Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Will The Real Thing Please Step Forward

(A friend has sent me a copy of David Wilcock's latest posting, as reprinted at the Collective Evolution site, and asked me a) what I thought of it, and b) did I know of any more 'mainstream' sources for this sort of info.  My response:)

1) Yes, I have followed - off and on - David Wilcock for many years, have a couple of his books (and watched his series on Gaia until they changed their settings and it blocked me from accessing the site).  He seems to have his finger on a lot of truth.  But his 'deep source' info is only as good as his sources; and who knows what side they are on.  The possibility of a 'limited hangout' comes to mind. 

2) Other sources are saying the same sorts of thing that he is touching on.  As for more mainstream or not: the only more mainstream source that I know of is the person/group called Q, who is obviously deeply embedded in the Trump White House camp.  (There was  question about a change in this source in around December; but there has been verification of 'his' embedment in that camp recently, from pictures taken on POTUS's trips, etc., and so confirmation that that source is still the real thing.  Incidentally, I had thought that there were some clues some months ago that gave away the 'Q' person as being Donald J. Trump Jr. - the figures 4-10-20 were given, standing for Donald J. Trump, and then there followed, at least once in those postings, the figures '4-10-20-10', as I recall.  But no one else following those postings has picked up on this, so I may be mistaken.)  'Q' has alluded to a major 'revelation' to come forth, and soon.  And obviously, if the NESARA/GESARA thing is for real, Trump would have to be in on the matter.  So - we'll see.  And soon.

3) Sites that follow all this stuff are: X22Report; Jordan Sather/Destroying the Illusion (a young guy, on top of a lot of this stuff, including the 'health' angle); praying medic; American Intelligence Media (a man and a woman, who call themselves 'Thomas Paine' and 'Betsy,' not their real names.  'Thomas' is a very knowledgeable guy); Lt. Col. Roy Potter; Isaac Green (another young guy, very sincere); and, of course, Alex Jones and his team at Infowars/prison planet.  Some people deep into all this stuff think that Jones is a limited hangout/disinfo source, but I think that take on him is mostly from trolls, trying to diss him because he has been so up front for so many years in helping people see behind the curtain.  Of which, there has been a very big one; to the point that most of what We the People think we know about many subject areas is false.  And the MSM is particularly responsible for that smokescreen.  So much for 'a free press'.  It has been free to propagandize us for years and years.

But don't let me get started.  Anyway: Well spotted on the Collective Evolution article.  We indeed live in interesting times.


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