Theodore ‘Ted’ Santini - ‘The Great Santini,’ some of his friends called him, from a book during the time of their growing-up (as some others, closer of his friends, who knew things about him that others didn’t, called him ‘Teddy’ after another character of the reading material of their youth, back in the days when kids read books for their pleasure, and edification, and sometimes took notes in the margins) - knew that something was up when he heard his ‘own’ words coming back at him from a fellow retiree whom he occasionally met in their local park, for some time in the Southern California sun, usually each with a book in tow. This day his friend complained about being tired all the time now, and depressed, and just wanted it “all over”. Ted listened and, alerted at the use of the very words he himself could have uttered if he had been the first in the conversation to bring up the subject, instantly looked around for the possible Wi-Fi antennas that were cloaked in their neighborhood; capable, he knew from all the reading that he had continued to engage in all through his life, and also augmented these days with time spent on the Internet and its treasures for the interested, of not only receiving and sending out Wi-Fi signals for people’s TVs and cell phones and the Smart Meters that filled the neighborhoods these days and the like, but also monitoring people’s thoughts, and even manipulating them - a two-way street, then, that our erstwhile masters had created. To control us Totally.
What he didn’t know at the time was how the agenda extended to filling the environment not only with all manner of EMFs but even with nanoparticles, in our food and water and soil, and even in the air itself; so that he was already undoubtedly 'chipped'. He had tried to be careful, in his retired life, about what he ate and drank, having read about how our em’s had developed ‘vaccines’ - and their other ingredients - that could be administered via those vectors. But who knew how invasive The Takeover had become???
He had taken the precautions that he knew anything about. About how bad it had become, in human society, at the hands of our erstwhile New World Order masters. Had, for example, never taken one of the flu vaccines that the elderly especially were continually being admonished to take - and almost being browbeaten to do so, as though they were threats to society if they didn’t - because he had happened to come across an article on the Internet about how some israeli researchers had developed a nanoparticle for vaccines (as s precursor for all manner of such sinister creations that had proliferated since): a bacteriophage with a Star-of-David hexagonal ‘head,’ as if arrogantly identifying its creators, ‘in plain sight’; a ‘chip’, then, that could be used for many things, including killing the recipient on electronic command.* But as aware as he was, he was not fully aware of the appalling extent of the takeover that had already taken place. How humankind’s erstwhile masters were well into establishing a parallel reality; a quantum simulation, in which to imprison human awareness, firstly, and then take over totally, via (transgenderism leading ineluctably to) transhumanism, and slowly, step by Fabian-like step, eliminating the last ‘bits’ of Human altogether from their desired robots, and converting life on Earth fully to their whim and will - presumably to thumb their noses at the real Creator, and say, in their complete rebellion, ’See? See what WE can do???’
Forgetting, apparently, that life itself is a simulation. And so theirs would be a simulation within a simulation. And the larger reality would be infinitely more capable of knowing what they were up to, than they had achieved. And would not allow Humans to be completely cut off from access to their larger awareness, larger field of knowing.
Knowing, that we incarnates are in a classroom, the purpose of which is to graduate from it. And go exploring in a, the, larger reality. Which our erstwhile masters are, by their own hand, cut off from.
The plan of our erstwhile masters is, was to eliminate free will, for all but themselves, and gloat at their accomplishment.
Free will is going to end, alright.
Only the Right way.
As humanity - those who ‘make the grade’ - graduate to a higher ‘classroom’. Where only the higher degrees of consciousness can resonate with that particular field. and so remain in/access it.
And so those who are ready for the next stage of the Experience - starting in the elementary school of Separation and Duality, and the Learning therefrom - choose to move on. And leave this realm the envisioned way. And leave the machinations of such as their erstwhile masters behind. Being on their way, now, to more fulfilling pastures green.
And these, our erstwhile masters?
Ah, well.
Leave them to heaven.
They have, after all,
served a purpose.
Just a larger One than they have envisioned.
* Leading Tim to believe, upon reading about it, that ‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’ were not, then, after all, a forgery, of the Russian czarist government; were a statement of intent for the Zionist Jews to take over. Not just 'The Land between the Two Rivers' - the Nile and the Euphrates; as advertised, according to 'the street' interpretation, in plain sight on the Israeli state flag. (There is another, more formal interpretation of those blue bands than that. But it is what is in people's minds in these matters that counts; in this case, the Zionist concept of Eretz israel - Greater israel.) But the entire world. For their off-world Master’s pleasure; and theirs. Feeling the right to 'rule the roost,' as they had done once, as pharaohs in part of Egypt.
Ted decided to wait until some of their ‘straight’ ethnic brethren took them to task before he himself would take any action.
At least, he thought that he had decided that.
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