1) A former CIA guy turned whistleblower, and particularly going after the corruption of Hillary and her Pay for Play doings with the Clinton Foundation, is being harassed and threatened by parties unknown. Well, so to speak.
2) Fw: The Memes Explain Russiagate better than the Media Does
(An article, appearing on a few of the conservative sites that I take, showing some cartoons etc. Forwarded to a friend who is interested in all things going on these days. My comment:)
"A good summary of the Russiagate/'Russian Collusion Delusion' thing. I would only say, to one of the memes, that it wasn't Russian hackers who sent the DNC emails to Wikileaks, but an insider (as evidence points to), and was most likely Seth Rich, who got whacked for it. (In a very foul set of circumstances, involving as well the local police, and some intel agency types, who got to him in the hospital, when he was on his way to recovery after surgery.) But otherwise, a good set of comments on the matter.
"We live in disgusting times. A huge number of people have lost the plot, in getting caught up in their own.
"We live in disgusting times. A huge number of people have lost the plot, in getting caught up in their own.
3) And an oldie but goodie, and still, of course, in play:
from YouTube/X22Report: ‘A Week To Remember, Dark To Light - Episode 1620b’ - July 21
(A general discussion on what is going on politically, including an immunity deal offered to the Podestas.)
9 hours ago (July 21)
if Obama was an illegitimate president than all the immunity isn't valid.
June Martin great! How so?
5 hours ago (July 21)
It would mean his entire Presidency was invalid and the actions of the administration were invalid. All actions.
1 second ago (July 22)
Absolutely. Fruit from a poisoned tree. All the legislation that he signed into law, all the E.O.'s and P.D.'s that he issued, all the appointments that he made - including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts (and thus all the decisions that his appointees figured crucially in) - all erased. To go with him into the dust bin. For it to be as though he had never been in that thus-dishonored office. For, he was never there legally.
How so? Because he was/is not a "natural born" citizen. Which is a higher mark for a candidate for the office of POTUS to have to merit than other federal offices; for good reasons, mostly to do with being as well, then, the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces. The definition of a NBC as understood by the constitutional Framers (for which there is ample historical evidence) is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof. The whole POINT of the exercise being to make sure that the occupant of that office has NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES. Has SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the U.S. (in this case). And The People having let the usurper Obama slip in there has proven the wisdom of the Framers on the issue.
The consequences of which include the need for both major political parties to be brought to (proper, Common Law) court on RICO-statute charges, for colluding in the matter, found guilty, fined, their authorities imprisoned, and the parties themselves dissolved, for being the criminal entities that they have proven to be (and not only in this matter). And Congress dissolved as well, for failing to do their constitutional duty, as regards the illegality of one of the three branches of the federal government. And we go from there, in re-establishing the federal constitutional Republic of the U.S. of A. On a better base than before, in rooting out all corruption. That's how big a deal this issue is.
And we wait. For the next shoe to drop.
Not that it's a shoe-in thing. We do, after all, have free will in this realm.
But regardless:
the Light wins out in the end.
Because it is
the Light.
And everything else is but of the shadow.
Of, in a word:
the Play.
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