Wednesday, 4 July 2018

On The Great Working-Out

It pained me to see a violent clash between elements of Antifa and patriots on the screens of our senses yesterday.  But I accept that it is, and has been, all a part of our outworking towards a, the, Synthesis:

of the sense of community, of common unity, emphasizing equality, on the one hand - from the Left, of politics - and the sense of individual sovereignty, emphasizing liberty, on the other hand - from the political Right.  Actually, between them, the same principles as espoused in the founding documents of this nation; and emphasizing E Pluribus Unum -

Out of Many, One.

And understanding - contrary to the likes of the French Revolution, and in accordance with the lessons hopefully learnt therefrom, and its aftermath in what has been called The Reign of Terror - that the end doesn’t justify the means; that as ye sow, so shall ye reap.  That we are, first and foremost, ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’ - all in this experience together, from the same starting point.  Not dumb animals climbing painfully, step by arduous step, out of the darkness of our higher-primate instincts, of territoriality and survival and competition, into the light of a New Day.  It is a New Day, of course.  But we are claiming it as our fundamental legacy.  Not as something that we need to climb over others to attain to.    

We Are One, in our very essence.  Not individual survivors, in a dog-eat-dog world.  We are ‘evolving’ towards that from which we came.  On a higher turn of the spiral, is all.  The better for the experience in dense matter, near the bottom of the continuum of 

The All That Is.

Come, let us reason together.  We have a world to gain.  In the understanding - hard won - of



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