(A friend has sent me an article from the Gateway Pundit on what Putin had to say, and may have had to say to Trump privately, regarding the ’Russian collusion’ thing. How the NWO crowd are concerned, because Russia under Putin is standing in the way of their NWO ambitions, and they need to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Russia, not allow an accommodation between them to take place.
From thegatewaypundit.com: ‘Deep State is in a Panic Fearing Putin Shared with Trump Devastating Information Not Yet Reported’ - Joe Hoft - July 17. My friend wondered if its info would reach the MSM. My response:)
1) You DO cast a wide net in your 'surfing OF the net'. You are to be commended for it, esp. in this day of a mostly monopolized, and propagandic, MSM. As to the latter:
2) We have now seen how the MSM has played the T-P press conference. Not a word about Putin's bombshell, of $400 million of dodgy money having been sent to the Clinton Foundation for Hillary's election campaign [actually, it went directly to it], with the help of some U.S. people, read intel agencies. It's all about Trump's "treason" for questioning U.S. intel agencies' reports on (purported) Russian collusion in the U.S. elections. Well, yes. It just happened to be Russian money sent to Hillary - not to Trump's campaign. Oh, well. A mere detail. The REAL story is what we MSM minions of the Deep State are making it: how Trump is such a terrible terrible person, etc. etc. etc.
It's disgusting. But very revealing.
Here’s the translation of Putin’s comments on this subject (I don’t think this will be found anywhere in the MSM). After commenting that he/they would look into the allegations regarding the 12 Russians under indictment by the DOJ - a dodgy case, thrown in by Rod Rosenstein to attempt to cover any bad/for them fallout that might take place at the T-P Summit; which in any case happened under Obama’s watch - Putin started talking (cleverly) about what all his people could look into regarding the subject, of ‘interference’ or 'meddling’ in the U.S. elections:
“For instance, we can bring up Mr. Browder, in this particular case. Business associates of Mr. Browder have earned over $1.5 billion in Russia and never paid any taxes neither in Russia or the United States and yet the money escaped the country. They were transferred to the United States. They sent [a] huge amount of money, $400,000,000 as a contribution to the campaign of Hillary Clinton. Well that’s their personal case. It might have been legal, the contribution itself but the way the money was earned was illegal. So we have solid reason to believe that some [US] intelligence officers accompanied and guided these transactions. So we have an interest in questioning them.”
Touche, Pres. Putin.
A further comment.
I am aware that there is a case - made in a couple of books by ex-Communist Russians; one of which is titled ‘The Perestroika Deception’ by one A. Golitsyn - that the Soviets, aware that they were in deep trouble financially, planned to pretend that they quit the Cold War, in order to lull the West into sleep, and then pounce on them/us when they had recovered; and this take on things has led a number of Western conservative commentators to be very suspicious of Putin, who as well has a KGB background. I take their point. And he has met with arch-NWO elitist H. Kissinger. But I have also watched a number of his presentations to various groups; and I 'get' his sincerity, on looking out for Russia’s interests. Not the former Soviet/U.S.S.R.'s interests. And I have seen a video of him visiting an island monastery, and talking about his Christian belief. So a conclusion could be made, as Margaret Thatcher said to RR about Gorbachev: “We can do business with this man.”
And, this is a game of chess. Not checkers. For example: The U.S.’s propagandic MSM seems almost over-the-top in disparagement of Putin/Russia. As in possibly ’protesting too much’. As in ‘Whatever you do, Brer Bear, don’t throw me into the briar patch.’
So: We’ll see.
P.S. The atheistic/satanic/colectivist NWO crowd see a dialectical process going on.
I agree.
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