Sunday, 29 July 2018

On Which End Of The Dog To Believe

On The One Hand...

we have the bark - as exemplified by the likes of Dave Hodges of his The Common Sense Show; who sees civil war happening at any time, and is prone to indicating how the Red Chinese and the MS-13 gang members and ISIS sleeper cells are likely to be involved, in both a Red Dawn scenario and a Blue Dawn one, i.e., in regards to the latter, insurrection - violence - from within.*

And On The Other Hand...

we have the wagging tail of the likes of Steve Beckow's The Golden Age of Gaia, with its very upbeat take on things, from a spiritual point of view, as exemplified by various channelers, in preparing us for a, well, golden future.

How can both scenarios be right?

Can both scenarios be right?

Well - in a word: Yes.  In a free-will realm of possibilities and probabilities.  Like the one that we are in as we speak.  And as part of a Process, unfolding, into a Synthesis, and Completion.  If the high road is taken by, and for, humanity.

What's my take on it all??

A hint:

I didn't incarnate at this time to waste my time.

And make of your options - your possibilities and probabilities - what you will.

But you had better be quick about your decisions.  Because

things are coming to a head.

Or the end of the 'tail'.

Take your pick.


* In relation to part of that overall scenario; this:

from ‘The Blue Dawn Will Precede the Red Dawn Invasion of the United States: Trump and Putin Are Both In Danger’ - Dave Hodges - July 27/8
(The Red Dawn being an invasion of the Chinese flowing through their ‘beachheads’ in such as California’s ports and farmland, the latter being bought up by the Chinese at sale prices because of all the fires and drought (Weather Warfare, anyone??); and the Blue Dawn being a state of chaos in the States with all the MS-13 gangs and ISIS sleeper-cell terrorists and Soros-financed Antifa goons and Hollywood attempts to start race riots leading the way for societal disruption.  All to pave the way for the UN to come in, under the Kigali Principles.  See my comment below.)

StanS July 29, 2018 at 12:17 am
(Your comment is awaiting moderation.) 

One thing it would pay to clarify, Dave, is regarding “the Kigali Principles”. You say that BO made us a signatory to a treaty there, that no subsequent president can undo. That doesn’t seem to make sense. 1) If it’s a treaty, it needs to be voted on by the Senate. 2) If it’s an Executive Order, it can be rescinded. Please explain.


N.B. We are actually already in a state of civil war.  When President Trump's Commission on Election Integrity attempted to obtain the voter registration rolls in each state, which would show how many illegal aliens were in fact voting in elections, they were blocked by the states with a Democrat Party government.  (And so the liberals can claim that the charge that our voter rolls are packed with the names of illegal aliens - and other ineligible voters - cannot be proven.  Sweet.  And as corrupt as things can get.  Need, to get.  For sterner measures to come into play.  And only so to speak.)
     What needs to happen is one step at a time: the federal government first declaring that any state that will not allow the federal government to check their voter reg rolls for non-citizen and other unlawful names on them (there is already a law on the books that requires the states to cleanse their voter rolls; which some of them are flouting, and so are in a state of criminality) will forfeit their votes for federal offices and issues, and thus incur lawsuits by their lawful American citizens, for being disenfranchised, through the actions and fault of their state government.  And the federal government will support said lawsuits.
     And no court of law that has Obama appointees on it shall be sitting in judgment on the matter, because that state of criminality will be taken care of at the same time.  Another, though allied, aspect to this matter. 
     This matter, of a state of insurrection/insubordination going on in the country, and which has been going on, for long enough.  Time for things to be set to rights in this country.
     As part of the setting-to-rights of things in the world in general.
     But to continue.

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