have been, at the time. Any report in the MSM on this matter?