Thursday, 5 July 2018

Further On The Threshold

A friend has sent me a link to an article describing “a unique way to peacefully register outrage”: Some ‘activists’ in the UK are going to greet DJT on his upcoming visit to their turmoiled isle with a huge balloon depiction of a crybaby Trump.  Their position: He is a hateful guy with “a hateful agenda,” including his position on - wait for it - “immigrants”.  Tell me this group isn’t part of the NWO mob…My response:
‘It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't so false, not just biased, about Trump's "hateful agenda" and all.  This business of giving DJT a hard time about such as "immigrants" - and using pictures taken in 2014 to do it with (funny, I don't remember any outcry against Obama over them) - is simply scurrilous.  A calumny.  Disgusting stuff.  It's the No Borders crowd doing their propagandic thing; and many of them snickering knowingly like satanists as they do it.  There is a proverbial special place in hell for such people. 

‘And how come no outrage is being directed at the illegal aliens who use children as pawns, human shields, to try to help them in their attempts to get away with sneaking into the country??  And many of them are not even their own children.  But we never seem to hear about any of this sort of info from our MSM.  Curious, that.  Not.


‘Don't get me started.    


This person also sent me today an article about the possibility of ‘the Snowden issue’ being brought up in the upcoming meeting between DJT and Putin, with the article also referring to Assange, in regards to a meeting of VP Pence with the govt. of Ecuador.  My response:

‘Both Snowden and Assange need to be given their freedom, wherever.  Snowden was/is an American hero, for whistleblowing on an out-of-control federal government, in order to help bring it back into alignment with its higher 'self,' not its baser one, of all the NWO crap that has been going on for far too long now.  I'm not sure about the advice that DJT gets from his circle of advisers.  They apparently led him to believe that Pres. Assad was involved in those false flag gas 'attacks' in Syria, when they were all the work of the CIA & other elements (MI6, and Saudi intelligence and Mossad) working to destabilize the Assad government (not 'regime;' it was duly elected); so he may not be amenable to sanctuary back here in the States for Snowden.  A shame.  

‘We really need to get rid of these people who are in charge of things these days, behind the scenes, and often in front of it, like the MSM.  It's past time.

‘And I ain't getting any younger.  And I'm here to see such a change into being.  So get with it, people.  Dammit.   


‘P.S. As you can see, I'm not a very happy camper these days.  Even if I do understand - or at least, believe - that better days are ahead.  But they seem to be taking a vey dangerous time coming into being.

‘But I guess, that comes with The Process:

‘that it all has to come to a head, for change to take place.  

‘Here's hoping that that evolutionary state isn't very far off.’ 

All of this, interestingly enough, in connection with an occurrence when I was sitting in the sun yesterday, overlooking the ocean, reading a book, with the park behind me chock-a-block with families all prepared to wait for the evening’s fireworks display from the Queen Mary and the Long Beach Parks & Recreation Department people, who between them put on quite a display, as I have witnessed since my time back here in retirement mode.  An elderly fellow passing by on the walkway happened to stop and ask me (for whatever reason; a kindred spirit??) what I was reading, which so happened to be a collection of the essays of Marcus Tullius Cicero, titled ‘How To Run A Country,’ subtitled ‘An Ancient Guide for Modern Leaders’.  He stopped for a short chat.  It turned out that he was retired from a professorship at Long Beach State College, and was familiar with Cicero, whose time, in just pre-Christian Rome, in the middle of changing from the Republic to the Empire, was so similar to our time.  His ’take’ on things was that we seemed to be rather doomed by the part of our brains that is reptilian, and that Trump had a “coarseness” to him that was cheapening the office, and helping himself to have such a negative outlook on the possibility of humanity ever rising above its sordid state.  I expressed a bit of a different take on things, opining (with Teilhard de Chardin) that ‘we are spiritual beings having a human experience,’ and trusting that better days were ahead.  He departed with a handshake, and expressed the wish that I were right about the future, because he certainly wasn’t all that sanguine about it..

And with it all, I have to admit that I’m not all that certain of things, after all.  Yes, we are such beings.  (As I said to him, the reptilian brain is only part of our “vehicle,” is not wholly in charge of things.)  But can we make it through the limitations of the ‘vehicle’??  Or are we just going to experience the past all over again, not having learned our lessons from it???  

We shall see.

And very soon.

Either way. 

P.S. I didn’t stay to watch the fireworks.  Been there.  Done that.  Not feeling up to that sort of thing, these days.
   These threshold days.

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