Tuesday, 31 July 2018

'But How Do You REALLY Feel'...

…About Hypocrisy

I don’t watch television.  I have better things to do with my time.  Like, pick my nose.  But the latest issue of the Media Research Center’s monthly newsletter, Watchdog, has caught me up with quite an eyeful, and earful.  (And which has confirmed the wisdom of my lifestyle choice.)

I see that a so-called comedienne and sometime political commentator, one Samantha Bee, took after Ivanka Trump to “do something about your dad’s immigration practices, you feckless cunt.  He listens to you.”

A couple of observations.  First, those would be his predecessor’s ‘immigration practices,” I presume?  With the pictures that got flooded into the MSM (yes, I see some of all that, on the alt media) having come from BHO’s time in the office??  (His purloined time in the office.  But to continue.)  And secondly, I presume that that is what goes for humor in liberal circles these benighted days?  A rather raunchy form of humor, that relies more on shock than on cleverness???

But then the article also pointed out how the liberal media made it all out to be - drumroll for the punch line - Trump’s fault.  For having coarsened the public atmosphere with his “earthy demeanor”.  Umm.  That would primarily be directed at a private conversation that he had with a fellow bloke, who was unmanly enough to leak it to the press?  All’s fair in love and politics, and all that??  

And so who else of you wishes to cast stones??  And have what you have said or done in private become public, to be used against you???…

Ah.  But that isn’t all that this is all about.  An old canard has surfaced in the matter.  The article quotes one of the liberal media’s talking heads, NBC’s Chuck Todd: “At the end of the day - how is it that the president is not responsible for this tone?  You know, you can’t help and say it starts at the top.  He regularly berates and mocks the looks of any of us.”

Ah yes - that ‘mocking’ business.  Which the MSM is still using, and hanging on to, I see, to berate the president with, long past its disclosure date, for having been a false charge.*  That story: Candidate Trump made a campaign speech in which he fluttered his hands in describing some people getting all uptight about something or other that he said, and doing so in a way that is a characteristic of his way of talking, which some of his liberal media enemies seized on, in constantly looking for ways to spin stories against The Donald, by accusing him, in doing his rather trademark thing, of “mocking” a disabled reporter (who, in the event, has a permanently bent wrist; no fluttering of hands involved).  But as they say, a lie can be half way around the world before the truth can get its shoes on to try to catch up with it; and in this case, Meryl Streep, in accepting an award on prime-time TV for something or other at that time, used that story to beat Trump over the head with.  She may have some excuse for not have found out about the truth of the matter by the time that she used that club on Trump; but a year later, when she was again on prime-time TV for another award ceremony, she had the opportunity to set the matter right.  And she failed to.

Now, there is a feckless cunt for you. 

And that goes for all the media bitches on the Left who are spinning the truth of matters to berate Pres. Trump with, just because he beat out their gal, Hillary, for the office.  

Whom it is taking some time for the truth, in all its shocking colors, to catch up with.  But catch up with her, it will, and is.

And not before time.

But then, not much of a story there...... 

* And as chimed in with by Ten Media’s Larry Hackett on ABC’s Good Morning America when he told host George Stephanopouios “that Trump’s failure to apologize in the past is ‘one of the reasons that we’re in this place we’re in now’.”


As to how I feel about how long it is taking the White Hats to get all their ducks in a row: 

from YouTube: ‘The FISA Push Is Here, It Will Bring Down The House - Episode 1626b’ - X22Report - July 31
(Close, but no cigar…)

1 second ago (August 1)

With all due respect, the Deep State can't be allowed to continue much longer.  They apparently have access to nukes, and, they seem also to still be in charge of the likes of Weather Warfare activity (think DEW weapons) and Chemtrails.  They cannot be allowed to hang onto power much longer, or extensive tragedy will ensue.  Bring them to justice with what we've got on them; it's enough to do the job, and to corral as many of them as necessary.  The rest then will be out of power, and can be dealt with with mopping-up operations.


But then, what do I know.........

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