Thursday, 26 July 2018

I Have Heard It Said...

…that we should go easy on the illegal aliens; that after all, even if a lot of them are on welfare rolls of various kinds, others are working and paying taxes, doing the kinds of work that ‘others’ - meaning American citizens - won’t do.  There are a number of responses that a person of interest - meaning an American citizen - could make to these sorts of argument; but I want here to concentrate on just one aspect of this whole caper: how IAs are being flooded into this country and onto voter registration rolls, and thereby are skewing our electoral results, towards a permanent leftist bias.* 

The bottom line: The New World Order crowd needs them, to establish their totalitarian state in and on this country - 24/7 surveillance, EMFs keeping the populace mentally pacified, and even physically weakened, and even killable outright - all this and more going on, at the behest of our erstwhile masters.  Who are not of this world; are just using some totally co-opted humans to run their show for them.  Who have lost sight of the fact that 

We Are All One, in essence.  On individual missions; sent out to learn various lessons.  And then bring the fruits of those missions back to 

the Whole.  To make it stronger for the experiences of its parts.


And wiser.      

And hopefully, we are at a major point of having learned major lessons, now.  One of which is

not to give our personal power over to others.  Our power, as ‘pieces of the continent, parts of the main’.  Of our 

Most Holy Being.  Having given us the opportunity to go exploring, on our seeming own.  And then return to the fold.

Or not.

Our choice.  

The Whole the greater for the exercise, in some ways.

And the lesser in others.  

The particular of that outcome being up to


*As James O’Keefe of Project Veritas has just pointed out in a letter to his supporters, one of their “hard-hitting investigations” showed:
   “High-powered Democrat operatives openly discussing a massive voter fraud scheme in 2016.  As everyone who watched the videos saw, they were scheming to take advantage of Wisconsin’s lack of a voter ID law to rig the results of the election.  They even bragged about bussing in people from out-of-state and renting cars with local license plates to avoid looking suspicious!  (Emphases in original) 
    And then there are the outright ‘illegals’ who infest the voter reg rolls in my home state of California, having disenfranchised me and other American citizens living in this state, because of this state’s lack of a) voter ID requirement, and b) proper cleaning of the voter reg rolls.  As required by
   (O’Keefe again: “In 2016 alone, some reports estimate that three million votes were casts by illegal immigrants!” )
   So much for the left’s argument about ‘voter suppression’.  Right.  You mean illegal voter suppression.  Your forgot a qualifying word in there, gang.
   N.B. And to note that the ‘leftist bias’ bit is just a tactic.  The real PTB are the statists on the other side of the political aisle.  The comparatively few families who have wanted to dominate the world - and have been angling towards that goal - for a very long time.\
   And thus, to continue.

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